Chapter 6

Yoongi's POV

Walking back to Keli's room, I knock on the door. Getting annoyed because she isn't responding to me. I try knocking one more time before I remember that she is locked in and can't open the door. Shaking my head, I let myself in. She is laying on her bed looking at the ceiling. She doesn't even bother to look up.

"I'm not going to say anything, you don't have to lock me in my room like a child." Kelis is annoyed with me and I am sure it is only going to get worse.

"In my line of work, you can never be too careful. Everyone is a threat until they're not." It's my simple truth. She doesn't seem to be impressed I assume by her eye-rolling.

"I live here now. What sense does it make for me to have you arrested? How do I benefit if something happens to you? Sitting up on her elbows and looks at me with her big brown eyes and a frown. She looks about as threatening as a wet cotton ball. Normally I would agree with her logic, but my dad is right. She is only harmless until she takes the stand. Then she is as deadly as a category five hurricane.

"Look I have no idea what you do, and I don't care. All I know is it may not be as legal as you want me to believe." She knows more than I thought. She is dangerous to me and my family.

"All you need to know is that I am in money management." Sitting on her bed looking down at her face. "There is no way to say this. So, I am just gonna say it. We are getting married tonight." Might as well rip the band-aid off. She doesn't have a choice anyway.

"You don't even like me, why the hell do you want to marry me?" I understand the reaction and confusion. I need to get her in front of the minister willingly. Shrugging at her I take a breath.

"It's simple, I can't have you testifying against me in court. If we are married then you can't testify." I watched as she tried to process the information I gave her, but I'm not done yet. "Not much will change for you, you can live her still. As my wife, you will no longer be on the payroll and will be expected to change your last name and moving into my room." I am so proud of myself. I calmly explained things to her with patience and it looks like I may have calmed her fears.

I may have missed something because she is looking anything but happy. "Under no circumstances am I sleeping in your bed with you." Once she finished she crossed her arms and turns away from me. I am offended and pissed standing up I look down at her with all of my frustration.

"And what the hell is wrong with my bed?" If she knew me better my tone would scare her. She doesn't look bothered at all. In fact, she looks at me equally frustrated.

"You are a man whore. There is no telling what is in that bed and you do not like me." It's kind of cute seeing her get upset.

"It's not like I hate you we should get along just fine. I will even get a new mattress tomorrow if it makes you feel better. See now that is settled, I'll be back when it's time for the ceremony." I turned and left knowing that I have erased her fears and didn't get upset at her outburst. Just after I closed the door I hear something door.

Mrs. Min's POV

Walking into my son's home excited that he is finally getting married. I'll admit not under the best of circumstances, but he is getting married. The woman he is marrying is amazing and everything he needs in a wife. I could not be happier. As my husband and I walk into his dining room. We can see all of his friends and him eating cup noodles. I wonder why because Kelis is an amazing cook and she cooks every meal.

"Hello, boys." Looking at them individually smiling at each one of them as I walk around through the kitchen then back to my son. I am enjoying the way they squirm.

"What are you looking for mom?" He looks a bit annoyed as he eats his ramen. Good, because so am I. Narrowing my eyes at him making sure he knows that I am still his boss. He does squirm a bit, but he does maintain eye contact.

"Yoongi, Love where is Kelis?" my voice fairly dripped with honey. That got my other boys to bury their faces in their cup soups. Either something is interesting in there or I am about to hear something I don't want to.

"She is in her room until the minister gets here. I locked her in." He hands me a set of keys and I promptly slapped him in the back of my head.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Keeping my voice extra sweet. He looks at me confused and if I hadn't raised him myself I would swear he was raised by wolves. MY husband and his brothers moved away from him. They weren't even discreet about it.

"Mom, you hit me!!! What the H…." Giving him my natural mom look. The one that gives me a reputation that rivals that of any man in my family.

"I strongly suggest you do NOT finish that sentence. Now explain yourself." The others got up and left as I stalked towards my son.

"Mom she is in her room, not prison. I needed to be sure she didn't run before the wedding." This time he kept his voice even and respectful. Just like I used to do him when he was a boy and got too excited.

"You could have invited her to join you, men, for a meal. Keep your eye on her that way. Treated her more like the FAMILY she is about to be. I raised my voice a bit and smiled as he flinched.

My family has eight of the most powerful men in our country. They are skilled in many things both legal and not so much. But no matter what they will always respect me and fear me a little bit.

"She needed time to think and adjust her attitude. She was being rude to me." He was still speaking to me in a placating voice like he does when he doesn't want to upset me.

"You locked in her room like a child. Of course, she has an attitude. You were rude to her first son" Sitting next to him in the closest chair. "I have goals and dreams. One of which is grandchildren and a daughter in law that doesn't hate me. Neither of which is going to happen if my only biological child is an ass."

He closed his eyes and placed his head on the table. "Well you won't get any grandchildren if she refuses to get in my bed. She thinks I am a man whore and says she won't touch it." This little shit is smirking, and it is irritating me. Making sure to look him in his eye so there is no miscommunication.

"She isn't wrong son. You do have some whorish ways. I suggest you fix the problem. I don't care if that means a new bed or a whole new house. You WILL be married to her for better or worse. You WILL make sure she is treated with respect by you and everyone else. I know you don't like me interfering in your life, but this match is meant to happen. And finally, you WILL make every effort to be a great husband. Do I make myself clear?"

Making sure to maintain eye contact with him. He is a good boy and always has been, but this is something he does not want to do. He needs this more than he knows, I don't care how upset he is. This will happen. My husband walks in and places his hand on my shoulder and speaks to our son.

"Son you know how this works just agree already so the rest of us can breathe easier." He looks at our son with sympathetic eyes. He has been in this position before. I can always count on him to have my back no matter what or who I come up against.

Yoongi's POV

"Yes mom, I'll do what I can to make it work." I know arguing with my mother is not only pointless but has been dangerous for some people. I have no idea why she scares the hell out of me, but she does.

That is all I ask. Thank you Love now please go get her." As my mother finished talking the doorbell rang. After checking the monitor, I notice the minister has arrived.

"Your minister is here. Would you mind getting the door while I get Kelis?" Walking away before she can even respond. Taking some deep breathes preparing to ease her mind so we can get through this. Even though he is our family minister he will not marry her to me against her will. Politely knocking before I open the door.

"Are you ready, Kelis?" Walking in and holding my hand out to help her up from the bed.

"No, but I guess that doesn't matter to you. You aren't giving me a choice, are you? Taking sighing trying to control my temper.

"Look, I don't want you to be miserable in this marriage. You can keep this room until there is a new bed delivered." Smiling on the inside, again proud of myself for thinking about her comfort.

"So decent of you." That's it I am too through with her and this attitude.

Pulling her closer to me by her chin I tell her, "Look we are going to be married for life. So, let's make the best of it." Getting so close to her that our noses are almost touching.

"What the fuck is your problem? I'm trying to be nice, but you seem to be trying to piss me off." I am no longer going to hide my annoyance from her. She needs to realize that is not the only person upset by our circumstances.

"Do you think changing your mattress is going to fix things for me? It won't, there are so many random women that pass through your life. How is this supposed to work" She does have a reason for concern, I do have a lot of women in my life. She needs to realize that I am not going to tolerate her disrespect. Sliding my hand from her chin to her neck with a gentle squeeze forcing her to look at me.

"Look we are going to go get married now. You are going to be a good girl Angel and say I do. Then tonight after everyone leaves, we will discuss your issues. Do I make myself clear?" Making sure that I don't loosen my grip on her neck and keep my voice firm. Feeling my pants get a little bit tighter as she squirms a little. Smiling as I realize my little Angel likes to be dominated. This is going to be fun.

"Fine but this conversation is not over." She walks from the room like the angel she is halo intact for now as I follow her out.