
—2 years later—

I was from a meeting at the company,I had to be there as a family member and future successor.

I've got a good life now and it's been two years and a lot of people is still inspired with my book.

I came to a coffee shop to have some coffee.

"Bonjour,how may I help you sir?"

"1 dalgona coffee please."

"Right away sir."

(phone ringing)

"Hello?To whom am I speaking?"

"It's me dude!"

"Tod,what's up?"

"I've got a big....kinda news to you.It's about Lia!!"

I couldn't actually hear the whole thing.The signal was too low.I only heard "news".

"Excuse me,are you Mr. Jacob Ross?"A lady was asking me.

"Mr. Patel is just across the street and he wanna discuss a few things about you."She added.

"Okay,I'll be right over."I replied.

I went back to Tod but the call suddenly ended.

I tried to cross but a car almost hit me.I got mad and scolded the driver.I was stoaked when a woman just came off the car.A woman was driving.

"Hey!Are you blind?!"I shouted.

"Oh,I'm so sorry....I really am"She replied

Instead of being mad,a tear came out of my eyes as I saw the woman.

She was wearing a red coat and black pants.

Her hair was dark and short.

Her skin was fair and she looks flawless.

As I looked deep into her eyes,I saw Lia.

She has Lia's eyes.

It's like I'm with Lia

But this time,

I'm no longer delusional.


May this story serve as simple guide to all teenagers who are currently stressed and depressed.Trust me,I've been there.I also experienced almoat giving up because of all the problems.Problems is just a part of our journey.I'm still 15 and I had experienced a lot of tough things already.There is still a long way ahead,you'll just have to keep your head up.In my own experience,my mother has been a part of most of my journey.Remember those people who cared about you so much.If your feeling alone,just try to remember one person who will never leave you,


A simple expression

from your author,

DF Dale Ebare