14. Protect you from me

Jiyang pushed Hao Xuan on the wall as the two of them arrived at the kitchen.

"Woah!" Hao Xuan exclaimed as he smirked. He kissed the angel on the lips. The kiss was long and passionate. The angel wrapped his arms around the daemon's neck and started to lower his head. He kneeled in front of Hao Xuan and lifted up the naughty guy's shirt. He kissed the bulge on Hao Xuan's pants, alternately biting and nibbling it.

"Shit!" Hao Xuan grew even bigger. He grabbed the angel's hair softly and made Jiyang look up to him.

"What are you doing, YangJi?" he asked, panting.

"I wanna make you happy. But I haven't done it before, I don't know how to do it. Teach me, Xuanxuan" Jiyang confessed with a gloomy face. He wanted to suck his lover but he was afraid he could never do it properly. Hao Xuan was beyond happy after hearing Jiyang's confession.

"Hehe, then I guess teacher Xuan will begin his small lesson to YangJi" an evil laugh escaped from Hao Xuan's mouth.

"Unzip it" He commanded. Jiyang was about to use his hand but Hao Xuan tsk-ed.

"No using of hands, baby" He suggested. Jiyang nodded and unzipped the pants using his teeth. As he saw the large monster beneath the underwear of Hao Xuan, he gulped. Hao Xuan smiled like a lunatic.

"Eat the monster before it eats you" He smirked. Jiyang licked the cloth smoothly which gave shiver to Hao Xuan's whole body. Even until now, he could not believe that Jiyang is willing to do this with him. He thought that making the angel become his only existed in his fantasies. But he was beyond happy after knowing that Jiyang wants him happy, too. Unbelievably, Jiyang took Hao Xuan all the way through his throat. The bad guy cursed out of pleasure. He grabbed the angel's head and began to move his hips.

"Hey YangJi, are you sure you've never done this before? Ugh! Why are you so good at this?" Hao Xuan groaned and started fucking Jiyang's mouth. Jiyang's throat began to sore. The precum leaking out of Hao Xuan's tips made his throat burn with pleasure.

"Okay, baby, daddy will feed you milk now. Don't waste it" The naughty guy smirked. He shivered as he shot a load of come into the angel's mouth. Like a hungry animal, Jiyang sucked it all the way down to his throat. He blushed like a tomato after knowing what Hao Xuan tastes like.

"Tasty?" Hao Xuan smirked and wiped off the excess cum on the side of Jiyang's lips. They kissed and shared smiles.

"I love you to death, YangJi" Hao Xuan said and helped the angel to stand. He slowly pat the angel's knees and checked them if it got hurt by kneeling for a long time.

"Let's go check up on Zan?" He suggested and held his angel's hand. As Hao Xuan held the door knob, it won't open. He looked back at Jiyang who was shocked, too.

"YangJi, did you lock the door before leaving?" Hao Xuan asked, still shocked. Jiyang shook his head.

"I think it was locked by accident inside" The latter replied. The two rested their ears on the door and listened. It was quiet inside. No slamming nor crashing sounds. So far, they never heard voilence.

"Should we force open this door? I don't mind breaking it. I can pay" Hao Xuan suggested.

"Don't" Jiyang said. He sighed and made up a conclusion.

"Let's just leave them be. I think Yibo is trying to make things go right with Zan. They needed to talk as soon as possible for Zan's sake. I just hope we won't hear any violence from behind this door. Once I will feel something strange or not right, that will be the time that you must destroy it and we'll rescue Zan." He explained.

Hao Xuan nodded and went donwstairs, Jiyang followed him behind.

"Shall we go take a shower?" He offered.

"Shameless kid, this is not your house" Jiynag chuckled.

"I could buy this house now just so I could take a shower with you" proud Hao Xuan started showing off again.

"I hate you" Jiyang frowned.

"I love you too" Hao Xuan sticked out his tongue while grinning at his angel.


"Can you just stay?" Yibo asked.

"Those two are going to do it. Are you willing to disturb them? Have some consideration" Yibo giggled.

"And I won't do anything to you, just chill" He added.

"You already did something unexpected once. How could I trust you?" Zan replied. Yibo scooted over, Zan scooted farther.

"Stop running away from me, damn it" Annoyed, Yibo cursed again.

"I'm just trying to put distance between you and me" Zan replied. With that, Yibo frowned and ran his fingers through his locks. The strands of his hair dangling as his thick brows frown.

"I told I was sorry. I regretted it, okay? I promise I won't do anything that wil make you hate me even more" Yibo hissed and threw the pillow on the floor. He looked like a kid throwing a tantrum over a toy.


"!!!" the older flinched as Yibo's hand landed on his shoulder.

Annoyed, Yibo removed his hand and crossed his arms across his chest. He leaned on the wall and tilted his head towards Zan, throwing some glares at the older.

"You hate me that much?" Yibo asked with a serious voice. His face was poker that you could never tell whether he was mad or not.

Bowing his head low, Zan exhaled deeply.

"I don't hate you... I... I'm afraid of you. You almost killed me. Is it wrong for me to keep distance from the person who wanted to kill me?" Zan asked while playing with his trembling hands.

"Zanzan, how can I make it up to you? What do I need to do to make you forgive me?" Yibo asked. His eyes looked tired and exhausted, too.

"For now... Just stay aw-"

"I don't want to stay away!" The younger shouted. Zan flinched.

Downstairs, Hao Xuan and Jiyang paid attention everytime they hear a loud voice.

Hao Xuan mouthed, "Should I kick the door now?"

Jiyang shook his head, "Let's wait a bit longer"

Zan and Yibo remained silent for a while after the younger shouted.

"I'm sorry for shouting" Yibo broke the dead silence.

"If I keep staying away, nothing will change. You'll still get scared of me. I want to protect you." Yibo said.

"I already have Xuan and Jiyang, they are enough to protect me-"

"What about me?!"

"-from you"

Yibo's mouth stuttered, prtoect you from me?!

"You really are getting on my nerves, Zan" Yibo cursed and glared at the older.

"That" Zan stuttered. Yibo was confused, 'That' what?

"Your glares are so scary. It looks like everytime I see you glaring at me, you want to kill me instantly. It is scary, knowing that you could really do it." Zan trembled.

Yibo's eyes soften. He sighed and looked at the older with caring eyes.

"It's always like this, but trust me, you'll get used to this glares. I do it to everybody. I glare at them to intimidate them. I'm just showing them who is superior" Yibo explained proudly.

There was a moment of silence between the two when the voice of a woman being fucked in the movie echoed though the room.

"Yes baby yes! Fxck me!! Ah!"

The two stared at the screen where the scene was a couple having sex inside the car.

"Is it really exciting when you do it in the car?" Yibo held his chin as if he is thinking seriously.

"What a brat" Zan tsk-ed and averted his eyes in the corner. He was not enjoying the movie at all since he was not able to understand the plot .

"Are you good for school tommorrow? I'll be your servant until you get fully healed" Yibo chuckled.

"I will serve you and protect you from all the bullies." He added.

"You bully me most of the time" Zan replied. Yibo choked.

"Fine fine!" Yibo tsk-ed and smacked his chest.

"From today onwards, I swear I will protect you!" He smiled.

Zan looked at the younger, puzzled. He wasn't sure whether he heard it right or not.

"Whatever, it doesn't really matter" Zan sighed.

"I get punched and battered all the time. It's not like I am not afraid but nothing changes anyway." He bowed his head and bit his bottom lip.

"My body will get used to it. Who knows this will be the reason I'll die... maybe from internal bleeding or else from-"

"Ssshh... Please stop talking, Zan" Yibo clenched his fist. The urge to pull Zan into his arms and embrace him tightly, his self restraint is at his limit.

"Sigh.." Zan chuckled as a tear escaped from his eyes.

"I wish I was born lucky" Zan cried and hugged his knees. He buried his face on his arms and sobbed.

Yibo panicked.

"A? A? Wait..Stop crying... Please?" Yibo didn't know what to do. He slowly raised his hand and reached for Zan's trembling shoulder.

He pulled Zan's head and burried the older's face on his chest. Even tho Zan was scared of Yibo, he still needed a shoulder to cry on. He just cried in Yibo's arms while the younger tried his best to comfort him.

"Ssshhh, I'm here" Yibo whispered.

"I'm scared" Zan mumbled.

"Shh.. I know" Yibo whispered.

"From my dad, mom, from everyone who hurted me. But I want to live despite" Zan continued, his voice trembled. His throat hurt from crying. He wanted to shout but his body felt weak. It was painful.

"Can't I just have a peaceful life? I promise I'll pay back your mother once I finish school. I swear I won't show my face in front of you again. Once I pay all the debt she spent for me to finish school, I will disappear. I will find a work at the same time. That way you won't have me at home for a long time" Zan said nonstop as he clenched his teeth.

"Zanzan, please..."

"I swear I will be gone in your life forever. Just please let me live for now. Yibo, I'm begging you. You can't end my life yet. I have dreams I wanted to make come true. Can you spare me?" Zan cried hard.

"Zanzan, you can do anything you want. I promise you." Yibo closed his eyes and kissed the top of Zan's head. He kept circling his palm on Zan's back to make the older calm down.

"I'm really sorry, please give me a chance." he added.

"I will make you do everything you want"

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©The Bad Boy's Obsession by Arl Hesse a.k.a AHFictions

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