Chapter 23

Kelis's POV

I walk over to check out to schedule my next appointment, while Yoongi stayed to speak with my doctor. After I scheduling my appointment, I go sit in the waiting room. I guess I dozed off a little bit because I woke up to Yoongi gently shaking me.

"Come on princess let's get you home." Holding my hand we walk to the car and he opens my door. As soon as I sat down, I laid my seat back and doze off a bit. I wake up next to him carrying me into our bedroom. I hear him walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. When he comes back picks me up and carries me into the bathroom.

"You know I can walk myself, right?" I smile at him and hopes he gives me some time to myself. "I know you can Angel, but I feel like I have missed out on a very important part of your pregnancy. He then begins to undress me. While he is pulling my shirt over my head. I try to figure out what he is talking about.

He has been to every doctor's appointment. He even went with me when I bought my maternity clothes for the second trimester. He taps my leg and I step out of my pants. I have this urge to cover myself, but my hands are too small.

"Stop trying to hide from me. You have never been more beautiful to me, now let's get ready for bed." He takes my hands and guides me into the shower. He takes his time pulling me under the rainfall showerhead. Watching as the water runs over my hair and body.

Grabbing my body sponge and liquid soap he began to wash me. Starting with my neck, my back, and arms. Moving down my sides to my ass, then legs. Each touch feels like a caress, a promise, and I miss this. Delicately running the sponge over my body like an irreplaceable treasure. He moves to stand in front of me. He continues his gentle mission to cleanse me. Taking his time washing my breast slowly moving down to my belly. He rinses the sponge and applies a small amount of a gentle wash and proceeds to kneel in front of me. He gently places one foot on the side of the tub spreading my legs. Looking up at me as he rubs the soap between my folds and around my clit.

It feels like months since he last touched me like this. I am so glad we are in the shower because I am dripping wet. He knows it too cause he smiles at me as he stands and turns on the other showerheads. Rinsing the suds from my body. While I rinse, he quickly cleans himself. I take my time trying to calm down my racing hormones. I want nothing more than for him to take me here and now. But I know I am too big for shower sex not to mention just fat.

I didn't know that I crying until he wipes tears from my eyes. "My sweet Angel, what's wrong?" He wraps me in a big fluffy towel and helps me out of the shower. "There is not another woman in the world that is more beautiful to me than you are right now." I am not given a chance to answer him. He leans in and kisses me before picking me up to carry me to our bed.

Gently laying me on the bed. Then lays down next to me kissing my neck, while rubbing his hand up my thigh under the towel. "I bet you think you are too round to have sex and that is why we haven't been having sex. But you're not." His breath ghosts over the shell of my ear as he speaks.

"I was afraid that us having sex might hurt you or our baby. I am still very attracted to you." He pushes my thighs apart as he speaks softly in my ear. Chills ran through my body as his fingers found my clit. The gentle little circles he rubbed on it made me arch my back. My body responds to him immediately. My pulse sped up, my nipples tighten, and if I were wearing panties they would be drenched.

"Tonight, I am going to make love to you. I have been assured by your doctor that it is healthy for you and safe for the babies. Also, very, very recommended for you. He slid a finger into me and it felt amazing. I didn't realize how much I missed this connection with him. "This is going to be a very intense night. You are so wet, Angel." Sliding another finger inside me he begins to slowly move them in and out of me. "I can't wait to be inside of you. I want to show you how much I missed you."

He removes his fingers and smiles while he slowly sucks them clean. He moves his body over mine kisses my collar bone. "I love you" He repeats to me how much he loves me as kisses his way down my chest. Taking a nipple into his mouth, biting it lightly. Gently pulling the other smiling as I moan. This is what my body needs right now. I can't believe I waited so long for it. Yoongi kisses his way down my body whispering that he loves me and how beautiful he finds the changes in my body.

Before I realize it, he is back over me asking me to look at him. He slides into my body and I melt. The sounds of him groaning and growling above me sends shivers down my spine. He took me gently and made love to every part of my body. Even though we made love gently he was very deep and passionate. He took full advantage of the sensitivity of my body. His steady, deep, and slow strokes quickly bring me to an orgasm. A few thrusts later I can feel his release inside me. He rolls to his side and kisses my forehead.

"My sweet Angel, I will spend the rest of my life making sure you know that you are loved. That you know you're beautiful, sexy, and the only woman for me. Now Kelis I think you need a nap, I know I do." Smiling at him I get comfortable on my side facing him. "Do you really think I'm beautiful? Even though I am as big as a house?"

Yoongi took my hand places it on his semi-hard cock. "I am simply you giving you time to recover. I always want you." Smiling I kiss him on his cheek. As much as I want him again, he is right. I am sleepy. It doesn't take much activity to just wear me out.

"I love you, but you're right I need a nap first." Laying my head on his chest I get comfortable and close my eyes to rest. "Kelis, do you want to have a gender reveal party.?" I can feel his voice vibrate in his chest as I lay here relaxing. The thought of a party just seems tiring to me. Not to mention I am not sure I can hold on to the secret that long.

"No, honestly, I don't want to wait that long. Can't we just send out a text or something?" He nods and reaches over to grab his phone.

Family text

Yoongi: Hey is anyone awake?

Jimin: Yeah 😑

Dad: This better be good 🥱

Namjoon: I'm up 🤨

Mom: Leave my baby alone, he would never interrupt my sleep if it wasn't important 🙂

Jin: sure mom 🙄

Jungkook: I don't want to be 😒

Hobi: what? 😴

Tae: Who died?

Yoongi: I'll keep it short and sweet. We found out today we are having twin boys. Brothers tell your wives. Good night