Chapter 7

Standing in front of the priest holding hands with my boss. Seriously questioning the life choices I've made that led me here. My boss is amazing to look at and I have even had a small crush on him for a while now. Well, at least when he is quiet and not getting on my nerves. I never thought I would find myself married to his mean ass or anyone else. I know I am not exactly the type of woman he normally associates with. There is no way I am going to be happy in this relationship. I feel a gentle squeeze on my hand that Yoongi is holding. It snaps me back to the situation at hand, looking up I realize the minister said something to me. He repeated the words he needed me to repeat to bind myself to a man that doesn't love me.

Taking a deep breath I steady myself and then I repeat "I, Kelis Michaels, take thee, Min Yoongi, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, I pledge myself to you." Very proud of myself for not crying in front of everyone. I am now and forevermore tied to a man that only married me so he can stay out of jail. "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride."

Yoogni lightly caresses my cheek with his hand, lifting my face to press his lips softly to mine. It wasn't much more than a peck, but it was more than enough to complete my bond with him in the eyes of man and god. When he was done there was a bunch of whistles, laughter, and congratulations. Placing his hand on my lower back we turned to face the others.

"Congratulations Kelis welcome to the family, Love." She pulls me into a big hug. I can't help but smile at her genuine happiness. I hug her back taking comfort in the fact that at least she is happy for me. She has always wanted to see me married to her son for some reason. I will let her have this moment, I don't want her to know how much this is bothering me. "Thank you Mrs. Min. I'll do my best to be a good daughter in law."

"You married him. The only thing you could do to make me happier would be to give me grandkids." With a huge smile, he pulls me into a big fatherly hug. The ones they give you to let you know it's going to be ok.

"I want nephews to please," Tae said as he jumps up to hug me and places a kiss on my cheek. Jimin comes up next, " Yes, nephews would be great." Placing a kiss on my forehead with a big smile.

"What do you men have against girls?" I giggle and receive a hug from Jungkook and a sweet kiss on the cheek. Jin comes next with his gentle kiss on my other cheek. "Girls attract boys. Boys have dirty minds and like to test their limits and my patience." With his unique and adorable laugh, it inspires me to giggle a bit. "And no one has time to do time because some boy wanted to test his patience."

"Well, I will take what I can get boy or girl. I am about to retire, and I have nothing but time for them to test my patience." Mr. Min laughed at the look on Yoongi's face. Which I just noticed paled a bit with the talk of babies. Mrs. Min on the other hand is positively glowing. I am not sure whether or not it's the talk of babies or her husband retiring that has her looking so happy.

Walking up to take my hands in hers, she smiles while looking me in the eye. "I know these are not the best of circumstances to get married under, but I'm so glad he married you. He is a good boy Kelis and if you give him a chance he will make you happy. If not come see me and I'll make sure he does." Smiling at her and giving a slight nod of my head was enough to make her happy and the look she gave him was enough to make him shiver so that I felt it.

"Take this however you want but get out. There is no way you will get children of any gender sitting in here." He then began to kick his family out of the house. "So rude," Jin said on his way out. "So," was Yoongi's only comment as he pushed his brother out the door. He hugged his father and kissed his mother before they left, with promises to call them later. Right after his family left he turns to me. "Now let's get to know each other."

Yoongi lightly caresses my cheek with his hand, lifting my face to press his lips softly to mine. It wasn't much more than a peck, but it was more than enough to complete my bond with him in the eyes of man and god. When he was done there was a bunch of whistles, laughter, and congratulations. Placing his hand on my lower back we turned to face the others.

"Congratulations Kelis welcome to the family, Love." She pulls me into a big hug. I can't help but smile at her genuine happiness. I hug her back taking comfort in the fact that at least she is happy for me. She has always wanted to see me married to her son for some reason. I will let her have this moment, I don't want her to know how much this is bothering me. "Thank you Mrs. Min. I'll do my best to be a good daughter in law."

Yoongi's POV

After everyone leaves the house, I turn to Kelis and smile. I take her hand and we walk to the kitchen table and sit. "Why are you smiling? What have you done?" She asks with an incredulous look in her eyes. I hate the way she always looks at me like a wayward child. Quickly dropping my smile I order her to go change. "Go change into something less casual. I want to talk to you and maybe here isn't the best place to do it."

Watching her walk away to go change smiling at the memory of her doing the same thing earlier in a pair of leggings. It's nice to know that very soon my hands will be on that ass. Picking up my phone and make a quick call. I wasted no time in changing into a black pair of ripped jeans, a black over-sized tee shirt, and black combat-style boots. About 10 minutes later she walks in a black boatneck loose-fitting sweater, white skinny jeans that hugged her nicely, and some ankle boots.

"Is this OK?" She has a shy look about her that adds to her innocent look. I find her innocence as sexy as hell.

"Yeah, let's go." Smiling I grab her hand and walk her to my car. Holding the passenger door open and closing it behind her.

"Where are we going." She seemed a bit nervous as she asked me.

Once I get comfortable and buckled in my seat I turn to answer her. "I have decided the best way to get to know you is to date you. I hope it will help us through the awkwardness of how we married, to hopefully build at least a friendship to build our marriage on. So, we are going on a date." Smiling while I wait to see her response. I have decided that I want to make the most of this marriage. She has been doing all the things I expect a wife to do, aside from sex. Let's be honest all I need is her consent, her curves make having sex with her something I am looking forward to.

"So, you are going to date your wife? You're OK with that?" The confused look on her face is adorable.

"My parents still have date nights after 20+ years. If we had done this the right way I would have taken you on plenty of dates. I know we are going about this a bit backward, but I think it's important that we do it." She blushes and sits back to enjoy the ride.