15. Showing Possessivenes

After Zan and Yibo reconciled, the four of them decided to eat pizza in the kitchen.

"So..." Yibo broke the silence.

"...How did you meet my mom?" He continued. Hao Xuan and Jiyang nodded in unison, they wanted to know the whole story too.

"It's quiet embarrassing now that I came to think of it" Zan bit his bottom lip and placed the slice of pizza on his plate.

Yibo glanced at Zan's mouth. The older seemed to be enjoying the food but suddenly he got interrupted.

"Oh! You can talk later! Let's eat first, okay? Hehe, sorry for asking" Yibo chuckled and gave Zan his pizza again.

"Eat, eat" he added. He felt guilty for stopping Zan to eat.

"I don't like mushrooms" Jiyang pouted. His long fingers picking the healthy mushrooms away from his carb.

"Aaaa, give em to me, YangJi" Hao Xuan opened his mouth and ate the mushrooms from Jiyang. He eats everything that Jiyang feeds him. 

"Wait, there's sauce" the naughty guy giggled and licked Jiyang's clean fingers.

"Gross!" The angel kicked his best friend's waist and pulled his hand away. Hao Xuan pouted and continued to eat his pizza.

"You just won't admit that you like it when I lick your fingers" Hao Xuan smirked and munched his pizza.

Yibo frowned while looking at the couple flirting in front of him. Zan on the other side just ate his pizza and played games on his phone.

"What are you playing, Zanzan?" Yibo smiled and leaned closer to Zan's face.

"Hmm, just farming and breeding dragons" Zan replied without looking away from his phone. He did not even realise that Yibo was too close to him.

"Oh? Is it fun?" Yibo looked closely. Hao Xuan cleared his throat, he noticed how Yibo tried hard to get Zan's attention. It was too funny that he wanted to laugh loudly.

"I don't know" Zan.

"Poor guy, you won't win his favor. You are a monster, he won't like you hehe" Hao Xuan giggled while munching his pizza. Jiyang elbowed him, "Are you looking for a fight with your cousin?"

"Oh? YangJi wants my attention?" Hao Xuan smirked and yanked Jiyang's neck.

"Fine fine, my eyes over you" he chuckled and kissed the angel's cheek.

"Hey, that dragon looks cool! How did you made that?!" Yibo continued asking.

Both Hao Xuan and Jiyang froze in shock, mouths agape. Without Zan noticing it, Yibo's chin was already resting on his shoulder. With Yibo trying to talk to him about the game, he would just respond without looking at the younger.

The couple thought the same thing "Yibo is definitely a demon"

"I usually collect gems and buy expensive types. Then, when mating season comes, I get to pair them with high level kind of dragons... And then..." Zan kept talking and he started smiling while playing with his phone. As Yibo stared at him, he saw sparks in Zan's eyes when he smiles.

"You love playing games so much?" He asked. Even though his mouth was so near to Zan's ear, the older didn't bug. He was too focused with the game.

"Yeah." he replied.

"Why?" Yibo ran out of topic.

"When I was younger, I usually don't have toys. My mom and dad would never spare even a single coin to buy a toy for me. Then, one day my dad gave me a broken gameboy. It was so funny that I felt like an idiot. The screen was barely working but I was so happy. Haha, that was the first toy my father ever gave me." Zan explained.

Yibo's heart throbbed once again. Upon seeing Zan's smiling face while looking at the screen, he remained quiet.

"And then?" He asked with a gentle voice.

"Whenever dad is around the house, I would play the broken thing and treat it like a new toy. I guess that made my dad proud a little bit, wanna know why?" Zan asked, and finally he laid his eyes on Yibo. The two looked at each other and froze for a moment. Their pointed nose touched and they could feel each other's breath.

"Why?" Yibo asked with a soft smile. Zan averted his eyes, realizing that Yibo had been leaning on his shoulder, he finally felt a bit sore.

"He told me that he found it on a trash bin and soldered it. Fixed it and tried to play with it. But since he didn't like palying games, he decided to give it to me. I even told him he was really cool. That night he didn't beat me up" though the story was sad and depressing, Zan still managed to smile.

Yibo's chest felt heavy. He wanted to shout, Why are you smiling?! Are you happy that you weren't beaten up for one night?! What about those other nights where you have to beg?! Why are you still smiling? Stop smiling if it hurts.

Not only Yibo was sad, the couple too.

"And of course, it was one of the happiest day in my life-"

Zan froze when he felt Yibo's lips brushed behind his ear. The younger licked it later on and sucked some flesh.

"What are you doing?" Zan asked puzzled. Zan continued sucking when a sudden pang hit his head. It was a pillow.

"You know you're acting like a fucking leech, bro" Hao Xuan chuckled and stroked Jiyang's hair.

"Kill yourself, moth*rf*cker" Yibo cursed and gave his cousin the middle finger.

"Why are you so clingy to brother Zan? It is so not like you, you're not the romantic type at all. You don't have past relationships as far as I remember. Girls fear you even though they have a crush on you. Bro, are you sure you're okay?" Hao Xuan teased his cousin even more.

"Maybe he has fallen for me" Zan chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. The portion that Yibo sucked turned purple red. Of course Zan didn't mean what he just said seriously.

"And what if you're right? I have fallen for you" Yibo groaned and yanked Zan's neck.

"Don't be such a bully, kiddo" Zan chuckled.

"KidZoned hahaha!" Hao Xuan held his stomach and laughed hard.

"Why would someone like you fall for me? Stop saying impossible things. And I prefer pretty ladies. I'm sorry" Zan bit his bottom lip.

"Pfft!" Jiyang held his laughter. He wanted to bully Yibo but he had enough.

"And you're unpredictable. Who knows what you are thinking. Maybe you're just doing this for fun. I will just have to wait when will this trick go away" Zan said and finished his game.

"Right, I still owe you guys a story" Zan smiled and smoothly pushed Yibo's face away from his shoulder.

Hao Xuan was kissing Jiyang and the two seemed to enjoy it.

"I wanna kiss, too" Yibo pouted.

"Find a mirror and kiss yourself as much as you like" Zan said with a poker face. Yibo glared at him.

"Uhm... I guess, I don't have to tell the story anymore" Zan said awkwardly while looking at the couple ascending to the next level.

"Mmn, stop pulling my tongue" Jiyang moaned. Hao Xuan smirked, he nibbled the tender and wet muscle.

"These pigs" Yibo hissed and grabbed Zan's hand. They went to the balcony and Yibo took out the cigarette and lighter from his pocket. He smoked and glanced at the mark on Zan's neck. Everyone will probably see that hickey tomorrow, is he gonna be conscious about it?

"Tell me about it" He started and blew the smoke in the air.

"How did you met my mom? Why is she eager to adopt you? What did you do to her?" Yibo asked with a serious voice.

"I mean she could find so many children in the Orphanage, but why does she always insists that it has to be you?"

Zan smiled timidly, he looked at the sky and sighed.

"It all started with a bottle of tap water. It was so embarrasing I couldn't believe it would turn out to be so good to be true." the older giggled softly. He was too embarrassed he even covered his face using both his hands.

Yibo, damn he's being cute again.

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©The Bad Boy's Obsession by Arl Hesse a.k.a AHFictions

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