Chapter 7

5 days later,I got discharged from the hospital.

I went to school as a normal student,the doctor said that maybe I just needed someone to talk to.I maintained all of my medications,drinking it 3 times a day?All done.My uncle is too concerned about it so I better not disappoint him.

Tod was bothering me,following me all around.

"Hey man,how were you?"

"I'm good...oh and by the way,thank you for all the help."

"Oh it was nothing,as long as you keep your promise."

"I'm Jacob Ross,I always keep my promises."

"And.....he's back! HAHA"

I have to act normal,I have to act okay...but the pain I felt for Lia leaving me...won't fade that easy.

I was always out of my mind,always wandering around.Questioning myself of what I have done wrong.

I came back to the hotel just to check....if she's there.

"Hey,hope you won't jump this time!"The security told me while laughing.

"Don't worry,I won't!"

I went straight to the rooftop and I couldn't bare to feel happy when I saw that.....when I saw that the rooftop was filled with cautions.They were investigating,they have to look at every angle....and because I'm a child of a Billionare,some believe that maybe I was pushed through the edge of the rooftop which is exactly not the thing that happened.

In the rooftop...I was alone this Lia,no date,just me.All my life I thought that I was fund of being alone but no,I realized that can't live being alone.And if the world ends and I get to live,I'd like to be with the most annoying girl in the world.

Minutes passed,Hours passed,Days passed,months passed....and there was no sign of Lia....ever.

(bell rings)

As months passed by,I cut my hair short.I've decided to have a little change.I tried to read books at the library but I guess reading is not the one for me.

I'm also starting to feel comfortable not having Lia by my side but I her...with all my heart.

If she comes back then that would be better,but if she don't then....I can't do anything about it.

Well,you might as well ask if I did Tod's homework for a week.Well,yes I did.Tod and I became even closer now than we do before.He helped me a lot with all my projects too.I started to have an A+ on my grades.I've also decided not to play on girls anymore.I've changed....well,I'm still Jacob Ross but...I'm way better than the old one.

On grandmother's birthday,we celebrated at Haven Hotel and this uncle was there.

My grandparents said their sorry for letting my uncle feel that they are disappointed to have him,but the truth is...they are proud of what he had become without other people's help.

While they were talking and telling stories,I went back to the rooftop but this time...I wasn't hoping and expecting for anything.Well,the truth is....I still hope Lia was here.

"Your looking for her?"

I was startled but when I lean back,it was just my uncle

"You know,your too young to be obsessed with love."He added.


"I'm not,it's just that....this place makes me feel even more comfortable."

"Your afraid of heights aren't you?"He asked while teasing me with my once fear of heights.

"Yeahh....I once do but uhh.....I'm no longer afraid of anything.If there was one thing I feared the most,it's loosing those people I value the most."

My uncle lay his hands on my shoulders as a comfort.

Everything of me is perfect now.

My world has finally been illuminated.

I have never felt this happy before but...

it's like something is missing.

There is something more I want but I can't have.

It's like.....

There is a place I wanna go but I don't know where.

There something I wanna know but I don't know what is it.

There is someone out there I wanna meet but I don't know who.

-laugh silently-

I think I'm crazy.

Maybe my uncle was right,I shouldn't be obsessed of something that has never been mine.


Lia is....

I can't say that I own her...

I can't at all


I know one thing,

she owns me....

every single part of me.

Whatever I do,no matter how hard I try.....there will always be a space in my heart that will always be filled with Lia's love.

After the party,my uncle said goodbye to my grandparents.My uncle said that it was the best day of his life.

When we arrived home,I immediately went inside my room and changed my clothes.

I went outside and watched the moon all night.I wished that Lia was here with me.

My hands suddenly felt cold and I started to have goosebumps....and the first person I thought was Lia.

I got scared....and thought,

What if...

Lia is already

