Preparing for Truvale

"Is everyone ready?"

Mina had decided to spend a few days with her friends, training in the dungeon. They had all grown stronger, yet not able to evolve just yet. Her group, having switched out Mai for Rin and Suriza choosing to stay behind with Fubuki and Melody, consisted of herself, Xander, Asahi, Rin, Chisana, and Inferna. Although larger, they felt the need for the numbers since Rin had warned them of the fact that the Elven people would know when they drew near. Wind magic working wonders on their side.

"Ah, Mina. Can you help me tie my hair back?"

Mina deftly wrapped what the natives used to tie their hair around Chisana's long hair. She had been getting hot as of late.

"Thank you. I think Inferna walked off a bit ago, she seemed troubled and sad."

Unable to see her eyes, Mina patted her head. The tiny smile on Chisana's face made her happy.

"I'll go find her, then we need to head out soon."

As Mina began to walk out the door, Fubuki appeared behind her. Her body being taller, the wolf girl set her jaw on Mina's head.

"You gonna stay longer when you come back?"

Mina reached up, rubbing her ears.

"Definitely. Got to figure out where else to go, especially for the two sins we don't know about."

Fubuki kissed Mina's cheek, causing the spirit to blush a little.

"Take care Fubuki."

As Mina left, she could hear the wagging tail behind Fubuki.

'So cute.'

Darting towards her marker for Inferna, Mina slid and fell as she nearly crashed into her. Inferna looked up, her eyes wet.

"H-hey. Everything alright?"

Inferna nodded, walking up to Mina and laying her head in her lap.

"Weird time to be cute..."

"Just for a minute. I've been... lonely. I guess. Heh... it's been ages since I've felt this sad. I miss everyone."

Mina began to stroke her hair, a soft purring coming from Inferna.

"So, you do purr?"

"Sh-shut it. It feels nice and makes me sleepy."

Inferna sat up, her face barely apart from Mina's. She turned scarlet, quickly attempting to distance herself. Mina grabbed her hand, pulling her back into her arms.

'I know she's been cool with, practically pushing me to... so maybe...'

'Mina, fucking kiss her. Kat doesn't mind, I don't mind, this kitty is practically begging for it.'

Mina turned Inferna towards her, placing her forehead against hers.


Sighing softly, Mina smiled at the red-faced girl. Inferna began to heat up a little too much as Mina leaned a little closer. She pressed her lips against Inferna's cheek, the catgirl turning away at the last second.

'Hehe. So, she's the weak one.'

Mina pulled back, coughing into her hand. Inferna turned her way, her lips suddenly attacked by Mina's. Backing off after against few seconds, Mina turned away.

"You have me. I'll always be there for you, so come to me if you need anything."

Inferna reached for Mina's hand, pulling back only to have her hand grabbed by Mina.

"Dummy. Let's go."

They began to head for their departure point, the against area Rin had chosen due to the relative safety of the area. Xander and Rin were already present, Asahi flying overhead, while Chisana came from the building behind everyone.

'This team might be overkill, Mina. It'll be fun. Hehe.'

As the team began to depart, Chisana reached for Mina's arm.

"Can I get some help? This ability makes my head hurt in daylight."

"Sure. I'll let you know if we need to move around. Hold tight."

Chisana smiled as she held Mina's arm. Her feet were steady, but she stumbled every so often when the elevation changed.

"So, to Truvale?"

The whole group began to depart, Asahi landing on Xander's extended weapon. He didn't seem to mind.

[9:41 PM]

The group was quickly eaten by the dense forest, beams of light piercing the branches as they continued to move. Inferna seemed curious, though she kept her hand interlaced with Mina's. Asahi noticed though she seemed happy that they had gotten closer.

"Rin, how long will this take?"

"Hmm. With a group this big, we should make it in two or three days. We will need to rest, eat, and recharge at least once or twice."

'Was that pun for Asahi's sake?'

'Hush, Hysteria.'

Mina tried to think of something else, though she still snickered at Hysteria's choice of time to speak.

"Ahem, so when will we enter the Elven Territory? I would assume that they would have many gifted archers and the like."

"They pride themselves ever so deeply, especially now. I think they'll be preoccupied to some extent, but the wind will tell them when we appear. After a day of walking, we should reach the earliest signs of their territory."

'Mina... do you want this one too? She's got a nice ass.'

'Hysteria! What the hell? Ugh dammit. She does, but no. I'm pretty safe with what I have.'

'Can I?'

Mina could only sigh internally, unable to comprehend Hysteria's sudden desire for relationships.


'Ya know, I've been pretty quiet about you and Kat fucking while I'm in here, so maybe I want some action.'

"Oh, dear God."

Mina spoke aloud, confusing her companions. She just shook her head, her eyes forward and ready for whatever Truvale and the elves held.


Thank you,

JScott and croix!