04 | What Happens Now?


So, I stayed up all night. Devising a plan to successfully convince my father to convince the Adairs to not go on with planning the wedding. But, with my luck, I couldn't think of anything. I knew it would turn out like this. Every thought which kept running through my mind was, "if I hadn't gone to the bar two nights ago then I wouldn't be in this mess." 

And, for once, I'd agree with my thoughts which I always tend to argue with. 

Don't ask. I'm weird, I know. 

Unsuccessful; I tried hunting my mind for anything useful. I glanced at the clock to find out it was 6:31 a.m. Wow, I'd been sitting here for hours on end, trying to think of a plan. But what can I do? My brain is being a bitch. I couldn't think of anything useful. All it kept throwing at me was, 'beg, it'll melt your father's heart.' Girl, I tried that. It was the first idea I tried and again, I failed. 

I heard the familiar beeping noise, notifying me. Someone had sent a message. I grabbed my phone and checked to see who sent me a message. It was from my father. 


The Adairs are here, get dressed properly, you're going to have lunch with them. 

The frick? I cringed. Why do I have to have lunch with them?




Engagement. Go get ready Adrianne. I hate repeating myself. 

I scrunch my face up while typing a reply. 


E N G A G E M E N T ? 

I was left at the 'seen' status for about a minute until my father replied. 


Ian wants the wedding to happen as soon as possible. 

"June!" I called, blowing out my cheeks. 

June quickly entered my room in less than ten seconds and gazed at me, ready for anything I was about to order her to do. 

"Could you go get some clothes?" I said rather than asked, "Casual clothes, please."


Will you come with us?


No. Ian doesn't want me there. 

I shut off my phone, regardless of whether he would text again or not. I entered the bathroom to take a quick shower and afterwards, I blow-dried my hair while June rummaged through my closet. 

Then the intercom in my room turned on. "Adrianne," my father's stern voice spoke. 

I got up and pressed the button, replying with a 'Yeah?' 

"You and Sebastian have to act like you're both in love," he said. 

I rolled my eyes and pulled at the roots of my hair. "Seriously? Is that needed?" I asked, face contorting with disgust. 

"Also, listen to Ian," he stated before the intercom went static. 

What the hell is happening to me? Is life seriously an asshole, it decides, 'hey! Losing your mom wasn't enough, let's ruin your life! Oh, and you have to get married and you have to act like you're both in love!' cause that's the vibe I got. 

Complete and utter dick. 

I looked at June who was holding up a white t-shirt with a black romper paired with white sneakers. 

"Thank you, June, you can leave now."

I got dressed and applied light makeup to my face. Afterwards, I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail. I headed out, grabbing my shoulder bag as I dashed out of the room. I stopped by the top of the stairs as I looked down on Mr Adair and Sebastian; he was wearing an indigo button up blouse with dark jeans and sneakers. And I'm not even surprised anymore, Sebastian looks so out of it. 

They looked up and saw me. "Come on down, Adrianne," he said. 

I sent him a scowl and shrugged, descending the stairs as I held my head high, ignoring him. I met them down as they greeted me, Mr Adair with a smile I know I couldn't trust, and Sebastian with a frown. 

"Good morning, Ian, Sebastian," I greeted them, voice devoid of emotions. 

Looking at his face, I had to stop the urge of wanting to cringe and…I don't know, kick him in the shin or something. He was so annoying it's frustrating me. Also cringey. 

Sebastian rolled his eyes and spun around, heading out. I frowned, noticing a purplish to bluish colour on his jaw. I squinted my eyes and focused my gaze on his jaw. Probably some dirt he didn't know he had on his face. 

"Go inside now, Adrianne," Mr Adair said. 

His voice sent shivers down my spine, I hated the way my name rolled off his tongue. 

I went outside the mansion and saw two cars, a Honda which was...big and a Mustang. I knew it was a Mustang, I didn't know what type. I don't know much about cars. 

I stood outside awkwardly, not wanting to get in either of the two vehicles. And as if someone wasn't in the mood, I heard a groan and turned my head to its source. It was Sebastian. He stomped towards the passenger's side and opened the door. 

"Get in," he commanded. 

I hesitantly got in the car and buckled in my seatbelt. I was not having this. I don't want this. 

Sebastian entered the car and turned the engine on and drove off. I stared off into the horizon as I thought of the possible outcomes of the day. 

Engagement? How? Acting like we're in love? How?! I'm not an actor! I sat awkwardly. 

Hah. One would think  I would be extremely happy about getting married to the guy who's rich and good looking. Nope! Not because his fortune is big or his face is beautiful doesn't mean I wanted to get married to him. I'm not like those overly obsessed girls who wanted to claim the guy as their territory. I'm not like them. This marriage would be ruining everything, I don't even know anything personal about Sebastian. I knew a few things about him. I don't know what his likes and dislikes are or what he likes to see in a person. I don't know what his preference is in food or what his favourite shows are. So, why the hell would I even think about getting married to him when all I knew about him was where he graduated?

I glanced at Sebastian and inspected the purplish colour on his jaw. He frowned and asked, "What are you looking at?" 

I pointed at his jaw with my index finger. "What happened there? Is that a bruise?" I asked.

His jaw tightened and his hands gripped the steering wheel harder. "Why do you care?" 


I rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention to the road as we exited our neighbourhood and entered another road. 

"I don't want to do this," I blurted out. 

Sebastian side-eyed me and raised an eyebrow. "And what do you think of me? Do you think I'm enjoying this?" he asked, his knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel too hard. 

"Is there any way to convince your father that we both want out?" I asked, desperation clear in my tone. 

He chuckled. "I've tried convincing him in every possible way I could think of. But when dad has made up his mind, nothing can change it." 

"I'm not giving up," I muttered. 

"Cute determination. But it won't help. I've tried day and night to convince him, constantly pleading with him and arguing with him," he said. 

That's not helping. I want to get out of this, I mused. 

"You know, you're not helping. I'm still trying my best to change his mind." I rolled my eyes at him. 

He turned his head as we stopped at a red light. "I'd like to see you try. His own son had given up, how much more a stranger?" 

I let out a deep sigh and focused on our surroundings instead. This conversation with Sebastian was getting nowhere and I was aware of it. 

We were at a four-way turn in the city surrounded by tall skyscrapers looming over us. 

Where the hell were we going? 

"You know, we're getting married yet I don't know how the hell I should act or what to expect," I told him after he started driving again. 

"Wait, don't expect I'm actually happy or anything when we're getting married," he mentioned. 

The fuck is that supposed to mean? I frowned. 

"Like I would enjoy the sight of you getting down on one knee," I contended. "I don't care what you feel towards this, I hate this!" I exclaimed. 

"And what the hell do you think of me?!" he raised his voice, making me flinch. 

I took deep breaths as I tried stabilising my breathing. Balling my fists, I opened my eyes as I tried to distract myself and turn my attention away from this asswipe. 

We went under a dark tunnel, the sole light source came from the headlights of the car. My eyes widened as I began to hold onto the seat belt. My heart rattled inside my chest like a bird wishing to be freed. Sweat trickled down the side of my forehead as I shut my eyes and began to do my breathing exercises, hoping for the end of the darkness of this tunnel.