Chapter 36

Yoongi's POV

We have finally found our new normal. I am not sure who Anthony and Jin-Hyuk pissed off, but they made it to court faster than I thought possible. Since we have come back from the hospital we have gotten into a rhythm. My mother has been making monthly trips to see Regina since she has been sentenced. She was given ten years for the kidnapping and another five for false imprisonment. Kelis and I are really taking the time to enjoy our small family right now. The boys are six months old and so full of personality.

I know they like her more than me. They smile when either of us enters their room but if we enter together it's all about her. I think it's because the mean little brats are breastfed. Although we are starting them on baby food now so I hope it will change soon. Right now I think they only tolerate me because after they eat I change diapers. I love laying on the ground with them during tummy time and playing. It's even more fun now they are trying to crawl. I am the favored parent for tummy time and I love it. I use the time to talk with them as well as play, but they turn on me as soon as they think it's time to eat. They hate bottles and have since we brought them home. If you try to give them one all they do is scream until you take it away.

At least once a month I keep the boys for my wife so she can go out with the girls and relax. The first few times I watched them alone they screamed for hours like she abandoned them with some stranger instead of their father. To prove to her how inadequate I am, I had to call her to come home early so they would stop screaming. They stopped the second she walked into the house. Now I make her feed them before she leaves and while she is gone I give them a little watered-down juice until she gets back.

I am just getting home from work and I am just standing in the doorway watching the sweet scene in front of me. Junggie is nursing and gives me the evil eye when he sees me. Hyunnie is laying on the floor next to her on his hands and knees rocking back and forth. Walking into the room I get on the ground and kiss Kelis on the cheek leaning over Dae-Hyun. I get comfortable on the ground and reach for Hyunnie and place him in my lap. As I stand him up so we are looking eye to eye. He gives me the stink eye before I give his fat little cheeks big kisses. I can tell these kids are going to be a handful when it comes to their mother. I need to let them know now I don't have to be the enemy.

"Babe, isn't it like looking in the mirror? The three of you just giving each other dirty looks." Smiling and giggling while she talks. She is right and it is annoying. She rubs little black curls on Junggie's head while he nurses. His chubby little hand pats her breast like it is going to make milk come out faster. They are both chubby with little rolls on their legs and arms. It is hard to stay mad at these cute little monsters. They always look at Kelis like she hangs the moon and I can understand why.

Laughing I tell her, "That evil eye is hereditary. But we really need to get these boys to take a bottle or a sippy cup or something." Kelis starts to laugh and shake her head. "What?!?! I need some adult time and no one wants to keep the screamin demons." Kelis throws her head back and laughs even harder. Hyunggie chooses that moment to pull himself up by my tie. This time Junggie did laugh as my youngest son pats my face with his now slimy hand. "They are not that bad, Yoongi. Your parents just had them last week."

"Whatever when they kept the kids I didn't get to play with my boobs. They were mine first and I want them back." Placing Junggie over her shoulder she pats his back as she smiles at me. "They are my boobs, sir. And we have a family full of babysitters that love them." Of course, that is when Junggie chose to burp like a drunk. Laughing I took my son from her and blew a zurbert on his cheek. Kelis picked up Hyunggie to feed him and he grabbed her breast with his little fist and humming while he suckled.

"Those are on loan little man. I will have them back soon." Shaking my head I proceeded to do a diaper check. My boys seem to think that is my job. I'm not the best with kids but I am a diaper-changing professional.

All jokes aside I know our family loves them but all they do is scream when Kelis isn't within eyesight. My boys are 'those' kids. Who wants to watch that? Kelis kisses my cheek and tells me she will start working on the boys and their behavior. "You're right they need to work on their manners. I guess we can start early. But you know they do make a bottle that looks like a fake boob. You know so you can bond with them." Shaking my head, "I know you're joking but that's not funny."

Regina's POV

I didn't even make it out of the fucking hospital and I still got ten years for kidnapping and another five years for possession of forged documents. The judge didn't give me the max twenty years for kidnapping but it wasn't that much of a favor. I should have dropped the thing at least once. That might have made all this time worth it.

Sitting in the common with the common criminals. I'm not sure where I went wrong. I do not belong in this hell hole with these common basic bitches. Most of these chicks ain't even wrapped too tight. They are mostly common petty thieves, drug dealers, and the occasional murder. You know common criminals. The one thing most of them have in common is they are doing time for some dumbass dude. All they do is whine about how they thought he was going to hold them down and now he is nowhere to be found. I can't believe women can be this stupid. I have done a lot for Jason but never time.

Doing my best trying to think of anything other than where I am and what I am going through. I pick up an outdated fashion magazine and look through it. I haven't heard from Anthony or Jin-Hyuk. Not hearing from Jin-Hyuk isn't surprising since we both got what we wanted. But I thought for sure mister I'm in love Anthony would have reached out. I guess that whatever Suga and he talked about was enough to scare him away.

I have heard on the news that they have yet to go to trial but they have additional charges. I knew they were crooked, that is why I chose them. I just didn't know exactly what they were into. On top of kidnapping, they are being charged with healthcare fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, and forgery. They are gonna get some real-time if kidnapping charges stick. "Hey Princess Bougie!! Ain't that the dude you said you fuck?" I turn around at the sound of my celly's voice.

Her name is Bertha, she doesn't look like a Bertha to me. She doesn't sound like a Bertha either. I think her mother was high this bitch is built like King Kong with a face the looks like it was hit with a brick. We have already had words and we have reached a truce of sorts. Placing the magazine that I am reading down, I turn to face the screen. She's right, they are talking about Jason on the television. "Yeah, can you turn it up a bit please?" Surprisingly she does and I listen intently as the pretty reporter speaks.

News Anchor: In other news. Lee Jason the youngest son of the wealthy businessman and prominent member of our community Lee Woojin, is still missing. He has a small criminal record but nothing of note. As the black sheep of the Lee family, he has a small criminal background and has been known to disappear from time to time. According to his family, he has never been gone this long before. The authorities have tried looking into his background and that of his friends, but have found nothing. His criminal background is mostly made up of charges that didn't stick and traffic violations.

The Lee family has been having a rough time recently. Within the last year, Lee Woojin's grandson Wong Reginald and his son-in-law disgraced former police detective Wong have been arrested. Reginald has been arrested on charges ranging from sexual misconduct to auto theft. While his father has been arrested on conspiracy and corruption charges. A full list of their charges is available on our website.

However, a bright spot in all this darkness for the Lee family is Lee Woojin's granddaughter Lee Kelly is getting married to Prosecutor Smith. Prosecutor Smith is also in the running to become the next Governor. In other local news CEO of Kim enterprises, Kim Taehyung, and his wife have recently purchased a new home. His wife is pregnant with the couple's first child.

The tv was turned down by one of the corrections officers. "Let's go Regina you have a visitor." Sighing I get up and follow her out of the common area. I already know who it is. She comes about once a month and I hate it. I tried to remove her from my visitors' list. All that accomplished was a change in the time she comes. Mrs. Min the malevolent old bitch never stays long but her presence bothers me.