14 | A Photoshoot


I awoke to the sound of my phone ring tone blaring and Sebastian hitting me, telling me to 'turn it off'. I rubbed my eyes as the brightness of the screen of my phone blinded me. Glancing around the room, I answered the call. We were still separated by a column of pillows. 

"Hello, Adrianne Chanelle– Adair speaking," I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Yes, I know this is you, Adrianne," the voice on the other line told me.

I removed my phone from my ear and checked the caller I.D. It was my dad. Why was he calling at such an ungodly hour?

"Dad? Why are you calling?" I yawned as I hopped out of bed.

"You forgot...again," he sighed.

"What'd I forget?" I scratched my head, trying to figure out what he meant.

"Today's the photoshoot," he answered.

I stiffened. The photoshoot? The photoshoot.

"Today? As in?" I ran back into the room, past the sleeping asswipe, and into the bathroom.


"What time should I be there?" I asked.

"Around noon." He paused, "Now hurry up, it's nine."

My eyes widened. Nine?! Already?! I thought it was around six!

"You're not joking, are you?"

"Do I seem to be joking?"

"Welp, I have to end the call and get ready seeing as I look like a rat's ass right now." I ended the call and hopped into the shower.

After showering, I grabbed my toothbrush while dancing along to the music I started playing.

"Be quiet..." Sebastian mumbled in his sleep.

Oopsie. I might wake the shithead.

Lowering the volume of the music, I turned to the mirror and peeled off the face mask I put on and spit out the toothpaste in my mouth. I washed my face and gargled afterwards. I ran to our bags in the corner of the room. We still had no time to unpack and we still had pride which stood higher than Mount Everest. So obviously, we couldn't get any work done. 

There were moments where we seemed to acknowledge the other and some times where I didn't have the desire to choke the heck out of him. Most of the time, it's just me glaring at him. As if that would work. That jerk had an ego bigger than him. It's been a week since I got married to him and I wouldn't say it's the best week of my life. 

I changed into a white tank top with a black leather jacket and high waisted jeans. Grabbing my black pump heels and my red handbag, I figured I'd just put on the makeup once I'd get there. I checked my wristwatch and it was already 10:30. I had to act fast. I grabbed my car keys off the bedside table and ran out. 

"Adrianne?" I stopped in my tracks. Turning around, I saw Sebastian, awake, rubbing his eyes. 

"Where are you going?" he asked, still sleepy. 

"Hey, uh, I have to go to the office building, go back to sleep." I waved my hands around in the air. 

"Office building? Why?" 

I groaned. "Photoshoot." 

He got out of bed and took his towel. "Don't move, I'm coming with you." 

"Why? You don't have to, keep sleeping," I urged. 

"I have nothing to do today, my schedule's all clear," he answered. 

"You could do something else!" I started bouncing up and down, constantly checking my wristwatch. 

"No, stay put. I'm your husband, I'm coming with you."

"Why? We're pretending!" 

"If we want to make the lie believable, I'm going to come with you." He walked into the shower. 

I wanted to scream. I wanted to scream so badly. I needed to get out, right now. "Just hurry up!" I yelled. 

And so I waited by the dining room for an entire hour. I kept going back and forth, checking on him. At some point, I was willing to ditch him.

I heard the bedroom door shut and quickly jumped to my feet. I can't miss this photoshoot. I never missed one of these. 

The annual family photoshoot. It is one time where we, the Chanelles, take a photo taken together and hang it up by the entrance of the office building. Not only do we get a family picture, but we also get solos. We place the family picture as the biggest then the solos as small photos beside the family photo. This all began when our company had boomed, rocketed into the sky. My mother thought it was a great idea to put up photos of us. She also wanted to incorporate us into the office. Most of our family photos were formal but we had another taken where we would be smiling like the happiest people in the world. Today, however, would make an exception. 

I whirled my head to the staircase and saw Sebastian holding up his keys. "We're taking my car," he said, nonchalantly.

I stood agape. "Why are you coming again?" I caught up with him as he opened his car door.

"Because imagine the rumours that would circulate if your husband is not with you." He shrugged, "Now get inside the car before I leave you here."

"I think I'd prefer that," I muttered.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I huffed and got inside his car. The engine roared to life and we drove off, headed to the Chanelle office building. It was a boring drive. I don't even understand why he's coming with me. I could just tell the staff or something that he's sick or tired from work. It's not as if someone would ask, right? Then again, the press is also a problem. Somehow, they keep finding all of us. Heck– they bombarded my sister with questions when they saw her exiting her school. It's intrusive and disrespectful. Though I know it's their job. 

We finally parked. Once again, I glanced at my wristwatch. Upon knowing the time, I dashed out and into the building proper. I passed by several employees, either on breaks or out on errands, quickly muttering a 'hello' and 'bye'. I ran past everyone and into an empty white room. Cameras were flashing while Elle was standing in the middle of the room wearing a halter dress; a halter top is a type of sleeveless shirt similar to a tank top but with the straps being tied behind the neck. She wore black ankle strap pump heels. Her blonde hair fell in loose curls around her shoulders and she wore minimal makeup which is perfect for her. 

Upon my entry, everybody turned their heads in my direction. 

"Am I late?" I asked in between breaths. 

Elle smiled as she finished her shoot. "Almost." 

I sighed in relief and placed my handbag down on the tables. My sister walked up to me and embraced me before walking out. Presumably to rest or smother her face with snacks. I sat on the chair in front of a mirror, massaging my temples. 

"You should wait for me next time," a voice I knew all too well spoke behind me. 

I glanced at him from the mirror and smiled innocently. "Sorry. I thought I was late." 

He sighed and didn't reply. He sat down on the seat beside the vanity and tapped his phone. I shrugged it off and resumed whatever I was doing. As I was applying eyeliner, someone came into the room with a worried expression plastered on her face. 

"Ms Adrianne's clothes are missing, we can't find any of the clothes her sisters handpicked for her," she panted.