Chapter 8

Yoongi's POV

I decided that if I am going to do this I am going to do it right. I chose a small family-owned Italian restaurant the boys and I eat at. It looks like something out of a movie with the red and white checked tablecloths and wine bottle candlestick holders. The guys and I always felt like we were in a mob diner when we ate here. I smiled as I opened the door for Kelis. I like the small smile that appeared on her face as we waited to be seated.

"I love Italian food; this place looks amazing." She smiles as we are directed to our table. The hostess smiled and was polite to both of us. I have never been here with another woman and I never dated a woman that worked here. I feel good knowing there should be no awkward encounters. A few seconds after the hostess left our waiter game over.

"Welcome to Giovanni's my name is Johnny. Can I start you two out with something to drink?" He smiled and took his notepad out of his pocket and waited for me or Kelis to speak.

"Yes, I'll have a water with lemon, the chicken and capers with a glass of house pinot grigio." I looked over at Kelis as she checked out the menu. I forgot she had never been here before and may have needed more time to check out the menu. She surprised me by looking up at the waiter and placing her order with confidence. It made me feel less like an ass, but I still need to be more considerate.

"I'll have the fettuccine alfredo and a glass of house chardonnay." Smiling she hands her menu over to Johnny. He smiles and walks away.

"I'm impressed you paired your wine with your meal well. Most of my dates just pick a drink they like." To be honest most of the women I date simply order the most expensive things on the menu, thinking it makes them look sophisticated.

"I have seen a few cooking shows and learned a few things." She smiles and giggles at my response. Chuckling and her cute little giggle. I think this marriage may not be so bad if we get along this well.

"I noticed you didn't order chicken with your alfredo. Do you not like meat?" This made her laugh, and it was a rich sound that made me feel like I could really fall for her.

"I once watched a video on YouTube and found out in Italy they don't serve it with chicken. That is an American thing. They also don't make alfredo sauce the same way. It is fascinating to see all the ways the recipe has been changed." As she finished talking the waiter came back with our food and drinks.

As we ate we talked about our childhoods and life growing up. We talked about if we wanted kids, how many, and when. We were having a great time getting to know more about each other. Then I notice a shadow fall over our table and a look of pure irritation on her face. I look up and see Regina standing with the man she said she was terrified of.

Looking up at him careful not to let him see my irritation. I see that his "talk" with Jimin left its mark on him. I look up at them with a small smirk as I look at his black eye and broken arm.

"What the hell are you doing at my table Jason?" He lets his eyes run over Kelis and smiles. That's when I notice that he is missing a tooth.

"Just coming to see what you are fucking now." Jason smiles and continues to let his eye roam over Kelis. I do notice that Regina looks pissed by the way he is checking out Kelis."

"I see you have reached a new low Suga. He is fucking the help now Jase." She was practically growling as she spoke. Looking up at her with a smile I said, "Nice to see you are no longer afraid of him Regina." Not going to lie I am getting pleasure in her discomfort.

"I just told you what you wanted to hear so I could get as much information as I could." She smiles and looks at him but can't hide the way she has paled. "If you say so, Regina. So, Jason did you get my gift?" I smirk at his confused look. "No? Too bad, I think you would have liked it." He sneers at me, "I don't need to see a video of you fucking Regina. I already know, and I fucked her right when she got home." Looking at him I laughed.

"Is that so? But I didn't send a video of my fucking her." I chuckled a little and Regina turned to me and glared.

"Shut the fuck Suga, or I swear to God I'll hurt her." If she were a dog she would be foaming at the mouth, so is pissed.

"You won't touch her. We all know it. You're just a dirty whore and you like that Jason doesn't know. Don't you?" I smile because I know she is mad as hell and getting madder.

"Would you like me to tell him how much you liked what I did? How your excitement dripped down your legs? How much you didn't even fight it, but begged for more?" I guess I hit a nerve cause the next thing I know she reached over and tried to slap Kelis. But she wasn't fast enough and Kelis was able to catch her hand mid-swing and then pushed it away from her.

"I don't know what kind of sick freaky stuff you're into with him, but you will not take it out on me because your whorish ways are being exposed." I was proud of her she kept her cool. That seemed to piss off Jason and she turned towards her like he wanted to do something.

"Touch my wife and it will be the last thing you ever do." Even though we are just getting started and still getting to know each other. I know that we are married in name only but, she is my wife and will be treated with respect. Jason stopped immediately; he never was the type to get into physical violence when it was going to affect him.

"You married this bitch? After all the women you cheated on me with you married this bitch?" She looks genuinely hurt and offended. "Why the fuck do you care that he married her. You were just choking on my dick in the car on the way here." Now he looks pissed. He looks like he wants to hit her.

"Now you know why I never kissed you. You're nasty, begging to suck my dick while you were in a relationship with someone else. I would never marry a whore." I felt a hand gently touch my arm, it was Kelis.

"Yoongi can we leave, please? I don't want to be here anymore. "I smiled, nodded, and stood up to pull out her chair.

"What the fuck? Princess, are you too good to be in the same room with me? Suga this bitch gets to tell you what to do?" Regina was livid and red in the face and that pissed off Jason.

"I'm not sure what the fuck your issue is but get the fuck over it NOW." He grabbed her by the face and turned her, so she looked him dead in the eyes.

He grabbed her face and looked dead in her eyes.

"You better remember where your loyalties lie. I have no use for a lying, unfaithful whore that is lusting after another man." Then he squeezes her face until her lips poke out. Taking Kelis's hand while they argue amongst themselves. We get ready to go pay our bill and leave. Before we pass them I stop next to Jason to ask him a question.

"Fucking her hasn't been the same since my arm has been in her, has it? You know she loved it. I think the guys watching just made it better for her. She squirted all over my bed and arm. Have you been able to get that loose pussy squirt?" Dropping my voice so only he can hear me. "I don't need to remind you what can happen to you if you don't leave us alone." When I had said my piece I step over to pay our bill and leave with a disgusted-looking Kelis.

We ride back home in silence, but I can tell that Kelis is uncomfortable. I can see she has questions, but she looks unsure of whether or not she wants to ask. I smile as look at the road. "You can ask me anything." It came out a bit blunter than I wanted but it got my point across.

"Did you do that to her? Put your hand inside her?" She has an odd look of innocence, confusion, and curiosity on her face.

"She likes stuff like that, and I have done that to her many times. I would never actually hurt a woman sexually like that. Her kink just happens to work for me." I answered her honestly because rape is not my thing.

"Normally I don't even deal with women like that. She was a spy and crossed a line, so it became professional and personal. "I tried to keep the hardness out of my voice. But it was hard because she crossed a line mixing business and personal lives.

"Do you plan to do that to me too?" She looks at me with her innocent eyes. I don't get a lot of innocent anything in my line of work.

"Is that what you want? Is that what you into?" I look over to her with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"No, I don't think so." She blushes and looks out the window. "What do you mean you don't know? Have you ever had an orgasm?" I have heard some women never or rarely have an orgasm. I feel kind of bad that she may have never had an orgasm, but happy to be the first to give her one.

"No of course not. I've never had sex." I didn't think she could get any redder, or that I could be any more turned on. Not sure what I did to deserve a virgin bride, but I think I am gonna make a trip to church to thank God for the win. "How did you manage that?" She has the face of an angel with a body made for sin. She has big coffee brown eyes full of innocence, curly black hair that for some reason is always up in a bun. Her high cheekbones, full lips, and caramel-colored skin give her an exotic look.

"Simple I kept my legs closed. I studied more than I partied. The older I got the easier it got. Besides after a while men began to think I wasn't worth the effort." I find her ability to hold on to her innocence in this jaded world we live in amazing. I also think that there may be something to women's point of view that men are stupid.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question? I know it maybe none of my business, but I would like to know what it is that you do?"

I guess I can tell her a bit, there isn't much harm in that. We are married now, and she should know.

"I am in money management as you know. Some of it legal and on the books, some of it not. Which is why we are married you walked in on the off the books work." I continue to drive to the house and speak without looking in her direction.

"Do you think that with your job I'll be safe? Will I be OK to live my life like I always have?" It is a fair question, to be honest, I have no idea. That was the main reason I didn't want to be married. We have only been married for a day, but I am not ready to let her go.

"I can't tell you that there may not be a time that someone tries to get at me using you. What I can tell you is no one has ever tried to get at me through my mother. No one has ever attacked my home. I will do everything I can to keep you and any future kids safe." I hope it was enough to make her feel better.

"Thank you for not lying to me just to make me feel better." She smiles at me as we pull onto our property. We still have about another 10 minutes till we reach the house.

Once we made it into the house I grabbed her hand and guided her into our newly redone Master bedroom. While we were out my mother and her staff came and moved her stuff into my room.

"As you can see I have had your things moved into the master bedroom. I have had the original mattress thrown out. I had the furniture in this room donated to charity and had a whole new bedroom suite brought in, I hope you like it." I look at her and smile. I hope she can see that I am making an effort, even though she only knows the asshole side of me.