Chapter 6

Everything I saw was darkness...just darkeness.There was nobody....but I felt like someone was holding my hands,and as I drift to see who was it...I saw.....Lia.

I thought everything was over but I woke up....

I woke up in a white room or so called hospital...and my uncle was sleeping on the side of the bed.As I look deeply into his eyes,I noticed that he was crying and felt asleep.

When he noticed that I was moving,he woked up.

"Jake,I was so worried...what's wrong with you?"He asked.

"Your the doctor,you tell me."I said while I was laughing as if nothing is wrong with me.

"I'm a surgeon,I'm not the one assigned to you.There's a psychiatrist and her name is Dr. Lou,she's the one assigned to you and she's gonna have to ask you a few questions.Okay?"


The doctor asked me too many  questions and I only answered one thing,

         "It was nothing."

But he kept asking me what was the reason I jumped off the building.

"You jumped off the building for about 13 hours ago and you almost died.One of the hotel securities followed you because he noticed yiu were bothered and thank god,he called the station as fast as he when you were about 7 feet from the ground,the police prepared a net on the ground and I know you didn't saw it because it was dark and you also doesn't care that much.So...tell me,why did you jump?"She asked as if I was guilty about something.

I remained in silence for a while but I answered,

"I'm too depressed,I'm sure my uncle told you about my parent's accident and...that's the reason why I realized that I wanna end my life."

"Okay then."

She left but after that,she told my uncle about something.I asked my uncle what was it but my uncle said it was just about my diagnosis.He said that Dr. Lou's diagnosis is that I was experiencing anxiety.

A million thoughts was in my mind that time but I don't think any of my questions deserve an answer.

I'm scared

I didn't know what I want anymore.

I fear that.....instead that the truth would set me free,I fear that knowing the truth would lock me deep in darkness and sorrows.

Lia.....who are you?

My uncle came into my room and I asked him a question that is worthy of having an answer.

"Uncle Leo?"


"When I got here,was Lia holding my hands?"

"I don't think so but well, maybe she was.I came here as soon as I recieved a call that you were in the hospital and....nobody was with you."

In my mind,I thought that maybe Lia really is hiding from someone and I don't care.I only know one thing,I love her and I know that she loves me....because if she doesn't,she won't come at the hospital while holding my hand.

I closed my eyes while I imagined all that I remembered.After I saw the light,I saw her,she was holding my hand....and....and she gasps.

"Jake!Jake!Hold on!"

"I would never leave you."

She said that sincerely while crying...and I can't remember what happened next.All I know is that wherever she is right now,a part of me will always be hers.

I was trembling,the wind was hustling.


I heard a woman screaming my name.


And there it goes again.

I was in the middle of nowhere,everything was dark and creepy.


Someone was calling me from my back,I wanna lean but I admit that I was scared.



When I leaned,it wasn't Lia,it was mother.

"Hi jake."

She smiled at me,I missed that smile of hers.

"Hold my hand jake."

She said while trying to reach out my hand but as I was trying to hold her hand too.....she disappeared.


I cried and screamed...why did she left?

"Hi Dork!"

I leaned and saw....I saw Lia.

"I'm sorry I left you,I had to."

She was smiling and I....I tried to come near her.

"Don't Jake....don't come near me."

I felt a bit of pain when she said that.

"You don't need us anymore Jake,you don't need me anymore."

"I don't understand,why?"

"You'll have to go on your own now,you'll have to forget about us."

"Lia,what are you talking about?

Look,if something is wrong it's okay.I accept you for who you are."

I said while crying.

"Jake,I can't be with you...I just can't."

she said with a heavy heart.

"I have to leave Jake."she added











But it was just a dream,it doesn't mean anything.

