Chapter 15

Kelis's POV

I know this voice. I just can't place it yet, but I'm sure I've heard it before. I just nod and the jackass picks me up and walks out of the house with me. I'm put in a vehicle I assume the back seat cause I'm laying down. It feels long like the bench seat in a van but wider. I'm not even sure why I am thinking so hard about it. It's not like it's going to make a difference right now. Suddenly the vehicle is started and it loud and quiet at the same time. I know that sounds stupid, but I think I'm in the back of an r.v. or some sort of van.

It's a long ride or at least it feels like it. It is so quiet and the only thing I have to entertain myself is my wild imagination. I wish they would have taken the hood off it's getting hot under here. Taking deep breaths I try not to panic. I have never been kidnapped before and I don't like it. But who does? I need to stay calm and not have stupid conversations with myself or a panic attack. I have not been gone long enough to go crazy. Then I remember I might be pregnant and I need to keep it together for my baby.

Yoogni's POV

The guys and I walk up to my front door and the first thing I notice is that it is open, not slightly open, but all the fuckin way open. We all pull out our weapons of choice and prepare to walk into the house. I notice the door has not been kicked in but, I can see scratches on the lock. Someone picked the locks. Everyone with any reason to get in my house has a key or a passcode.

We walk in and immediately split up. Jin and Tae go left and check the office and living room area. Jungkook and Hobi go straight and check the kitchen, dining room, and powder room. Namjoon, Jimin, and I go to the left to check the guest rooms, master suite, and guest bath.

When I get into the master bedroom I see nothing. I check the closet, under the bed behind the doors everywhere. I walk into the bathroom and nothing. I can hear the guys yell that their area is clear.

"FFFFUUUUUCCKK!!!!!" I scream as loud as I can. It doesn't help me feel any better. I look around to see if there is a note or something. Just as I was about to walk out of the bathroom, I notice something on the back of the toilet. Picking it up I stare at it, as the guys come rushing in to see why I screamed.

"What's that?" Namjoon asked. I don't answer him, but I can see when he realizes what it is. I have never been more scared or pissed in my entire life. My mind is running a mile a minute and I have no idea what to do. That only lasts a second before I snap out of it and into action.

"Pull up the video footage. I need to know who has my family, so I can kill them."

Namjoon leaves and takes Jimin with him.

Jin comes and we walk into the living room and sit on the nearest couch. Jin does what he does best and takes over for me. He knows that in my current state, I might make a mistake. It will kill me if I fail to protect my family.

"Tae reach out to Dad. Tell him Kelis is pregnant and missing. We are not sure the kidnappers know about the baby." Tae nods and quickly goes to the office to use a secure line.

Jin always steps up when the shit hits the fans. I have no idea where he gets the energy or knowledge he has but he is full of both in a crisis. He walks up to me with a hot cup of tea ginger tea with honey, I almost turn it away but I can smell a little whiskey in it. He always knows what to do, he is a good friend.

Namjoon comes running around the corner with Jimin holding a paper in his hands. "OK, Suga I found something." He holds u his laptop so I can see the screen.

"It looks like they showed up a few minutes after we pulled off. It appears they waited just out of camera range for us to leave. There were two of them. I can't see anyone's face because they wore Pikachu masks." I feel like someone knocked the wind out of me. How the hell how we not seen anyone when we drove off. All the time money and effort I spent making my house secure and someone just walks in and takes my family.

Turning to Namjoon the tech wiz I ask, "Why didn't the alarm sound or send any kind of alert?" My tone is unnecessarily harsh and I know it. I don't care at this point even the system manufacturers are on my shit list.

Namjoon didn't take any offense and simply answered my question. "They cut the alarm wires from the mainline. They missed the cameras though." Even though he kept his voice even and tried not to show the hurt on his face. I know it hurt that I thought he didn't do his job right. I know it not his fault and I would tell him later when I calmed down.

Jimin caught me off guard with his next comment, "I think it's Jason." I almost gave myself whiplash turning around so fast to face him. I walking closer to him so we were face to face. Not trying to be mean just needing something I can run with.

"What makes you think that?" He didn't hesitate with his answer, just smirked and said, "He has my special mark. He is one of only a select few people that I have had to question twice and lived." Jimin has a thing about repeating himself. It normally ended badly for whoever he had to deal with. Most people in our business never wanted to see his sweet angelic face again. The man has the face of an angel, but God help you if you get on his bad side.

I have known the man my whole life and I have no idea how he gets information out of people. I just know he is great at getting information from those that do not want to give up information. I also know he scares the hell out of a lot of people.

I take comfort from the information Jimin gave me. "I can work with that. Thank you." The guys look terrified of the way my face looks. I am sure I look more than a little psychotic but I don't care. My wife didn't even get to surprise me with her pregnancy. This bastard took that from me too and I want revenge.

While I am plotting how I am going to kill this bitch, is when my father shows up. He didn't come alone, he brought his police connect. "What do you know son?" My dad has the look of a deadly fucking demon. All he has wanted for the past few years is a grandchild. The fact that his unborn grandchild was already in danger made him deadly.

"We think Jason has her. Jimin saw his special mark on the prep." Like me, my father has a psychotic smile on his face. He gives directions to the police on where to just as Namjoon comes back in. I didn't even know he had left the room.

"WAIT!!! I don't think he went home. They left in an R.V. turned right at the end of the block. Here is the plate number, make, and model." He handed my dad the paper while he tried to catch his breath. My Dad passed it to his connection, he took it and immediately ran to do his job.

"He better pray the cops get to him before I do. Namjoon can you track the vehicle through traffic cams?" He nods and leaves to go get it done. Hobi walks up and offers up his services. "I know a few people that might know a few things. Jimin, do you want to visit with me?" Hobi was our resident ball of all things good. Right now his smile is scary like the Joker, but then so is Jimin's. Fucking directly with our family was a stupid ass move and the world would soon learn from his mistake.

Kelis's POV

I was in a musty funky old room, in a decrepit old house. That I am sure should have been torn down years ago. I have been uncovered and tied to a chair. I actually wish that I had the bag back on. This building scares me more than the situation at this point.

"Hi "wifey" I hope you're comfortable. I apologize dear, but there are no satin sheets and foot rubs here." Regina's voice is a borderline hiss. In contrast to the ladylike persona, she tries to portray. This bitch is truly crazy, is she still mad about not being married to Yoongi? Who kidnaps someone because a guy doesn't want her? And what the hell makes her think that he gives out foot rubs?

Jason looks at me with a smirk as he grabs my face. Making my lips poke out is a fish out. "Don't worry about her, I run this shit show. I'm going to dial your husband and you are gonna read exactly what I wrote down to him, no fucking funny business. You have one minute to get it out. Understand?" Nodding my head as he has Regina's stupid ass put in Yoongi's number.

The main thought going through my mind right now is, I am gonna kick the shit out of him the first chance I get. His family line will end here one way or another. Either by my foot or Yoongi's whatever he uses, this bastard dies today.

Jason places the phone in front of my face after placing it on speaker.