Chapter 25

Kelis's POV

Finally, I have found my happy space. Flopping down on the couch placing my feet up next to me. From where I am seating I can reach all of my snacks. I have them conveniently spread out on the coffee table. I did it all myself. I feel so accomplished. Yoongi is in his office. I am glad to finally have some peace and time alone.

As far as the eye can see the good stuff, Lemonheads, pretzels, pizza rolls, strawberry mochi, veggie sticks with ranch, and drinks. I see my water, but I don't see my ginger ale. I see the glass with ice but not my soda.

"FUCK!!!" My eyes begin to tear up at the thought of having to get up. The thought of having to move right now is making me mad. As much as I try I can't get up. The harder I try to get up, the more frustrated I get and the more I cry. I need to ask for help though and I don't want to be bothered. I can not wait to have these babies. I feel so helpless right now. Just laying here crying because I'm mad and mad because I am crying.

"Kels, sis what's wrong?" He smiles at me as he surveys the snacks on my table. "Did Yoongi eat your grape candy again? Mom said I can hogtie him if he did it again. Sooo???" The smile he gave me at the thought of hog tying his brother would have been funny if I wasn't so upset. Shaking my head as I try to collect myself, not that it helps though.

"No, I ate those yesterday," I admitted to him as I sniffed and wiped my eyes in an attempt to fix my face. I know if Hobi gets Yoongi, I am going to have to admit what's wrong. "I will be fine if you can just help me up, please." To add insult to injury I now have to pee.

Hobi nods and offers me his hand and pulls me up. I do my best impersonation of a run to the nearest bathroom while shouting thank you to Hobi.

Yoongi's POV

"Hey Suga. You should go check on Kels. She was crying when I walked in." Hobi says as he walks into my office without knocking as usual. Even though he is annoying I do appreciate his concern. Looking up from my work I shake my head and smile.

"She was crying when she told me to get away from her earlier today. She said she needed some space. Apparently, me wanting to have sex is a problem for her." I roll my eyes as he laughs at me. "She has been very emotional about everything." Watching him laugh at my expense is bugging me. So I hit him in the back of the head. "It's not funny, be respectful you little heathen. I no longer question Kelis and what she tells me to do. I simply do as I am told and keep it moving."

I can not wait for him to get married. I hope his wife has him trying to find American snacks they only sell on the military base. At a store that has been closed for hours.

"Not gonna happen anytime soon. Yoongi so get over it." Hobi has been working a lot lately. If I want him to get married I may have to do him like mom did me. I think he could use an assistant to help him get his life in order.

"Excuse me. Can one of you take me to the hospital please?" Looking up at Kelis standing in my doorway. I can tell she was crying by her tear-stained face and swollen eyes but she looks calm. Hobi looks at me as I notice that she has her go-bag.

"Did I forget an appointment babe? Are you OK" I see the bag but she doesn't look like she is in labor. Her doctor said that contractions would be three to four minutes apart. He said contractions are painful but she is calm, too calm.

"I'm not sure. I think my water broke." I look her up and down as she speaks trying to process what she said. I noticed that her clothes are wet. It looks like she may have wet herself. "Umm don't the babies need that?" They do need that. "Do you think your doctor can give you more?" She looks at Hobi like he may have lost it. Honestly, I think she might be right. That has to be the goofiest thing I have ever heard.

That is when it hit me my boys are on the way. Moving I pick up Kelis and carry her to the car. Yes, she can walk but she isn't walking fast enough. I do not have time for her slow wobble while the babies are suffocating. "You know I can walk right?" I place her in the passenger seat and help fasten her seatbelt. I got her a new Hyundai NEXO so she could move around easier with the boys. Waiting on a ride would be bad if it were an emergency. Besides my mother said it would be a good push present. I have no idea what that is but apparently, it is mandatory.

I got it for her to be able to move around easier with the boys. My mother said it was a good push present. I have never heard of this before, but my mother assures me it is a thing. I called the doctor as soon as we got in the car to let him know we are on our way. Hobi followed us to the hospital and called the rest of the family for me.

Our family met us at the hospital shortly after we did. As soon as we arrived we were taken to a private room. The nurses get Kelis into a hospital and connected to monitors for the babies heart and contractions. They also have one for her heart and oxygen intake. Her regular nurse comes in and effortlessly places her I.V. without any stress.

When she is finally settled the doctor comes in and clears the room of everyone but Kelis and me. "I see you have all the required paperwork done already. That's great. I don't expect anything to go wrong but it is nice to have all that done in advance if need be." It irritates me when he talks to us without looking at one of us. "Since you have no amniotic fluid, we need to administer some Pitocin. This will help start your contractions. Your babies are fine in there without any fluid for a little while. I would much rather have them come soon rather than later. He finally looks up at Kelis and rubs her shoulder. Then he tells the nurse to administer the Pitocin.

"If the Pitocin does its job your boys should be here in a few hours. Any questions?" Kelis shakes her head no, but I do. "When will we know if we will need to take a different route?" I know the chances that something bad happens is low but I need to be prepared.

"We only if the babies become distressed or we reach the 24-hour mark. That very rarely happens, but if it does, we will already have a room ready for a c-section." I nod my head. I don't feel any better now that I know but I guess it is better than not knowing. "Thank you, doctor." He smiles and nods before walking out. On his way out he sends in the family.

It didn't take long for the Pitocin to kick in, it felt like the contractions started immediately. I held one of her hands and the family took turns holding her hand. Kelis didn't complain much, she just wanted some water. "If I see another I chip I swear I am going to lose my mind." I can tell she is uncomfortable and in pain. The nurse says she is not dilated enough to get the epidural. We have been here for about four hours and she is not even two centimeters yet. The nurse said she needs to be at least four centimeters before they can give her the epidural.

Watching her lay there and moan is killing me. They tried to get her up to walk around but she said she was in too much pain. It got so bad my mother told the nurse to make a note that the next person that asked her to walk might not be able to walk themselves.

After a few more hours the doctor came back in and checked her again to see how far dilated she was. He looked a little concerned and pulled me into the hall.