Chapter 14

Yoongi's POV

I knew life was going too well. My wife and I are in a good place. My brothers are alive and not fucking up too much. Jin's wife has been doing great things with finding bugs and moles in his company. She brought to our attention that we were not only vulnerable but already penetrated. Even a spy in his company and would be moving to the rest in short order.

I can't wait to figure out who the hell the leak is in my company. It is going to shut down quickly and with prejudice. Almost all of my shipments are being raided by the police or some government office. They are not that fucking smart. Someone is feeding them my information. Kelis made a simple ass suggestion last night in bed and I can't believe I didn't think about it before. She has been moody lately, so I've been giving her some space, or maybe it's cause I'm moody. I don't know or care right now.

I'm in my home office with all my brothers right now going over details for how I want to handle this. I am sure it's not one of my brothers or their significant others. Well, all but Taehyung is dating a gold-digging petty bitch right now. I'm reasonably sure that he doesn't share business information with her.

"OK, so the plan is simple, super simple. Since they seem to only hit MY shipments, I suggest a setup." Since no one is saying a word, I know it means they are listening carefully. Sierra had swept my house and found a couple of bugs. I had signal blockers installed in my office immediately after. It blocks cellphone signals, WiFi signals, and even radio waves once I turn them on. I wanted to make sure I was able to control access to my home, even sound waves.

"The date, time, and items being delivered will always be the same just the location will change." I look around and everyone is nodding in agreement. I can tell they have questions. Jin is the first to speak. "So how will we get the information out there? I mean without fucking up a regular shipment." I thought about that too.

"Nothing will change in the computer. I want the mole to think everything is the same. My real shipment will run through one of your companies on the normal date and time until this jackass is caught."

Hobi looks at me and asks, "Sounds like a plan. When do the changes take effect?" My brothers and I have great relationships, we never second guess each other just. We know that we are all the best at what we do and would never take unnecessary risks. I love it, never any difficulty, no second-guessing just trust.

"Is there any questions?" They all shake their heads. "Alright then, let's head out before my wife kills me about the Wi-Fi. Sometimes the blockers mess with her ability to watch television." Although they are laughing at me, everyone is getting their things together to go. Especially Jin, his wife can't boil water, so they eat over here if he doesn't cook.

Kelis's POV

The t.v. and internet are acting up again. I know why he put the signal blockers in but they are only supposed to work in his office. I don't know what they could even be talking about in there. It is taking forever. They all know I watch my favorite detective shows at the same time every day, nothing new. Yet they decide to have a secret meeting and cut into my regularly scheduled program like the flipping president.

I want some beignets and coco. I get up and head to the kitchen. I think that will make me feel good. I get a box of Cafe Du Monde mix from the cabinet and follow directions. I can make them scratch but the mix tastes almost like what I had in New Orleans. Just as I finish frying up the last one and putting the leftover batter in the fridge the guys come out of the office.

Smiling walks up to me smiling. "That looks great Kels. Did you make more?"

He looks at the four I have on my plate. I hope he isn't expecting any. "Sorry Tae, I wasn't sure how long you guys were gonna be in there, and these need to be eaten fresh." I grab my plate and mug and head into the living room. Normally I would have smiled or made them some, not today. I just want to watch my shows and chill.

I can hear Yoongi explaining that he has no idea what's wrong with me and apologizing for my rudeness. I also hear him say I'll get over it by tomorrow. I don't think anything is wrong with me. Right now, he can kiss my ass I'm allowed to relax, and I do not need him to apologize for me.

I bite my beignet after dunking it into my coco, just heaven a sweet bite of fried chewy heaven. I savor it while watching my show "American Greed." After like three bites my tummy starts to feel queasy. I put down my piece of heaven and decide to let my stomach settle. It does not settle. I shove someone out the way as I run to the nearest restroom and bring up my snack.

I can feel Yoongi rubbing my back as I dry heave the last thought of food out of my stomach. He helps me up and wipes my face with a cool towel. "What's wrong Angel?" He looks at me and his eyes are full of concern.

"I think I just got a little ambitious. I must have eaten too fast." I quickly wash my hands and brush my teeth. As I walk out of the bathroom Yoongi pulls me to the side. "If you still feel bad later, I'll take you to the doctor OK? No fighting with me about it either." Even though he kept his voice soft it was still firm enough to let me know it was not open for debate. Nodding I watch him walk away. He and the guys all leave to do whatever it is they are going to do. I wander back over to the couch and debate on whether or not I to try eating again. It's cold now. Damn, I wanted that.

There was a knock at the door before I could make up my mind about using the microwave. I have no idea who this could be because everyone I know has a code to get in. I haven't ordered anything recently and all the guys are together. His parents just walk in. So I decide to ignore the door and go to toss the now cold beignets. Whoever it is will get bored and stop knocking and go away.

When the knocking stopped I assumed that they went away. Heading back into the bathroom and look for one of the pregnancy tests that Mrs. Min insisted we keep on hand. I don't think we will be having kids soon since we are still getting to know each other and have only had sex once. Honestly though who does it hurt to keep them on hand?

Opening the box, and pee on the stick. Sitting the stick on the back of the toilet and wash my hands as I wait. It takes five minutes so I walk away thinking I would find something to eat that will be easier on my stomach. As I step out of the bathroom, I walk right into a person that throws a black bag over my head. I am startled, caught off guard I mean I didn't even hear the door open.

It takes me a second to snap out of it but sadly when I do kick out it's almost too late. I got in one kick and y slipper flew off in the process. It wasn't enough though cause I was still in a vise grip hold that was threatening to make me throw up again.

"We are gonna leave and you are gonna behave or your husband will find your body right here. Understand?" He whispered into my ear with his hot ass breath smelling like death.