Chapter 11

The next morning I have decided to asked Lia about the truth but before that I tried to search all the rooms at Haven Hotel that are still on net,they didn't delete it any files yet.

I searched for room 306,

There's no such thing as room 306 at Haven Hotel.

I went straight to the Royal Realm Garden to talk to her.

"Hi jake!"

"Lia,I wanna ask you about something."

"What is it?"

"Who are you?"

He stared at me and is rather doubting what to answer me.

"Jake I-I uhhh..."

"Tell me Lia!!"I said with an excessive voice.

I saw the fear in her eyes as she got frightened when I screamed at her.

"Get in the Car."


"I said get in the car!!"

She's like not listening to me and it's making me mad.I grabbed her arms,everybody was staring at me that time and I don't actually know what is going with me.Some of them even took photos and videos and I don't care.

I drive as fast I could.

"Now talk!!"

"Jacob,what is up with you?!"

"What is up with me?Tell me the truth Lia!"

"I already told you everything Jake so stop the car!!"

We screamed at each other.I was out of my mind that time and I don't know myself anymore.It's like I'm back from the old me.

"Jake,this is not you!!"

"This is the real me Lia!"

"'s not!!!"

I suddenly went slow as I saw tears coming out from her eyes.I suddenly felt guilty.

I stopped the car.

"I'm sorry Lia,I'm so sorry."

She kept crying and I while I was looking at myself from the mirror,I realized that this is not me.

I closed my eyes....I saw Mom holding my hands when I was little.I remembered my Dad saying how happy he is to have me as his son.I remembered their hugs and kisses,their advices and gifts.I never thought of it before.All I thought was that my parents are too busy and doesn't have enough time left for me buttt.....I was wrong.

They loved me so much,more than money and anything else in this world.I was their most valuable wealth.

I remembered when my dad used to read me a bed time story.

"What happened to Hansel and Gretel?"I asked as a little child.

"Well,were about to find out--ohh look at that!"

No wonder my eyes were full of great wonder,I was raised by a fine man.

I remembered when I got wounded because I was too messy playing outside and my mom used to clean and put band aid on my wounds to be safe.

"Mommy,why do I always get boo boos?"

"Because your too playful."Mom said while tickling me.

Everything was perfect that time.

Then I started crying,

And I felt Mom's hands on my shoulders.

"Son,your the best thing that had ever happened to us."My dad said.

"And you will grow up to be a fine man,a kind and good one."My mom added.

"And we will both be with you........... ALWAYS."

As I opened my eyes,

I wiped out all my tears and continue driving.Lia kept crying silently.



"I'm sorry...I'm sorry for grabbing your arms,I'm sorry for hurting you.I swear I didn't mean aything."

"It's okay.I understand"

"But I still wanna know the truth.... Lia?"

I know that Lia already cried but I know that only the truth will set me free.I'll have to ask her once more.This time,I'm gonna ask her nicely like I should have in the first place.

"I won't be in silence if you won't tell me the truth."

"What truth?What more do you want Jake?!"

"I wanna know why you don't eat,why you don't wanna be with people and why room 306 doesn't fuckin* exist?!!"I exclaimed.

(Lia sobbing)

"Jake,I'm so sorry."

"Tell me the truth."

"I-I don't know what to say."

"It's simple Lia,tell me the truth and your free."

"Does that mean you'll break up with me and finally learn to forget about me for the rest of your life?"Lia asked such a ridiculous question.

"Why are you asking me that?"I asked her too.

"Just answer...pleaseee Jakeee."She pleaded

"Lia,you know it's not that hard to forget about you."I replied.

"But I want you to!!"She exclaimed.

I was shocked of what he said.I can't believe she want's me to forget about her.

"Why....Lia-why?"I asked.

"You have to Jakkeee.You don't deserve someone like me.Not at all."

"What are you talking about?"I asked thinking that she is totally ridiculous.

"Are you making stupid excuses?"I added

She stared at me at kept in silence for a while,while sobbing.

"Okay,I'm sorry."I said.

"No jakeeee.....I'm soorrryyyy.I should have told you."

"Told me about what?"



I suddenly felt like falling from the sky.

I don't actually understand what she's talking about but I felt like my chest was about to blow.

I felt the knives stabbing my heart from the inside.

I closed my eyes for a while and suddenly....I felt a loud hank.

When I opened my eyes,a large truck was about to come on our way.

I tries to stir the wheel but I was totally out of my mind.

The truck hit us so hard that my leg got caught by a sharp crashed part of the car.

I remembered the same scenario that has happened with my parents.I remembered them,panting,groaning and screaming for help.

I tried to find Lia to see if she's okay but...

I never saw her anywhere

There was no sign of her at all.

As I drift,one of the concerned citizen told me to keep my eyes open and to stay awake.

My leg was in a serious pain,I was gasping,catching my breath.

I tried to stay awake but...

I can't

I closed my eyes but tried to fight and keep breathing.

I still didn't figure what all of this is about

And I still have to find out
