Chapter 13

I stayed in my room,and it feels like I wanna lock up myself again.Mom left,Dad left...and now one of my most beloved woman too.

Why does everybody I value the most,couldn't stay longer by my side?

Why does all of this is happening to me?

Sometimes,I'm starting to question God for what is going on with me.

My uncle was trying to come in with hesitation.I can sense his fear of...I don't know——me I guess.I told him to come in and he did.He was trying to texplain to me everything.He said that everything happens for a reason and he knows that there is an explanation for what's happening on me.

"Remember when I told you that I was on a business trip?"


"While I was away—I hired someone to look after you.The last time you were in the hospital,the doctor said that you may be diagnosed with psychosis.I got worried so I hired someone to see what you've been doing."

"You were spying on me?"I interrupted.

"No,uhmmm maybe but that's not tge fact....The fact is that you were being followed and that guy I hired saw how you—"He couldn't finish what he was trying to say.

"Talking to no one like a crazy man?"I interrupted.

"Jake your not crazy."

"I saw the viral video and I saw all the comments."I said.


"Some of them said that maybe being a child of a billionaire makes you crazy.....while others think that I'm being obsessed with love."I laighed at myself as a disappointment of what I've become....and cried.

"How was Lia—not real?"I added.

"Don't you still get it?You met her when you were too depressed,she was there as a comforter.Jake,she is a part of your imagination.Schizophrenia is when you lost sense of reality and you can't define what is real from delusions."He stated.

"But why Lia?She was the only one who was there for me.Why does it had to be her?

"Lia work as a fiction,she works as what you expect her to do.She's therr when you need someone to talk to and she'll leave if your feeling better.Just try to understand it,when you maintained drinking your medications—you couldn't find her.When you stopped taking your medications,she suddenly came back for no reasons.Jake,she's not real."My uncle tried to make me understand.

I cried and hugged my uncle that time.

I did what the doctors said,I maintained all my medications.Tod stayed by my side for a while,he has to go back to school ofcourse.He visited me often anyway,when he's free.My uncle took a leave from the company and he let the vice president take over for a while.

My uncle and I had a great time.I laughed——somehow.But even though I rarely smiled....deep inside my heart,I'm overwhelming for all the love I got.

I was wrong when I thought that nobody cares for me anymore.

I never thought that there are still people who thinks I'm not crazy at all——and they're my family,they are now a part of my life and my journey.

"Life may not seem to be so perfect as you expect,but it is wonderful.I have experienced such a terrible journey in my life,but I wasn't alone.At first I thought I was,I thought nobody was there for me—until I met some few people who changed my life.My uncle,Tod and Lia.Yes Lia,I finally understand that Lia is just a part of my imagination and does not actually exist in real life—but I wouldn't forget her.To all those who is reading this,may this be a lesson to you.Do not give up on life.I know most teenagers has been experiencing a tough time,but I'm telling you not to give up.God is always right there with us.And in every part of our journey, there are huge boulders that will test your strength.You'll just have to push the boulders and turn them in to a bridge,a bridge through your dreams.My life is not like those in story books.Why?Because stories in the books has an ending,most of them has a happy ending.Mine is different,because this is just the beginning of my story."

I wrote my first book,entitled"Bliss of Heaven".It's a story about two people who fall in love unexpectedly.The boy's life was very miserable,he almost gave up actually...but he met a girl who changed his life.Most of the scenery in the story is based on me and Lia,based on me and my Imaginary girl.

The story became one of the best-seller.I became known,not because of my viral psychopathic video but because of my story.

Some of them even got inspired for the thoughts of the story.

I named the girl after Lia,and named the boy Levi.The story ended as both of the characters got married and had three children on their own.They lived happily....for a lifetime.

My life is starting to be perfect.I graduated even though I was always not in class.Tod was with me....always.Tod also decided to create his own game and he successfully made one.He took a break from his old computer as he finally earned some money and used it to buy a new one.My uncle was proud of me for what I've achieved.He said that Lia has really affected most of my life.He said he would've thanked her if she was real.

"Hey,congratulations!"Tod greeted.

"Thanks,you too."I replied.

"How was your father?"I asked.

"Oh he's fine,the court proved that he's not guilty."

"Well that's good to hear,I never wanna see you look miserable again."

"What do you mean?"

"You know,like last time.You were even avoiding me."

"Jake,I wasn't avoiding you because of my Dad."

"What?"I asked

"I saw you talking to no one and I followed you to the Royal Realm Garden.I saw you were dancing by yourself.I don't know how to tell you So I have decided to avoid you."

I was shocked of what I've heard from Tod.Once again,my instincts are wrong.

I went back to the rooftop.I pleaded to stay there in just a few minutes and the security agreed.

This time,I was smiling even though I was alone.

I sat down and watched the Eiffel Tower and the whole Paris up the building.It was so beautiful.

Lia,I wanna thank you.I wanna thank you for everything.

You changed my life and you've also been a part of my journey.

Now,my life must go on.I must move on from my past and be free.I must forget all the sad and bad memories I had experienced.I promised to myself to focus on my life now.I know my parents are proud of me as much as my uncle does.I will gon on but I will never forget all the memories.

All of the memories will last for a lifetime.

And I will cherish it.

All of it.
