Chapter 12

I was slowly gasping....

I cam hear the electrocardiogram or ECG beeping,detecting my heart beat.

I can hear it goes slower.

I can also hear my uncle,striving while trying to get all the broken car pieces on my injured leg before it all cause infection.

Everyone was panicking.

I can hear some of them asking to please hand that,please hand this.

I can hear everything in a single room but I still couldn't forget of what Lia said.


"No jakeeee.....I'm soorrryyyy.I should have told you."

"Told me about what?"



A tear flowed from my eyes.

She doesn't exist

She....She doesn't exist

She doesn't exist

She doesn't exist

What does she mean by "She doesn't exist"?

A few moments,I got out of focus and closed my eyes.

My heart rate is getting lower.

My body is slowly becoming weak because I've lost too much blood already.

As I closed my eyes,I dreamed about Lia.....

She was wearing a white dress,she was holding a red bouquet of flowers and she was walking down the aisle.

I suddenly felt the tear in my cheeks as I realized that I was at Royal Realm Garden and we....

We were getting married.

Lia smiled so gracefully as she walked with her mother.

But the most exciting part was....on front of the visitor's parents were there,they were so proud and happy that I'm finally getting married but a white light strucked upon my eyes.

"Jakeee?Jakeee can you hear me?"


"He's awake...finalllyyy!!"

I can hear them celebrating.....My friends,Tod and my uncle.

They were so glad that I was fine.

I'd have to stay in bed for a few days to strengthen up.Then,I'll have to eat a lot to regain the blood and nutrients.

I was in the hospital for more than 2 weeks now,

I saw my uncle talking to another doctor,he was murmuring about something.

"Look,he has to know."

"I don't know how to start or how I should tell him."

"You have to,Dr. Ross."

I can't quite hear much but I kniw they wanna tell me something.

Tod came inside to talk to me about something.I wanted to talk to him too.I wanna know what he has to say about Lia.

"Hey,feeling better?"He asked

"Getting even better."I replied

"Soo uhhh...--"He's doubting of telling me.

"What is it about Lia?"I asked

"Ohh yeah about Lia ahhh....How am I going to say this....Bro,I know you love Lia and I can feel that but..................she's not real."

"What do you mean?"I asked

"I mean that she doesn't exist at all."He replied

I don't know how to handle the situation but I don't wanna believe what they are saying.

I wanna scream,

I wanna go wild,

I wanna hurt someone,

But I'm too weak to do it.

I asked Tod to leave.A few moments later,the doctor came with my uncle.

"Jake,there's something you should know."My uncle said with hesitation.

"What now?!That I'm delusional about Lia and that she doesn't exist?!!".I exclaimed.

"Jake,you just need to calm down please!"

I looked down but I couldn't bare to calm myself,all that's happening is making me more frustrated.I can feel the pain inside my head—and it's making me mad.

"Tell him Doc."My uncle said.

"Mr. Ross,we had a few observations about you including your uncle and your friend's statement.Uhmmm you are diagnoses with uhhh——Schizophrenia."The doctor stated.

"What?"I looked directly to the doctors eyes.

"Jake,we have all been monitoring you ever since,and you were always talking to yourself.You got viral on social media,people call you crazy."My uncle said.

He showed me the viral video.ait was the video when I grabbed Lia's arm.When I looked at the video,I was dragging nobody....I was with nobody.They also showed me a few videos of being alone while talking to someone.I cried so hard and gotten mad.I threw my uncles laptop and had gone wild.

They all tried to comfort me but I was like out of my mind.I wouldn't care about anyone or how they'll feel.I threw everything that comes upon my sight.

I stand with a braces on my legs.

They tried to stop me and calm me down.

Some of them,thinks I'm crazy.

Am I?


Your lying!!

Your all lying!!!!!"

I stated.

"Leave!!!!All of you,leave this instance!!!!"I exclaimed.

They all left to gave me a bit of privacy.They left me alone.I closed my eyes while trying to remember all our moments.

I also tried to imagine myself,alone during those moments.

What would it feel if I knew that I was alone during those times?

What if I'm actually delusional?

There are a lot of questions I wanna question myself.

How can someone like me never recognized that I was talking to nobody.....nobody in particular.....nobody at all.....

