3. No one is a good boy

Carefully, Yibo's brows crooked while looking at his new older brother's swollen face.

"How could you let them hurt you, Zan?" his mouth twitched as he damp the moisten cloth on Zan's cut lips. The older neither flinch nor hiss from the stinging pain. He just waited for the younger to finish treating his wounds so he could finally rest afterwards.

"I'm hungry" Zan said shamelessly while pushing Yibo's hand away from his face. Yibo chuckled awkwardly and nodded.

"Sure sure, well eat right away. I'll prepare the food in 10 minutes." he added. He was busy setting aside the first aid box when a woman entered his room.

"Ten minutes is a hell wait for someone who is hungry, darling." The woman smiled. She was carrying a tray with lukewarm bowl of soup. A pineapple juice and some sweets. She was charming and perfectly an ideal mom when she said with a gentle voice, "I made this for my older son"

Touched, Shao Zan slightly smiled and nodded like a kid.

"Want me to feed you, honey?" the woman whom Shao Zan acknowledged now as his mother asked. If there could be the gentlest woman in the world, Yibo's mother deserved to be labeled as one. Shao Zan shook his head and reached for the bowl. He placed it on the side table and held the spoon.

Mrs. Huang sat beside Zan and tussled his black locks. In her mind she was very worried, poor boy, how could someone do these things to such a good kid like you?

She looked at the young man with a teary eye and asked, "Wanna talk about everything right now? Or maybe not?"

Shao Zan didn't speak and his hand stopped in the mid air while holding the emptied spoon.

"Don't wanna" he replied. The mother and son nodded together as if they knew what was currently happening with the heavy and awkward atmosphere.

"Brother Huang! Have you seen YangJi?!" Hao Xuan shouted in the hallway and headed towards his cousin's room. His clumsy face froze for a moment when he realized that he just broke a tensified atmosphere and let out an awkward, "Hey..?"

The three looked at him awkwardly and their eyes turned to Hao Xuan's side.

"Where are your manners?" Jiyang asked with a guilty face. Hao Xuan giggled softly and replied sarcastically, "I guess I left it at home. I'll call my mom to bring my manners here."

The four of them laughed except Jiyang. Hao Xuan has always been a spoiled kid since his parents were working on an airline. He had a spoiled personality ever since he was little. The fact that his parents were both busy was the main reason why no one has time to discipline him. Despite, Hao Xuan never hated his parents because they give everything he wants. And that was fair enough for Hao Xuan not to hold a grudge against his parents. He remembered driving a car at the age of five but his parents never scolded him for being too much to handle. And so Hao Xuan became the most dangerous kid in their neighboorhod. The other kids were scared to play with him because he always uses his money to bully others. But everything changed when he met Jiyang. A very shy and thoughtful boy.

Hao Xuan had some serious fight with a kid in the neighboorhod. The kid was sent to the hospital because he coughed blood. All the kids and parents blamed Hao Xuan for the accident, except Jiyang.

He wrapped Hao Xuan's bleeding fist with a white towel and asked, "Does it hurt a lot?"

"Are you trying to piss me off?" little Hao Xuan's trembling voice still scares Jiyang a bit but he didn't mind.

"I know that It's not your fault. He hurt you first for no reason. I saw how he made you angry and made fun of you being alone on the bench." Jiyang said while blowing Hao Xuan's towel-covered fist. Nobody believed that someone would start a fight with Hao Xuan, it was the other way around. Whether he started it or not, he would always end up being at fault.

"What the fuck are you doing? Blowing my wound won't make me feel better" Hao Xuan hissed and pushed Jiyang away. Now they are both sitting on the ground.

"But my mom do this all the time when I'm hurt. She would blow the pain away." the innocent Jiyang reasoned out.

"Is your mom a doctor?"

"No, she's not working. My dad doesn't want her to be stressed out. She only takes care of me." The latter answered.

"Your mom is stupid. And you are more stupid believing that the pain would really go away. How could your dad like someone so stupid?" Hao Xuan smirked. Jiyang pouted and started sobbing. Hao Xuan usually didn't care when someone cries in front of him. Because he liked seeing other kids cry because of him, it makes him feel the strongest. But when the poor Jiyang shed a tear, he panicked.

"H-hey, don't cry! I'm just joking. Your mom is not stupid! And! And your dad neither. And you are not stupid, too. Come on! Stop crying, you weakling" Hao Xuan rubbed the back of Jiyang roughly.

"I'm crying for you. *hic* b-because the wound looks very painful and yet you didn't cry. If it was me, I would probably cry" Jiyang rubbed his eyes and gulped his saliva, there was a little snot coming out from his nose too. Hao Xuan pulled the hem of his shirt and wiped the snot on Jiyang's nose.

"There... There... Shhh, stop crying. It doesn't hurt anymore. Your blow was effective." Hao Xuan lied.



The little Jiyang stopped crying and stood up. And ever since then they started playing together. All the kids believed that Jiyang was forced by Hao Xuan to play with him because he was a very good kid. And it was beneficial for them since Hao Xuan never bullied anyone ever since he started playing with Jiyang. And that made them the best of friends until they reached puberty.

When Jiyang confessed that only guys could attract him, Hao Xuan started teasing him for being inlove with his best friend. Jiyang didn't mind it at all, for he believed that his best friend only like big boobs and those girls who wear skirts.

"You're unbelievable, Xuan" Jiyang shook his head in disbelief. Yibo noticed the hickey on Jiyang's neck so he immediately glared at his cousin. He couldn't believe that Hao Xuan finally made a move on his best friend.

Playing the innocent, Hao Xuan raised a brow as if saying, "What are you giving me those eyes for?"

"Auntie, I need to go home because I have to do my homework" Jiyang said.

Mrs. Huang nodded and accompanied the tall young men outside Yibo's room.

"Hey bat, did you just fuck your best friend at the living room?" Yibo chuckled while yanking his cousin's neck.

"No-hoho! Not yet! Haha" Hao Xuan giggled while remembering the things he just did to Jiyang earlier. Shao Zan got confused so he interfered, "You're gay?"

"No way. But...uhm...maybe being obssessed only with my best friend which is a guy means being gay, then so be it. I'm gay for that fuckin angel" Hao Xuan smirked and laid on the bed.

"Don't tell me that you are homophobic?" Hao Xuan chuckled and asked Shao Zan.

Shao Zan shook his head, "Not really. I don't care. Everyone deserves freedom."

The Huang cousins hailed in unison, "All hail! King Zan!"

Only the two of them laughed while Shao Zan kicked the blanket and laid down not far beside Hao Xuan.

"Yibo, I'm really tired I want to sleep" The older said and closed his eyes.

"Hey, but your bedroom is on the other room. This is my bedroom" Yibo's struggling face didn't help. Hao Xuan immediately sat up and remembered he shouldn't be here with the brothers and go to his best friend instead. He quickly stormed out of the room and went to Jiyang's house.

Shao Zan's sleeping face made Yibo stare at his new brother. His mother told him to treat his older brother better because Shao Zan has suffered a lot. So even if Shao Zan has been getting on his nerves ever since he picked the smaller from his school, he tried to hold the image of a good boy. Little did his older brother know what was hidden behind those gentle smile and delicate words. He placed his hand on Shao Zan's neck while trying not to wake his brother up.

"Don't test my patience, Zan-Zan. I've been trying to be a good boy to you because of my mom. Don't be such a bitch in the future or you might regret for accepting the offer of becoming a part of my family." Yibo gritted his teeth and withdrawed his hands. He combed his black locks with his long sender fingers and went towards the other room. Huang Yibo, known as the baddest boy in his school has a new challenge at home, he must be a good little brother towards his older brother for the sake of his beloved mother.

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©The Bad Boy's Obsession by Arl Hesse a.k.a AHFictions

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