05 | A Scripted Dinner


We went under a dark tunnel, the sole light source came from the headlights of the car. My eyes widened as I began to hold onto the seat belt. My heart rattled inside my chest like a bird wishing to be freed. Sweat trickled down the side of my forehead as I shut my eyes and began to do my breathing exercises, hoping for the end of the darkness of this tunnel.

Sebastian kept throwing curious glances at me and I've had enough. 

"What the hell are you looking at?" I spat. 

"Well, you looked so weird over there suddenly taking deep breaths. The fuck is wrong with you?" he grumbled. 

"You look so annoying, stop staring or I'll scratch your eyes out," I threatened, nails digging into my palms. 

A small smirk curled into his lips. "You look more stupid than me." 

Okay, he looked so frickin annoying and stupid to the point that I actually wanted to beat the heck out of him. Why was this car ride taking so long?! I need to get out of here! I don't want to get married, why can't anybody see that?! I leaned on the headrest, hand gripping the seat belt. 

I peeked with one eye open to see we were still under the tunnel. My breaths had gone shallow again as I leaned against the headrest, placing my free hand on my chest as my other hand continued holding onto the seat belt for dear life. 

This time, Sebastian looked at me while frowning. "Hey, what's happening? Are you okay?" he asked, looking at me every now and then. 

"Yeah– yeah, I'm fine," I consented. 

"Are you sure?" he affirmed. 

"Yeah, I don't want you giving a single shit about me," I snapped, turning away from him. 

"What the fuck's your problem?" he snarled. 

"You. You're my problem, you and your dad," I told him, glaring. 

"We wouldn't have gotten into this mess if you didn't go to the bar the other night, got drunk, started a fight with Amarra, and fell on top of me which resulted in us kissing," he implied. 

I shut up. I know all of this was my fault and we could've avoided the mess if I had gotten out of there before something happened. But my brain refused to accept this, wanting to point the finger to someone else. I sighed deeply. 

End my suffering now, please. 

"That wasn't a kiss though, our lips merely touched," I pointed out. 

He let out a humourless laugh. "Does it matter? There are pictures of us everywhere." 

Silence engulfed the car. All I could hear were my breaths, my racing heart, and the sound of the engine. 

"You keep saying this will ruin your life, but this already ruined mine." he stated, "It ruined mine and Amarra's relationship, ruined mine and Amarra's image in the public. Especially hers, she's an actress for crying out loud." 

"Amarra? Isn't she your fuckbuddy?" I mocked. 

His eyes widened. "You know nothing so shut up." 

He parked outside a fancy restaurant and turned to look at me, his gaze drilling holes into my head.

"I have a better question. What did it ruin for you?" he asked, voice low, making goosebumps rise all over my body. 

Thank God I can get out of this car. I feel like I've been suffocating, I thought to myself. 

I gripped the door handle and to my surprise, it was locked. 

"Answer my damn question, Adrianne," he says my name with such disgust I hated it. 

I avoided his intense stare as I forced myself to give him a sweet smile, seeing Mr Adair standing beside Sebastian's door. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and gripped the door handle tightly, waiting for it to be unlocked. He frowned and quickly turned around. He sighed and opened the door. 

"What were you two talking about?" Mr Adair asked, kneeling. 

"Nothing," we both replied in unison. 

He smirked. "Are you two ready?" 

Sebastian smiled, flashing his straight white teeth. "Ready as I'll ever be," he said through gritted teeth. 

"I'll be watching from the car. Don't screw this up, Sebastian." Mr Adair narrowed his eyes on his son whose arm he was gripping tightly. 

"I won't, father," he replied coldly. 

I didn't understand anything. What's up?

The way these two interact made me uncomfortable. The way Ian had been gripping his son's arm like it was meant to hurt him or something but Sebastian barely fazed by it. 

He turned around and smiled sweetly at me as he walked towards my door and opened it, holding his hand out for me to take. 

Do I take it or leave it be? I decided not to.

I stood up and smiled at him, dusting myself as I walked past him. He caught up with me and grabbed my hand, intertwining our hands as we walked to the entrance. I held my breath.  

His hold on my hand tightened as we walked inside the restaurant. 

"Reservations?" the guy at the front desk asked us. 

"Sebastian Adair," he replied. 

Then he accompanied us to our table in an area surrounded by four tables occupied by people. You could see the entrance from here and a swarm of people in front.

"What're we supposed to do though?" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. 

"Let's order first." 

We were each handed a menu and I chose pasta and Sebastian did the same. He muttered something but I couldn't understand what he said. He continued to flip through the menu until he looked up at me. 

"So, how are you Annie?" he asked casually. 

I stiffened. "Don't call me Annie." 

"And why not? You are my girlfriend after all," he pointed out. 

"My sisters call me Annie," I sneered. "You're not allowed to call me Annie, Basti." 

"Where the fuck did Basti come from?" he asked, frowning. 

"What? Basti is a cute nickname for Sebastian," I chuckled. 

"Yeah, well, I don't like it." 

I don't think we actually look like a couple who's about to get married or anything for that matter. We looked like two people arguing. 

"Don't ever call me Basti again, you hear me?" he told me, sounding angrier. 

I actually like getting on his nerves. That was pretty easy too. 

"Actually no, I don't hear you. Can you repeat your statement for me?" I pretended to clean my ears. 

"Adrianne, this isn't what we're supposed to be doing," he warned. 

"Well, what are we supposed to do?" I questioned, eyebrows knitted together as I stared daggers at him. 

I enjoyed teasing him. I enjoyed making him angry. Hm, maybe then he would tell his father how much of an asshole I am and tell him to call off the wedding. I smiled. 

"Again, how are you Adrianne?" he cleared his throat, returning the subject to the one before we started fighting like five-year-olds. 

"I'm doing great, what did you do during the weekends?" I asked through clenched teeth. 

"Oh, you know. I went to the club because I felt sad after our little argument and then I heard your voice somewhere and went to find it. And then, boom! You're suddenly on top of me, kissing me." He smirked at me. "And I remember you being on top of me the rest of the night too after I followed you home." 

I was taken aback by his statement. How far was he willing to go? And what the hell? Where did this story come from? Also, is he implying we had sex?! 

I glanced around at everybody and the couple sitting next to our table threw us curious glances. A few people in front of us held out their phones, probably taking photos of us. 

I kicked his leg under the table, "Where the fuck did that come from?!" I hissed. 

His eyes turned into slits as he whispered, "Script! Dad told me to memorise it. Don't ask me." 

The waiter came in and served us our pasta and left as soon as he came, I felt blessed because I no longer have to prolong this weird conversation. 

I grabbed my fork, ready to eat, when all of a sudden, I felt Sebastian's hand on top of mine. I quickly turned to look at him and he was looking at me with sincere eyes. I swallowed the food and stared at him awkwardly. 

The heck is happening now? I wanted to scream.