4. He is the Epicenter

Loud honking horns of vehicles made the highway the livelier place among the city. Cursing, Yibo pressed the horn multiple times as if he's on hazard. He now regretted about bringing his pickup car instead of his motorcycle. Zan's injuries have healed luckily earlier than expected. Mrs. Huang believed that it was because of the expensive medicines she bought for her older son. But Zan believed that it was his body getting used with the beatings that maybe he was quite immune to them.

"Damn this pieces of junk blocking my way!" Yibo cursed. Zan on the passenger seat watched the heavy traffic ahead and sighed. He was wearing a new set of school uniform because Mrs. Huang decided to transfer him to Yibo's school. Yibo opened his windshield and shouted at the driver of the motorcycle who was trying to make a U-Turn in a "No U-Turn slot"

"Hey motherfucker! Did your daddy ever told you about following the traffic rules?!" Hot headed Huang Yibo yelled. The motorcycle driver just shook his head as if insulting Yibo. On a rampageous manner, Yibo long pressed the horn that made his enemy almost broke his eardrums. Yibo laughed evily after getting his revenge and yelled like an ambulance.

"Serves you right, asshole!" Yibo made a middle finger sign outside his window when the driver of the motorcycle tried to look back at him. With no sign of interest in Zan's face, Huang Yibo suddenly felt awkward about laughing alone, when in fact Zan could laugh with him, too.

"Uhm... big brother, am I annoying you?" with a guilty face, like a kid who made a mistake, Yibo looked at the older at the back through the mirror.

With a sigh, Zan replied, "Very annoying"

Yibo faked a laugh. If one wanted to know about how much patience left Yibo had for Zan, definitely less than you could ever imagine. He wanted to talk back and say things like, "The fuck are you trying to act cool for?!" or "Can't you just fucking have fun with me and stop being like a widowed man?!"

"I'm sorry, Zan-Zan" Yibo said while holding the urge to just break the older's neck and throw him some place far away.

"Zan-Zan, I wish you would be put in the same class as me" a lie escaped from Yibo's lips. In fact, he wished he would not meet this new brother often in school. Everytime he sees his new brother's face, he felt like punching him for being too arrogant and rude towards everyone, especially to his mom.

"Yeah" Shao Zan replied. Huang yibo sighed and gave up.

Not too soon, a knock on Yibo's window made the taller smiled. It was his cousin Huang Hao Xuan smirking like a vampire while riding his motorbike. Jiyang was riding with him and made a gentle smile.

"Hey dude! Nice car!" Hao Xuan teased as his cousin brought down the windshield.

"Hey! Let me ride with you!" Yibo insisted as he started to open the door of his car.

"Fool! I didn't bring extra helmet. And I'm afraid I can't let you ride since I'm with my angel" Hao Xuan smirked, his natural fang showing out from the corner of his lips.

"Brother Xuan, since when did you follow the rules? Huh? Come on! Don't be nosy and let me ride with you." Yibo insisted. At first, Zan thought that his brother was just joking, but when he noticed that Yibo was serious trying to escape from the traffic jam and planned to leave him in the car, he finally reacted.

"But how about your car? And me?" he asked shamelessly.

"You drive and hand me the key when you arrive at school." Yibo replied.

"I can't drive"

"And why the fuck you can't? People at your age should already know how to drive a car." Yibo is now annoyed.

"Because I'm not born rich like you. I never had a car nor my parents. And if they had, they would never let me learn how to drive. Because they would probably assume that I'll run away from home, bringing along a cheap car with me."

After hearing such dramatic excuse, Yibo rolled his eyes and leaned back on the driver's seat, "Oh god"

"Hey! It's the green light!" Hao Xuan giggled and drove all the way like he owned the whole Hi-way. Jiyang grabbed his best friend tightly because he felt like falling if he would not hold too tight. Yibo shook his head and finally drove the car smoothly.

"I'll be you master. You'll learn how to drive as easy as pie" Huang Yibo smirked. Zan remained silent and then spoke after a moment of thinking, "but I don't have a car. Even if I learn, it would be useless"

"Have I ever told you that I have CARS, big brother?"  Yibo chuckled.

"Whatever" Zan finished the conversation.

Hao Xuan parked his motorcycle in the motorcycle parking area and quickly followed Jiyang behind.

"YangJi, don't leave me behind!" The smaller shouted and held Jiyang's elbow soflty. Jiyang who in the moment suddenly froze with the electrifying sensation after having an intimate contact with his best friend, frowned.

"What?" he sounded annoyed. Hao Xuan bit his bottom lip.

"Are you really going to see that guy you talked with on the phone last time?" He asked with a lonely voice.

"You mean Wen? Yes, afterlunch" we won't have classes for two hours and he asked me to hang out with him" the angelic voice of Jiyang resonated in Hao Xuan's ears nonstop.

The smaller sighed and commented, "But you're eating lunch with me at the rooftop this time"


"It was you who said to never betray each other about eating lunch together, take responsibility" Hao Xuan said wisely. His mischevious voice is always one of the reasons why Jiyang could laugh easily when his best friend is around. Around other people, Jiyang who is taller at about 2 inches from Hao Xuan, is a shy and very timid guy.

"YangJi, do I look like I'm fooling around with you? You think I'm just kidding around and try to trick you with my feelings? You think I'm not serious?"

"Yes" Jiyang replied honestly.

The two guys arrived inside their classroom. The whole class was filled with noisy people, fashionistas, bullies and the likes. If a teacher would be asked to teach such class with higher salary, no one would probably bite the bait. This classroom was the worst among the worst. Jiyang is the class president, not because he is smart but because he is the kindest. If only not because of his dull brain, this class doesn't really suit him.

"The president is here!"

"And he's with the devil!"

The whole class laughed as Huang Hao Xuan bowed his head like a royal guard saluting to his royalty.

Half a minute later, the classroom was filled with silence. The king just arrived. The epicenter of all the bad  happenings in the entire school is standing right in front of the door, Huang Yibo.

"What's up, dimwits?" Huang Yibo sneered and the whole class behaved. No one dared to mess with Huang Yibo. It feels like facing a demon, a real demon. Just by looking at the bad boy's eye, it feels like you can already see yourself lying inside a coffin with your relatives mourning at your funeral.

"Can you please move?" Four words felt like a thunder towards the whole class. Zan was standing right behind his li'l brother and he already looked very annoyed. All eyes on him, Zan didn't gave a damn and walked inside the classroom. Embarrased, Huang Yibo faked a smile.

"Brother Zan! Sit next to me!" Huang Yibo yelled which made the whole class gasped in awe, of course except Jiyang and Haoxuan. Shao Zan chose to sit on the middle while Yibo's seat was located at the back. That scenarios even made the whole class unbelievably observed the king's reaction for being ignored by a mere person.

"Brother Huang, you have an older brother?" one of yibo's peers asked while chewing his bubble gum.

"New brother. My mom adopted him. So he's gonna be my brother in the future." Huang Yibo answered plainly.

And with Huang Yibo's clear yet intentional answer, the whole class seemed to find a new target. They just wanted to confirm whether Huang Yibo would say things like, "Don't ever touch my brother or I'll kill whoever does" or "He's someone you should never bully or you'll be the one facing me"

But Huang Yibo never said anything like that --which only meant one sentence, "Do whatever you wanna do with him, I won't give a fuck"

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©The Bad Boy's Obsession by Arl Hesse a.k.a AHFictions

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