Chapter 4

Yoongi's POV

I had a meeting with my father to listen to the old man complain about me needing to get married. He refuses to hand the business over to me until I am married. I didn't even understand the need for a wife. I run the business now perfectly well without a wife. I am sure it is nothing more than my mother's desire to have grandchildren. Although my Dad said it has more to do with others respecting a family man to lead better than a single man. Something about being able to be control and restraint.

No one seems to care that I don't want a family right now. In my line of work, a family can be a liability at best and collateral damage at worst. They are every man's biggest weakness. I use people's families to break them all the time. I'll be damned if someone can do it to me. But that doesn't stop me from promising my father that I am actively looking for someone to marry. He doesn't need to know that I am just sleeping with women.

Putting that out of my mind as Tae, Jin, and I pulled up to my home. As soon as we walk in we hear music. We look at each other confused because I know I turned off everything when I left this morning. Kelis is not the kind of person to listen to "Drop it Like it's Hot' by Snoop. Not with that ugly ass cardigan. Our guns were drawn we quietly creep through the house and head towards the music.

Once I made it to the corner with Jin next to and Tae at the other entrance. I saw something I never thought I would see. Kelis in black yoga pants and red loose-fitting crop dancing while she cuts veggie. I look and notice the guys are just as surprised as I am to see what that ugly ass cardigan was hiding. Watching as her ass pops as she dances to the beat. I notice the guys smile at her as she drops down when the song says it. It's time to put a stop to this. I know I am not the only having a rising reaction to her moves.

"Hey, Kelis!!!" Smiling like a dummy while she grabs her chest like that will slow her heartbeat. She turns and glares at me after I called her name. While she continues to glare at me as I let my eyes wander up her body.

Chuckling as she yells at me, "what the fluff Yoongi, you scared me!" Her face was flushed and there was a cute little frown on her face, while she waited for me to answer. I am honestly trying to figure out if I want to reprimand her or laugh, no one has told me off in baby before.

"Mind telling me why you have turned my kitchen into a strip club?" I smirk and then it hit me, she can't be wearing a bra on under that top. I did my best to keep my eye on her face while she spoke to me. "Do you mind telling me why you're home early? I wasn't expecting you for a few more hours."

I could tell she was annoyed that I didn't answer her. With my eyebrow cocked, I let her know I have no intention of being the first to break. Rolling her eyes and sighing she placed her hands on her hips before answering. "I am getting somethings prepared for meals this week. Cutting up onions and few other veggies saves time."

Then after a few seconds, she points a finger at me and cuts her eyes. "And I was most certainly NOT stripping." Then turning to Tae and Jin, "Good afternoon Jin and Tae." They were smiling and waving like idiots. It did not pass my notice that she yelled at me and smiled at them.

"Kels it smells great in here. Do you need any help?" Now I know he likes to cook and has offered to help her before, but the way he is eyeing her assets is getting on my nerves. I glare at him with my eyebrows raised before I could say anything she smiles and says. "No thank you Jinnie, I am almost done. I did make you guys some snacks." She points us in the direction of the table. She had made some finger sandwiches and fruit slices. "That should keep you guys until dinner."

"You are the best Kels." He hugs her before heading to the table to eat. "I like that shade of blue in your hair Tae Tae, it looks good on you." She ruffled his hair as she placed a plate in front of him then moved to give on to Jin and me. I get more and more annoyed as they follow her around with their eyes, taking turns examining her body depending on which way she looks. They are not even trying to hide it. These two fools are fighting for attention and it is irritating the hell out of me. As we all eat I am more and more frustrated while they keep calling her Kels. She never calls me anything but Yoongi or sir. When did they become so close to MY assistant?

"Thanks, Kels I needed a change. Do you ever change your hair color?" She shook her head no but before she could answer Jin jumped in. "Hey, Kels you didn't notice my hair?" He pouts like a small child. Why do they turn into toddlers around her?

With a brilliant smile, she answers, "Of course I did, Jin. But you always look great. I do like this softer shade of pink on you." With a soft smile to turns to head back into the kitchen. Tae and I roll our eyes at his needy ass. "What?" Shaking my head, "Your ass is too old to be this needy." He dismissed us with a cocky smile. "You are never too old to need attention."

"Will you two come on we have work to do." Turning to Kelis I take my time dragging my eyes up her body smirking as I notice her nipples getting hard as she watched me. "Go put some clothes on Kelis." My voices sounded a little harsh even to me. I could see the annoyance in her face and she made sure I could hear it in her voice when she spoke. "I have clothes on." She wasn't even bothered, and that bothered me. I slowly moved closer to her. So close I could feel her nipples as I leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Be a good girl and do as you're told before I show you what happens to bad girls." She

That did it, she put the knife down and almost ran from the kitchen.

Tae and I tried to hide our laughter as we watch Kels leave. The only woman I have ever seen affect him like this is his mom. She can be ruthless.

"STOP STARING AT MY BUTT!!!!" She shouted at us as she left the kitchen for her room. As soon as we heard her door close, Tae and I busted into laughter. I guess whatever he said to her helped change her mind. She does have a nice ass though.

Jin's POV

"Her cardigan was made by Satan," I said while finished eating my sandwich. "Hiding all that ass is a sin," nodding and grinning as he ae more of his pineapple chunks.

"MY assistant is off-limits. If you remember I already told you MY assistant is off-limits. You better look at her ass as much as you look at your sister's ass." I shivered, "dude that's nasty." He simply shrugged. If I had a sister her ass would never look like that. Even though I didn't say I can tell he knew I thought by the scowl on his face.

"So she is off-limits. You know one day she is gonna leave this house and meet a guy. Maybe do some grown-up things." Tae wiggled his eyebrows and smiled. Leave it to Tae he always knew which buttons to push.

"As long as it is not one of you six." He was pissed and it showed. Tae and I laughed as we walked with him to his office.

Suga's POV

Sitting in my office we discuss some accounts that have come up short. When I hear the doorbell I automatically change my computer screen to allow me to see who is at the door. I know Kelis will answer the door so no one bothers to get up. I watch her walk down the hallway to the front door on the security feed. I already know who is at the door and why he is here. As I watch her walk him back to my office I send a message to Jungkook about a new visitor and asking him to bring Jimin for getting information. By the time I hit send she is knocking on the office door.

"Mr. Min Mr. Lee Jason is here to meet with you." As Tae directs Jason to a seat. "Jungkook and Jimin will be here soon, they will show themselves in." As she turns to leave, I smile noticing that not only did she change but the ugly ass cardigan is back. I will give her credit for being a professional. "Would you gentlemen like anything to drink?" I shake my head, "We're fine thank you, Kelis." She closes the door as she leaves.

The man in front of me is beyond nervous. He is sweating and fidgeting with his clothes and his eyes were all twitchy. That means he is gonna tell me something I don't want to hear. The guys and I are sitting at the table in my office. I stand and greet Jason. I do have some manners. "Please have a seat, Jason." He nervously walks over to have a seat in front of my desk.

"How can I help you?" I watch him closely; I already know what he wants. I just want to hear him say it, he knows it too. His artificial blue eyes are everywhere, I can see him checking for a way out. There isn't for him, not that he is going to like. The sweat dripping from his hairline causing his bottle-blonde bangs to stick to his forehead. His skin is clammy and kind of pale.

"I need more time to get your money together. I have some of it but not all of it. I have more money coming in about a month. I can give it all back to you then, I swear." If it wasn't for his stutter, profuse sweating, and fidgeting he would look almost confident. "Smirking I look to Tae, "You see that, Tae?" Then back to watching Jason shake in his seat.

"Yeah, Suga I see it." He confirms with a twinkle in his eyes and a nod of his head. I look to Jin.

"How about you Jin. Do you see it?" While I was waiting on Jin to answer, I hear what sounds like water hitting my woods floors. Standing up immediately I look over my desk a see a big ass puddle on my floor. This mucker fucker pissed on my floor. Kelis just had the floors polished and sealed. She is going to fucking kill me.

"Did you seriously just piss on my floor?!?!" Yelling at him did not make me feel any better. He at least looks ashamed as he fucking should. "I am so sorry Suga. I swear I'll pay for that." I am over him I swear I am over this shit. Sitting back down I make a mental note to have Jimin use tarps because if talking to me makes him piss, Jimin is going to kill him.

"How much do you have Jason?" Making eye contact with him is hard. I mean how am I supposed to take him seriously? But I notice he is more nervous now than he was before. Tilting my head and cocky and eyebrow I wait on his answer. "Please make it good. Nothing I hate more than someone wasting my time or playing with my money. And right now, you are doing both and you pissed on my floor." He is never going to live that down, never. It fucking stinks too. Just then I see a light flash on my security screen. Jungkook and Jimin walk in the front door.