Chapter 21

Kelis's POV

For the first time in forever, my house is as clean as I want it and as quiet as I need it. Sitting up on my couch adjusting my pillow to get more comfortable. I have my pillow under my feet, and I am comfortable. My stomach growls as I find my peace, food I need food. Fuck. It took me so long to get comfortable. I can feel the tears coming.

I am not so big that it is hard for me to get up, but it is inconvenient. I roll over and begin to sit up. I hear the front door of my house open. In walks my husband in all of his moody glory.

Yoongi's POV

I walk into the house looking for peace and that is not what I find. I find my wife in tears. There is no one in the house but her and she looks like she is struggling to get up. I run over to the couch, help her up and see what I could do to help.

"What's wrong Angel? Where does hurt? Who hurt you?" She snatches away from and wipes her eyes and sniffles.

"I'm fine. I'm just hungry and I was so comfortable, now I need to get up and cook something so I can eat." I watch as more tears fell. She looks like she needs a hug, but I can't get near her or touch her. She keeps pulling away from me. Looking at her I wonder what I can do to make her feel better.

"I know I look a mess right now. Excuse me, let me go get cleaned up and I will make us both something to eat." She attempts to push past me and I pull her in closer to me. Gently wiping her tears with my hand, I kiss her nose. Pulling her struggling form into a hug. She stops pulling from me and just cries in my arms. Holding her while she lets it out. Just rubbing her back and offering her comfort. After a few minutes, she finally calms down. Taking my handkerchief out, I wipe her knows.

"Angel, let's get you cleaned up. I want to take my beautiful wife on a date. OK?" She nods her head and slowly makes her way into the bathroom. Lord, I'm not sure I'm going to make it. Running my hands through my hair and follow my wife's bouncy ass to the to change.

After about 45 minutes she comes out in a cute sundress ready to go. She walks out in a sundress that hugs her newfound curves in the best way. The dress was a bright marigold color with little red flowers on it and falls to her feet. Walking out the door with her was the hardest thing I had to do. All I wanted to do was take her back into the room and make love to her.

I had decided on my way home from work, that I would use this time to make sure Kelis was happy. I know she still has issues with how I feel about her. I want to make sure that the doubts end today, and I would not be able to accomplish that if I rush to bed. I grab her hands and we head out.

Kelis's POV

I feel so fat and disgusting walking next to Yoongi. He looks like sex in his jeans, plain black tee-shirt, and combat boots. I am just getting bigger and bigger every day. I know soon enough he won't want to be seen with me in public anymore. He barely touches me anymore. When he tries I move away because I don't he doesn't really want to.

Holding hands we walk into a smaller diner. It smells amazing in here. Looking up at the menu hanging behind the wall on the counter. I notice there is not one salad on the menu. It feels like I have put on a hundred pounds already and I can't afford to gain anymore. Hell, I still have 4 months left. Soon I'll be bigger than my house. Yoongi directs me to a table and then goes to order for both of us.

"I know you like ramen, Angel. This place has the best Japanese-style ramen in South Korea." Yoongi smiled as he took his seat. I think it was cute that he remembered my newfound ramen addiction. "I know instant ramen upsets your stomach. This place makes everything even the noodles from scratch. It was recommended by one of the pregnant women at the office."

"Thank you, but I am not sure I should be eating this anymore," I said with a small smile. Before he could answer the waiter brought our order.

As soon as he left Yoongi looks at me with a look that was confused as well as slightly annoyed. Taking a deep breath before he asks his question. "Why shouldn't you eat it?" I can tell by his tone he is not going to like my answer. So I simply shake my head, pick up my chopsticks, and begin to eat.

"We both know I am not as active as I should be. I need to watch my food intake. So I don't gain too much weight." I swear I saw his eye twitch, but he just smiled and continued to eat.

"You're growing a little human, you need food todo that. Don't worry about weight gain." I know he wants a healthy baby, but I havenever seen him with a fat girl. Let's be honest I wasn't that small, to beginwith. I need to be careful.

Yoongi's POV

Once we finished eating I got up to pay the bill. Then I went back to the table to help Kelis get up and we left. Not sure what to do now, I decided to take her to a part of our property she hasn't seen yet. Our property has 40 acres and there is a lot to see. Pulling onto our property I continue past our home and towards the back of our property. Pulling off the road I go to the trunk and pull out a blanket, then walk around and open the door for Kelis. "I don't think I have the right shoes on to take a hike," she said as I assisted her out of the car.

She looks a little nervous. Chuckling I guide her into the grass. "Not going on a hike Angel. Just taking a nice walk on flat even land. I promise." Taking her hand we continue to walk.

"Where are we going?" She was struggling to keep up with me. So, I slowed down. She was trying to enjoy the scenery. It is beautiful out today. A nice breeze and the beautiful sounds of nature.

"We have a lake on our property and I want to show it to you." Smiling down at her as we continued to walk. She had a cute surprised face. Her full lips formed a perfect 'o'. Taking advantage of her surprise I lean down a kiss her. She hesitated but she did kiss me back. It's not often that she lets me kisses her without pulling away. I honestly miss it.

We walk up to the lake and I spread the blanket out not too far from the edge of the lake next to a tree. After I take a seat I help her sit down between my legs and lean up against the tree. We look out over the lake as I rest my hands on her rounded belly. It seems like it popped up overnight. It was so soft and little for so long, now it's bigger and harder. I feel a little flutter under my hand and look down at her.

"What was that," I asked? She looked back and smiled at me. "That sir is our child making their presence known." It fascinates me to think she can feel that every day. I feel kind of silly asking but I want to know. "Does that happen a lot?" I'm sure I have a stupid look on my face, but this just became real for me.

I mean yes, she pregnant. Yes, I've heard the baby's heartbeat, but this is different. I can feel this. My baby is alive, and a machine didn't have to tell me. My baby told me that I am real. I exist and I need you. "It has been for a week or so now. I think I may need to lay off the sugar. This kid moves all day and night." Leaning down I kiss her. She kissed me back this time without hesitating. It feels like forever since we have had a moment like this.

Taking full advantage I deepen the kiss. Tasting her mouth fully. I tasted the ramen we just ate and a sweetness all her own too. Kissing down her neck, leaving little love bites as I go. "I swear you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Sliding my hands up her tummy to cup my hands around her breast. I enjoy the way they feel in my hands. They have always been perfect to me. But now they are heavier and fuller. Her nipples have been looking at me since we go to the lake. It was always hard for me when she didn't wear a bra. Lightly pinching her nipples, enjoying how she pressing her breast into my hands.

"I know I am huge. You don't have to say things to make me feel better. Mmmm but please don't stop doing that." She moaned as she turned to kiss me lightly on my neck. I missed these little moans so much. I am going to do better.

"You are not huge, Angel. Your body gets better every time I see it. I can't wait to get you home and slide into you." I wanted more than to make love to her here and now. But she is pregnant and she deserves better. Nibbling on her ear I stand and pull her up with me.

"I have to pee again," Kelis groaned with a cute little pout on her face. Laughing at her little pout. "Come on Angel. Let's get you home." Holding her hand and the blanket we walked back to the car.