13 | Just A Misunderstanding


I'm trying to remember what happened last night. 

I ran past him the moment he unlocked the house and collapsed on the bed, I didn't even change out of my clothes or wash my face. Hopping off the bed, I walked to our luggage, grabbed my bathrobe and a towel, and headed to the bathroom. I opened the door and looked at myself in the mirror. I had smeared makeup and a bit of drool on my cheek. 

I undressed, entered the shower, and spent a good amount of time there. Once done, I towel dried my hair and went out. Sebastian was already out of bed when I got out and that bastard didn't even fix the bed. I hastily fixed the bed and grabbed clothes from my bags. After changing into a loose white button-up shirt and shorts, I went down to the kitchen area and saw Sebastian on his phone. When we locked eyes, he ended his call. 

"I ordered food, it'll be here in 20 minutes," he stated. 

"Oh, when are we going to get other furniture for the house?" I asked. 

"When we have the time," he pulled out a chair and gestured to it, "Sit down." 

I sat and raised an eyebrow at him. "Let's make one thing clear, okay?" he said. 

"Okay? Which is?" 

"We don't stick our nose up in other people's business." He leaned against his chair and crossed his arms. "So you have to stay out of everything I do and I'll stay out of yours." 

I snorted, giving him a look of disbelief. "Like I'd give a damn about you." 


"That'd be a miracle if I did." 

We were interrupted by a repeated beeping sound erupting somewhere in the house. "I think it's my phone," I said, rising. 

I ran up to get my phone and check who's calling. I quickly grabbed my phone and checked the caller I.D. 

"Hey, Elle!" I greeted enthusiastically. 

"Someone's pretty chipper, why the good mood?" she asked. 

"Because you saved me from further talking to Sebastian," I answered. 

"You have a house now, isn't it rather...quick?" 

"It is, I have so many questions to ask Ian but he left after giving us the key," I replied.

"But one thing's for sure, dad didn't approve of the house, he kept mumbling about how it's all going too fast." 

Ian most likely did it, I thought. 

"So it's Ian," I mused. 

"Most likely, the money used to buy the house was split between the three of them: Mr Adair, Ms Adair, and dad," she added. 

"How did you know about that?" 

"I eavesdropped on dad a couple of weeks ago," she said as a matter-of-factly. 

"And you only told me now?" 

"Thought I heard wrong, but they did buy you guys a house." 

I bit on my nail, "What did they talk about during that time?" 

"Dad was saying something like 'is it necessary? or something and then a lot more, it's all foggy but I remember him saying that," she stated. "Oh, and they mentioned a house." 

"I guessed that much." 

"Could I hang out there?" she asked, quickly changing the subject. 

I shook my head even if she can't see it, "No, I'm not sure if dad will allow you. Also, you have school." 

She sighed on the other line. "I know but once I'm free, let's hang out together," she pauses, "Got to go, need to study for my exams!" I muttered a 'bye' and ended the call. 

"Adrianne!" Sebastian called.

I headed downstairs where Sebastian had spread out Chinese takeout food. "Go eat, I'll finish something," I said, waving him off. 

"Suit yourself."

I returned to our room upstairs and resumed my work. I wanted to escape spending time with him as much as possible. So I decided to sketch some clothes and other things as well. It wasn't a complete lie seeing as I also needed to submit some projects to the project manager of our team in our design firm. But I must say, she was terrifying since I was new to the team because I was just transferred to Adairs Design Firm. I hate it. Why did I have to be transferred? Oh right, cause dad is technically a puppet now who is being controlled by my father-in-law. 

As I sketched, the sound of a car engine roaring to life made me run down. I saw Sebastian exiting the driveway. There was unfinished food on the table. Walking outside, I turned around to properly look at the house as I couldn't do it last night as I ran to bed the moment the door was unlocked. My eyes roamed the exterior of the building in front of me. 

Buying the house and making us live together so quickly is to keep up the facade. I frowned. 

Since he wasn't here, I could finally eat. I stomped my way to the table and ate brunch. After eating, I made up my mind and wandered around the house. Exploring and discovering the rooms this house had. 

First, enter the front door and there's the foyer. Not that big. Just an average foyer. To the right was the staircase which leads to the second floor. Whirling my head to the left, there stood the dining area where, presumably, Sebastian and I would eat together. A few steps away from the dining area was the kitchen which was as empty as my sketchbook. It was all clean, nothing there. Except for a stove and a fridge which I looked forward to replacing. Looking west to the kitchen was the great room. Again, nothing except white walls and wooden floors. I walked around some more and stumbled upon a small room and noted I'd turn it into a laundry room. 

My eyes landed on a door by the back of the living room. My curiosity piqued so I walked over to it and opened the door. I marvelled at the backyard. It was wonderful! There was a pool and a summer kitchen! My eyes landed on the pool the moment I stepped outside and when I turned my head to the left, there was a covered lanai and part of the lanai was a kitchen. I whirled my head to the right to see another lanai. I squealed because there was so much space! You could do so much here. Well, if Sebastian and I agreed with each other. Nevertheless, it was spacious! How. The. Hell?

Come two in the afternoon, I decided to call Liam and invite him to the house. I had been sitting by the dining table while drawing some new fashion pieces. I had only completed one and was now staring at a blank sheet of paper, which, might I say, looks like a pile of crap. A car pulling up in the driveway made me jump up and run to the door. 

"That was quick, I haven't even knocked yet," he said, fixing his hair. 

"Come in." I opened the door wider for him. 

He walked into the house and looked around, inhaling a large breath of air. "You live in this house with that...guy, how are you holding up?" he asked, pulling out a chair. 

"Well, pretty good," I paused, "Except he didn't tell me where he went earlier." 

"Oof, I'm sure there's going to be an exchange of words later. To be honest with you though, why would he tell you where he'd be going if you two want to tear each other's head off?" He shook his head. 

"Out of politeness? Goes to show the chances of us getting along are slim." I sighed as I shook my head. 

Sensing the awkwardness, he changed the subject. "So your house is boring, when are you going to get the stuff?" He gestured to the space. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, he says when we have the time." 

"He? Sebastian?" he inhaled sharply. 

"I know, I know." I pursed my lips. "Hey Liam, help me think of new designs." 

"Woah hold on there, I might accidentally help you create a house instead of clothes," he joked.

"I've been staring at this piece of paper for I don't know how long." I raised the blank piece of paper. 

"Ah, art block," he concluded. "Get inspired is all I could say to you." 


"I don't know, what inspires you? Music? Travelling? Or hanging out at someplace?" he listed with his fingers. 

"I've only come up with one design which looks like absolute crap, how do I get out of this?" I groaned, stretching my arms. 

He laughed. "It'll go away in time."

"Fine, I'll focus on something else." I placed a finger on my chin while pouting. 

Liam laughed and I raised an eyebrow at him. "What's so funny?" I asked. 

"You look so weird, you look like those cartoon characters who touch their chin when thinking." 

I chuckled. "Want to help me design each room here?" 

He smiled mischievously. "I don't want to trust that smile." I smiled back. 

He dragged me away from the table and entered the hallway. "Come on then." 

We entered a room on the right side of the hall. "What should this room be?" I asked. 

"A..." he trailed off. 


"A guest room?" 

"Are you asking me a question?" I tilted my head to the side, amused. 

"I honestly don't know anymore," he paused. "A guestroom is good." He turned to the door, "What about the two other rooms in this hallway?" he asked. 

"I haven't thought about that." My hands dropped to my side. 

Looking around, I asked, "Do you think Sebastian and I will ever get along?" 

"I dislike the guy, yes, but I do hope that you two at least become friends. I can only imagine what it's like living with a person who despises you as much as you despise him," he said. 

The garage door opened and we heard a car pull up, a loud bang from closing the door followed after. 

"Welp, your hubby is home," he said. 

"Adrianne?" Sebastian called. 

I went out, an eyebrow raised. "Whose car is parked outside– son of a bitch." 

I turned around and saw Liam standing behind me, arms crossed. He let out a deep sigh as he eyed Sebastian. 

"What's he doing here?" Sebastian snarled. 

"Um...I invited him over?" I stated the obvious. 

"Get out now," he told Liam. 

Liam scoffed. "You gotta try harder than that, Adair." 

"Harder? Would you prefer getting dragged outside and possibly getting humiliated?" Sebastian glared at him, fumes coming out of his ears. 

"Try, if you can." Liam taunted him, a corner of his lips twitching. 

"Why don't you two stop acting like children?" I butted in. 

Their heads snapped towards my direction. "Yeah, Liam, listen to your best friend," he said, rather quickly. 

Liam took a deep breath and turned to face me. "Well, goodbye Adrianne." He waved.


Right after Liam leaves the house, Sebastian turns to me with narrowed eyes. "What is he?" He placed his fists on his hips.

"A human? You know, homo-sapiens?" 

"Not that, idiot. What is he to you?" he asked, louder.

You can't be serious. Again?! 

"How many times do we have to go over this, he's not my boyfriend!" I raised my voice. 

"Why so defensive though?" he stepped closer to me. 

"Uh– because you keep assuming Liam and I are more than friends?" I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Aren't you though?" 

"Would you stop?" 

I was getting frustrated with Sebastian. He didn't seem to believe anything I said and kept pressing that Liam and I are in a relationship. We are in a platonic relationship. That's all. 

"You know, if you didn't go drinking that night, you'd be in bed with your best friend." He forced a laugh. "Which I wouldn't have a problem with! Why? I'd still have the freedom to be with Amarra!" 

"Well, why don't you go see her?! Huh? Nobody's stopping you!" I yelled. 

"Nobody? Are you dumb, Adrianne? The media! The media believes we're in love and we're married when in fact, it's the exact opposite! Want to know who else? My–" 

"Well, who?! Why don't you say it, huh?" I placed my hands on my hips, my frown deepening. 


I took a deep breath. "You think you're the only one with problems caused by this marriage?" I stepped away from him. 

"As if you'd have problems, I think you did everything on purpose," he mumbled. 

My head snapped towards his direction, my eyes burning holes through his skull. "What– how dare you think that! You think I wanted that?!" 

"What? I've never met a girl who 'didn't like' me." He air-quoted. 

"There! That's the result of growing up with a cocky attitude! That's how it looks when you are raised thinking you can have everything in the world with the snap of your fingers! Bold of you to assume I'd like an asshole like you," I shot. 

"I'm sorry but, I think you're forgetting; you grew up privileged too. And let me correct you, I wasn't raised thinking I had everything I could ever want," he hissed. "Everything I am is caused by something." 

"Wow– so angsty!" I commented, laughing humorlessly. We both glared at each other with eyes that could kill. 

"You wouldn't be with me right now if you hadn't been in that club! You'd have the freedom to be with whoever you wanted to be with, you could be free instead of being with a person like me," he replied. 

"If I'd known what would've happened at the club that night, trust me I wouldn't have gone." I clenched my jaw, my hands balling into fists. 

"Except you did." He turned around and headed upstairs. "I'm going to sleep, I'm tired." 

"You jerk," I mumbled. 

As he disappeared from my line of vision, I headed outside and entered my car. To scream. I screamed as loud as I could, letting out my frustrations as I continued to strain my vocal cords. I hadn't realised I'd been crying when snot dripped from my nose. 

Sadness like this wasn't new to me. Grief-stricken. That is the word I could use to sum it all up. But, the recent events have been rather overwhelming. Ian and Sebastian were too much. Sebastian had induced loneliness. My attempts at calling off the wedding was a debacle. After all, the past months were all a failure anyway. Failure to rise. Failure to smile. Failure to function properly. Failure to be happy. 

I turned on the radio and listened to music, staying in the car for hours on end. Eventually, I dozed off to sleep. 

Three knocks beside me woke me up in seconds. It was Sebastian. I opened the door and frowned at him. "What is it now?" I took a deep breath. 

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" He raised his phone and shook it. 

I rolled my eyes at him. Why the heck is he acting like we didn't fight a few hours ago? Is this normal for him to be like this? Does he have bipolar or something? 

"I'm not hungry." I stretched my arms. 

"Okay, fine," he said, walking away from me and into the house. 

I glowered at him. Glaring holes into the back of his head, silently wishing he'd disappear. Stomping my way inside the house, I slammed the door shut. Sebastian flinched and turned around, eyes wide, forehead creased. He raised his arms, cactus-style. 

"What's your problem?" he asked. 

"You! You're my problem!" I pointed at him. How could he be so stupid and even ask what my problem is? 

He scoffed. "As if you're not mine," he mumbled. 

"You know, I still remember what your father said that day," I said. "He said you were ready for marriage." 

He raised an eyebrow and looked around. "Okay, and?" 

"Yet you're acting so immature!" 

He laughed rather uncontrollably. "What's so funny?" I asked him, my nails digging into my palms. 

Seeing his face irritated me. But seeing him laugh, for no absolute reason, angered me more. 

"Are you seriously that dumb?" he asked. 

"Excuse me? I'm not stupid and you know nothing of me to call me dumb." 

"I was ready for marriage with anyone except you." He snarled at me and turned his back on me. 

"Hey, face me when I'm talking to you!" I yelled at him. 

"Immature, huh? You're one to talk." He looked down on the floor. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"You're over here throwing a yelling and screaming like a toddler who didn't get their cookie and you're calling me immature, great." He crossed his arms over his chest. "You were dumber than I thought. Define immature."

"Don't act all smart on me, you dick!" I yelled. 

He spun around on his heel but he slightly turned his head to the side, side-eyeing me. "And, this is over. I'm walking away. You can starve to death if you want." 

Did he just tell me to fucking die? 

I was left there, dumbfounded. "What is wrong with you?!" I yelled at him, feeling the anger rise. 

He turned around, swiftly, his eyes wide with anger, veins were popping out of his neck. He stomped towards me and yelled, "Everything!" he clenched his jaw. 

"So is that why you told me to die?!" I clenched my fists. 

His eyes widened more and he quieted. "Look I didn't mean–" 

"Don't. Forget it," I interjected. 


"I said forget it," I said through gritted teeth.