Chapter 22

Kelis's POV

"How do you feel Love?" Today my mother-in-law came to the house to keep me company. The further along, I get the less I like to be alone. "I feel fat. I am always hungry and more than a little cranky most of the time. I honestly don't blame Yoongi for working as much as he does." I smiled but she didn't. Her voice was tight but I knew she wasn't; mad at me.

"That's OK I blame him enough for the both of us." She passes me a plate with cheese and fruit on it. I hesitantly take it from her and begin to nibble on some sweet strawberries.

"You love are pregnant, not fat. You are all belly, boobs, and butt. I assure you it can be a lot worse. I hope that son of mine is not making you feel anything less than beautiful." Yoogni walks in answers for himself. "How could I? She is perfect. I honestly don't think she is eating enough." He kisses his mother on the top of her head before kissing me on the cheek taking a seat next to me. He adds a few cookies to my plate then pops a strawberry in his mouth. "But what do I know."

"You are aware that not all this extra weight is going to leave with the baby, right" I eat a grape and look over to see two identical frowns looking back at me. I wonder I they know they frown just alike? "Eat as much as you like. We can turn his office into a gym, but you are not to deny your cravings." Yoongi's head popped up at the mention of his office. "We can talk about that later Kitten, right now we need to go to your doctor's office." He stands then helps me to get up too. Mrs. Min stands up as well. She kisses my cheek and rubs my belly, before kissing Yoongi on the cheeks. Then we all left the house together.

Yoongi's POV

I help Kelis sit comfortably in a waiting room chair. Then I went to get her checked in for her sonogram appointment. There is only one other couple, a few women by themselves and two mothers with small kids. After her experience with the emergency room nurse, I stopped asking her if she wanted a private doctor. The one nurse that she likes works at this clinic and she refuses to go anywhere else.

To make sure that the nurse she wanted was available for her. I forgave a portion of her debt. That way she was able to quit the emergency room job. It was well worth it to me to make sure Kelis was happy. I even had Namjoon and Jimin run this doctor's background. I needed to make sure that he was a good guy with no debt. If he had debt I was going to buy it or get another doctor.

He checked out though. He has a wife that doesn't work, two kids in private school, a dog, and no debt aside from a medical school. He has been in private practice for 5 years. Before that, he worked at a larger clinic but quit when the facility became more about money and less about patients. I like his morals and well she is happy.

We were called back shortly after I take a seat. I was happy we didn't wait long, I don't like the look of a few of the kids that are running around. They have runny noses and just in general look like germs. Looking at them makes me want to ask the doctor about the home visits. Walking into the exam rooms I find the spare chair. It's the same chair I always sit in when we come to her visits.

Nurse Grace walks in smiling, "Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Min how are you today?" Handing Kelis a paper gown and asks if she has any complaints. "I'm OK I guess. I could be better though. I think I am gaining too much weight honestly." The nurse takes notes and smiles. "I will let Dr. Chang know your concerns. Go ahead and get changed. The doctor will be in soon." Then she leaves and quietly closes the door behind her.

"Angel, I keep telling you there is nothing wrong with you or how much weight you are gaining. I want you to stop worrying about that. You are beautiful and you just keep getting more beautiful every day." She smiles at me, but it doesn't reach her eyes. I don't like the look in her eyes. I know she doesn't believe me. I let it go for now and watch as she turns her back to me and changes. I think it's funny she turns around like I have never seen her naked before. Once she had the gown on she slid her pants off and jumped up on the exam table.

I hate to see her having so many issues with her body. Pulling my chair closer to the exam table and grab her hand and kiss it. Pulling her down to my level and gently kiss her lips. I tell her I love her and gently kiss her. Just before the doctor walks in and greets us.

"Good afternoon. Before we discuss your concerns, let's measure your belly and listen to the baby's heartbeat. Is that OK with you two?" Dr. Chang asks as he washes his hands to begin the exam. We nod and he walks over reviewing her chart. He starts by listening to her heart and blood pressure. Then he helps Kelis lay back on the table and pulls her shirt up to under her breasts and applies some gel to her tummy. "I noticed that you were unable to tell the baby's gender when you were here last. Would you like to know?" He looks at us and Kelis looks at me. We hadn't discussed it before but I do want to know. "Yeah, we would like that."

He placed the wand on her stomach and I knew something wasn't right. He had a very pensive look on his face and began to move the wand. He was looking at the images on the screen. He held up his hand to silently ask for time as he continued to review the image. Then he turned to us and smiled.

"I just wanted to be sure before I said anything." He looks at us and smiles. "You are having twins." I damn near fell out of my chair. I am going to have TWO kids. I did my best to play it off by grabbing her hand. I can't wait to express to Kelis how much I appreciate this gift and how much I love her.

"Mrs. Min your weight gain is very normal, if you gain even more weight don't be concerned. Your babies seem to be very healthy but a little small." He puts his hands up to stop me from talking, which pissed me off. I am not going to say anything to hurt her.

"Don't be too concerned about them being small. Twins tend to be born small until after birth. Everything about this pregnancy is going just fine. Just continue to take it easy and you should have two very happy healthy babies." Then he turns to me Mr. Min can I speak to you for a moment please."

He waited until the door closed behind Kelis before he spoke to me. "Mr. Min I didn't mean to cut you off earlier. I just wanted to let you know that your wife is going to be more sensitive in the next coming weeks. You are not going to be able to say or anything that is going to make her more comfortable. I know I don't need to tell you this, but it makes me feel like I am doing my job." He took a deep breath before continuing, "Just show her how much you love her. Make sure she eats enough and rests well. Also, sex is fine as long as she is comfortable. So be prepared to try new positions." He hands me a booklet with a smile and I left the same way.