Chapter 5

Jungkook and Jimin walk into my office carrying supplies. I watch their faces scrunch up at the smell as soon as they walk in. As they make eye contact I direct them to the puddle on the floor with my eyes. I knew the minute they realized what happened. I notice that Jason noticed too. "I'm so sorry about your floor. Suga I know you can tell my nerves are shot." Jason is shaking like a leaf, as he should be. I'm not sure if he knows it yet or not but I know he sent Regina to search my home. I know he wants to blackmail me and I know who his family is.

"Suga I have a sick child and the hospital bills are so high. I used some of the money to pay his bills. I'm sure you can understand that I need to keep his treatment going." His eyes bounce from me to others and back again. "I have $10,000 right now and I swear I'll have the rest within the month." He nervously looks at each of us. I can almost hear him praying that I do.

"Do I look stupid to you?" It's my turn to look around at the men I call brothers. They shake their heads no. Jimin and Jungkook walk to a door hidden behind a bookshelf in my office to get things set up. Tae found some towels somewhere and dropped them on the floor over the puddle. I prayed that he did not damage my floors or I would kill him myself.

"I'm sure you are aware that if there is damage to my floor you are paying for it." Jimin spread a tarp on the floor and moved Jason's chair to the tarp. The color drained from his face."I am sure you can understand the new need to protect my floors?" Then directing him to sit in the chair.

"You're asking for more time to the money together, but you have already had six months." Keeping my whole vibe neutral, I knew it would help him relax. I wanted him to relax.

"I know but I have a family to provide for Suga."He said that with much more confidence than I expected from someone who just pissed on my floor. Thank God Jimin is a master of making people disappear. Smirking I walk to the side of my desk where he is and propping my hip up on my desk.

"You do need to be a mand and provide for your family, I agree. But you know I can't stay in business being stupid and giving away money. Right? You are also aware that I had you investigated." I watched as what that meant sunk in for him. As his terrified eyes locked on me, I smirked. "No wife, No kids, just your bitch ass grandfather, his wife, and your sister and her useless ass family."

Cocking my head to the side and smirking as he began to shiver. We both heard the unmistakable sound of a switchblade opening. Looking over I watched him as he saw the blade Jin pulled seemingly from thin air. Jason looked like he was looking at Azreal the angel of death. In a lot of ways, he was Jin. Jin is a master swordsman and is just as deadly using any type of blade. As I follow his eyes around the room, he has every right to be scared.

The sound of cracking knuckles draws our eyes to Tae. Tae and Jungkook are fighters, masters of a few different styles. Basics like boxing, kickboxing, karate, and more exotic ones like capoeira, krav maga, muay thai, and many more that I know nothing about. I have never known either of them to lose a fight. They don't need more than their hands to be deadly. Jimin is intellectual to put it simply. He has the uncanny ability to get information from people that they don't want known. He is a decent fighter too. I have never met a person that Jimin had to 'talk' to twice. There are rumors about these men that scare people but the truth is so much worse.

"I've let you make it this long because my father gave you the loan. He must have had some faith in your ability to pay it back or he wouldn't have." I saw him take a breath and relax. "I hate to look stupid. I am not OK with you making me look stupid," keeping my voice firm I leaned down to his level.

Watching as he closed his eyes to try and calm his nerves. "I would never do that to you Suga." I know my dad made him the loan to have something over someone in the Lee family. As long as he owed us we had leverage. Speaking next to his ear in a low voice, "This is your third strike." Ticking them off on my fingers for him, "The original deadline, you sent you slut to rob me, and your final insult showing up with not even a quarter of what you owe. I'm done playing with you."

As I stand, Jimin and Jin grab him. AS soon as they touched him he began to scream. Normally this isn't a problem I live on 40 acres outside the city limits, no one can hear him. With a quick jab to his eye, Tae rendered him quiet. That's when we heard her, Kelis was in the room and shocked with her hands over her mouth. When she noticed that we were all looking at her she turned and ran.

"Tae, catch her and take and lock her in her room." He nods then runs after her. Then looking over to Jimin, "take him to the basement get whatever information you can from him. Don't kill him though, we may need him for something later and I'm not ready to go to war with old ass monkey yet. " Nodding he left and took Jin and Jungkook with him. As they left I had to mentally kick myself in the ass for not locking the damn door. How hard is it to remember to lock the door?

Kelis's POV

Being caught by Tae normally would not have terrified me but right now it does. That man in the room was covered in blood and so are Tae's Knuckles. "You don't need to lock me in my room Tae I won't say anything." He was surprisingly gentle as he guided me to my room.

"Not my call Kels, I'm sorry. Please just be calm we are not going to hurt you." He looked a bit sad as he turned to leave my room. He is my friend. "Before you go can I check out your hand?" He turns and gives me his cute little smile. "No, thank you it's not that bad. I promise to treat it shortly. Don't be scared OK? We would never hurt you." He closes my door and I can hear the distinct sound of him locking the door. It was wild and beautiful. I have never felt more isolated. I thought of going out of the window but it was locked from the outside. What the hell have I gotten myself into.


Yoongi: Hey Dad

Mr. Min: Everything OK son?

Yoongi: Mostly. I was able to recover $10,000 from Jason the rest we are most likely are gonna have to write it off.

Mr. Min: He owes $100,000.

Suga: I know right now Jimin and Jungkook, and Jin are talking to him. I should have more information tomorrow.

Mr. Min: To be honest I didn't expect you to get that much from him. So why are you calling? You could've told me that a work in the morning.

Suga: There is a small issue. I can deal with it, but I want to make sure you are aware.

Mr. Min: OK what is it, son?

Suga: Kelis saw Jason before he was moved.

Mr. Min: How do you plan to handle it?

Shit, this feels like a setup. I can hear the smile in his voice.

Suga: I think if we talk to her she will be OK. She didn't panic or anything.

Mr. Min: Or you marry her.

Suga: Excuse me???

Clearly, my ears aren't working right.

Mr. Min: Son you need to marry. If you marry her she can never be called into court to testify against you in court. You will also be able to inherit and I can retire. It's a win-win. Besides, I like her and she's good for you.

Suga: I don't want a wife.

I grind out

Mr. Min: Well you should have locked the door.

I hear the laughter in his voice.

Suga: I really don't think she will talk to anyone.

Mr. Min: Man up your mother and I will be there shortly. And son only your death will keep you from this.

Suga: I'm thinking about it

I say under my breath.

Mr. Min: Congratulations son see shortly.

He completely ignored my comments.

Fuck my life, I drop my head in my hands. Now I need to convince her.