11 | Union of Two


We had a few minutes before the wedding officially started and everything was going by smoothly. We arrived at the entrance of where the wedding ceremony was held and stared at it in awe, I could see it all from the outside. It was an outdoor themed wedding with trees surrounding the gazebo. The wedding planner delivered very well and I applaud her for doing all of this. 

There was white and blue fabric hanging from the trees and fairy lights hanging almost everywhere. There were white chairs neatly lined in front of me and a white carpet which led up to the altar. Tables with bouquets placed on top were lining the side of the aisle. An arch stood in front of the gazebo with flowers covering the top of the arch.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I had and turned to my sister who was smiling brightly at me.

"I may or may not have approached the wedding planner about this," she told me innocently.

I ran to her and hugged her tightly. "Go get your ass in there," I said, nudging her forward.

She walked in and left me alone...with dad. Whatever he tried telling me, I brushed it off. When he complimented me and told me I was beautiful, I nodded my head. I still haven't forgiven him for selling me off. But then he tried apologising. My blood boiled and my temper went through the roof. I tried distracting myself and thankfully, it was time. Everyone turned to look at us, familiar faces and some I've never seen before. I stiffened as the first row stood while we passed by it, then the second row stood then the next until everyone was standing. I separated from my father who left me a kiss on the head as he turned to glare at Sebastian. I noticed Sebastian's eyes widened when he turned to look at me again and his lips slowly curled into a smile. A smile. I held in a breath and knew what all this was. This was all an act. A show to put up for everyone.

As the officiant kept going on and on and on, I zoned out once more. Thinking of how my life would be after this. How would my life continue after? What would my relationship with Sebastian be like? Would we continue to treat each other like air or would we, at the very least, become friends? I somehow felt that this union wouldn't last long and soon we would be filing for a divorce.

I heard someone clear their throat. I quickly turned my head to the officiant who was looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"What?" I mouthed.

"Repeat after me," the officiant said.

"I take you to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

I let out a sharp breath as it was Sebastian's turn who was gently holding my hands.

I gazed at his hands which were soothingly drawing invisible circles on my hands. I'm not sure if he was doing it on purpose or not or if he was even aware, it soothed me and comforted me. My eyes roamed his entire body which was cloaked with his indigo tuxedo. His hazel hair was swept back which showcased his prominent cheekbones and his gorgeous blue eyes. 

A little boy came to us with the rings and soon ran off. "As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you. I choose you to be my husband this day and forevermore," I said, forcing a smile as I slid the ring onto his finger.

He repeated those same words as he slid the ring onto my finger. My eyes locked in on the ring which held a small diamond in the middle.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," the officiant declared.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" the crowd cheered.

I can't help but giggle at them. Nobody but me, Sebastian, Elle, Liam, my father, and Mr Adair knew about this arrangement and I'd like to keep it that way.

I turned my head back to Sebastian who was smiling from ear to ear. Why the hell does everything look real? This is illegal!

His arm snaked around my waist, slowly pulling me toward him as our bodies pressed against each other. He leaned in and placed his lips onto mine, hand on my cheek. My hands slid up his chest to the back of his neck as I kissed him back. 

We pulled away and the crowd roared and clapped.

I officiated this. I'm now tied to him.


The car ride to the venue was rather...awkward. None of us spoke, none of us did anything. We sat there silently, almost like we didn't acknowledge the other. Once we arrived at the venue, I changed outfits so I wouldn't be wearing a big ball gown as it seemed to be a hassle. I changed into a tight-fitting mermaid dress which had a low-cut in the front and a low v line on the back. My hair was now in a fishtail braid with little flowers stuck in it. I went out and Sebastian suddenly started paying attention to me. And while I knew it was all an act, I still had to get used to it. It's like he had two sides. It gets confusing sometimes. 

During the entirety of the speeches to dinner, I zoned out. I didn't eat much, I didn't listen to the speeches. It was only then when I felt a light tapping on my hand and I was knocked out of my thoughts. 

I looked at Sebastian who was holding out his hand for me to take. I assume it's time for the first dance. Great. 

I held his hand as he led me to the dance floor. He faced me and his arm snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and his hand held mine, softly. I placed my hand on his shoulder and the music played. Our bodies swayed to the rhythm of the calm music. He twirled me around and once I looked at him again, there was a smile plastered on his face. 

I hate how good everything looks. I hate how real everything seems. 

I looked back at him and saw how his pupils were dilated, how he had this soft expression on his face, how he looked...calm, peaceful, content. Suddenly, he leaned in and pressed his forehead against mine. I shut my eyes as I felt his warm minty breath hit my face. I shut my eyes, savouring this moment. As much as I hate to admit it, I was low-key enjoying this moment. 

His hand then moves to my lower back as he interlocked our fingers, I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. If only everything was real. If only everything wasn't a show. 

"And let's invite everyone to the dance floor!" yelled the DJ. 

Sebastian and I abruptly stopped moving, he left quickly. I stood there, agape. I need to stop hoping. 

I turned my head to where my sisters were and my eyes landed on Keanne who looked so out of it. I hesitantly walked towards her and held out my trembling hand, "Can I have this dance?"

"Isn't that a little weird?" she said, a small smile playing on her lips. 

"What's weird?" 

"That you, my sister, are asking me to dance?" she gestured to her and me. 

"Ey! You never made comments like that when I danced with you during the New Year's party when you were five!" I protested.

"I was a kid back then!" she giggled.

I placed my hand on my chest, trying to look hurt. "So you don't want to dance with me anymore?" I gasped.

She laughed and smacked me on my arm. 

I scoffed, "Come on." 

She grabbed my hand and I led her to the dance floor. I pulled her into a hug and swayed our bodies, left and right. 

"We probably look like weirdos," she mumbled. 

"I know right." 

I took a deep breath. One way or another, I had to talk to her about this. 

"Keanne..." I called slowly. 

She raised her head to look at me, "Yeah?" 

"I'm s–-" 

"Don't. Please don't say it." She cut me off. 

I stared at her and she raised her eyebrows at me, her eyes gleaming with sadness. "I don't want to cry in front of you." 


"Annie, I never blamed you for mom's death, nobody did," she told me. "I find it hard to confide in anyone." 

"Which is why you trust your diary more than us?" I asked. She nodded, "Don't be angry at Elle, we're both concerned, but what are these thoughts you've thought of?" 

She stiffened, "So she did read it." 

I pulled her into a tight hug, enveloping her in my arms. "Keanne, if you needed someone to talk to, we're always here for you." 

"Not you..." she trailed off. I looked at her, slightly confused. "You'll be leaving, you're married to the man you love." 

Oh, right, she doesn't know. 


"I'll miss you though," she said, sniffling. 

I gazed at her once more and saw she was trying to resist tears. I pulled her closer to me and she finally let her walls down.

"It's okay to cry, Keanne," I rubbed her back soothingly. "You can't hold in your emotions longer." 

Aside from a torturous marriage ahead, at least I accomplished something. Talk to Keanne. 

The rest of the reception went by rather slowly. Keanne and I got separated as we had to do the bouquet toss. 

"Okay everyone, 3...2...1!" I yelled as I threw the bouquet backwards. 

I spun around and saw women either on the floor or getting up from the floor. A small giggle escaped my mouth and my eyes landed on Elle, holding the bouquet. 

"Oh, hell no!" I exclaimed. 

She laughed, "It was an accident! The nice lady over here was the one supposed to catch it! Not me!" 

I stomped towards her and animatedly crossed my arms., "I don't want to believe you." 

"Believe me!" she said, trying to hold in a laugh. 

Seeing her crack up made me smile and soon join her laughter. "But seriously, any guy who tries to become more than friends with you will never see the light of day again." 

She playfully smacked me on the arm, "Hey!" 

I'll miss moments like this with everyone.