Chapter 37

Mrs. Min's POV

I have been visiting Regina every month because I can. We never talk about much of anything just how beautiful the weather it is and where I ate on my trip up. So far we haven't talked about the boys, Kelis or Suga. It's not time yet. When the time comes, it will be Kelis that tells her. It is something that I am looking forward to. This trip is special though. Smiling at her through the thick plexiglass that separates us. Picking up the phone and wait for her to do the same.

"Good afternoon Regina. How have you been?" smiling as sweetly as I can. I know there are cameras on in here even though I requested that they all be turned off. "I'm in prison. How the fuck do you think I am?" I see her attitude is not getting any better. "I'm aware you're upset, but you are being very disrespectful. Adjust your tone and choose better words. You can be upset and still be respectful." Still smiling as I spoke, very aware of the cameras and not sure if they had sound or not.

"What do you want? I want to do my time in peace." Rolling her eyes she looks at me. "If you came to tell me about Jason don't waste your breath or my time. I saw it on the news already." It's so cute how she is still trying to be tough. "I came to make sure you're OK. I was so sorry to hear that he was missing. He was a very ambitious young man and I hope they find him." I watched as the color drain from her face.

"But I have other news for you today. I was able to see Anthony today and I wanted to let you know that he is doing well. Suga put some money on his books so he isn't completely broke. He is in therapy now and doing well getting over you and working on some other issues he didn't know he had. I hear he may even get a plea deal." With a frown that was more like a pout, but you could hear the anger in her voice. "Good for him. Where are you and your family hold my Jason? I know you have him." I see she found her big girl panties.

"Regina, your tone. I am not going to tell you again, but I digress. Jin-Hyuk is unfortunately not doing as well. He has been in a few fights. You know he has a mouth on him but apparently, he doesn't have the hands to go with it. But he is giving up all sorts of juicy tidbits to the feds in hopes of knocking off some time. I'm not sure if he will make it that long. You know how they feel about snitches in prison."

Watching as her emotions dance on her face. I am saving the best for last though. I know she can give two fucks about her co-conspirators. "Well, that sucks for him. What about Jason? Tell me about Jason?" I still don't like her tone she has a little too much authority in it for me.

"How am I supposed to know? And why would he be with my family? The Min's are a good family. We do not hold hostages. We don't shoot people in the face. We don't throw their bodies in bathtubs filled with lye or any of those nasty unfounded rumors that are going around. I hope the police find him happy and healthy." Her face turns an unhealthy shade of crimson. "Listen up you evil old bitch. I know you or one of your 'precious' boys had something to do with his disappearance. You can sit there and pretend to be some sweet old grandma, but we all know that's a lie. One day someone will give you what you deserve and I for one can't wait." She has this nasty sneer on her face as she gets up and knocks on the door.

The guard opens the door and a corrections officer is waiting to take her to her cell. There is another officer there to lead me back out of the visiting area. As soon as my driver sees me he gets out and opens the door for me. I take out my phone, it's time to address the disrespect. I had to call in a favor from my friend that owes me to get these private meetings with Regina. I didn't think I was asking for a lot considering what she owes.

I simply asked to be in a private room with no recording devices. I can see the warden thinks he is in charge just because he runs the prison. He had originally told me he wanted to approve any visit I made to the private room. When I told him no he simply allowed me to be in the regular visiting room but I could come when I wanted. Today I am done with him as his passive-aggressive ass. I am calling in his wife's debt. All he had to do was follow directions and her debt would be cleared. Now she will pay for his machismo.

Phone 📞

Warden's wife: Yes ma'am

Mrs. Min: I apologize for springing this on you, but I am going to need your payment by the end of the week.

Warden's wife: What do you mean? You said if he let you have the visits you would wipe my debt.

Mrs. Min: I did say that. But your husband didn't follow the rules. Because you did your part and he kind of honored it, I have added some extra time for you to pay it back.

Warden's wife: What the fuck did he do?

Mrs. Min: My visits were not in a private room as requested they were also recorded. I told you it was important that those two stipulations be met. He disregarded them both. I will need you to pay up.

Warden's wife: Is there anything else I can do? He doesn't make that kind of money.

Mrs. Min: Sadly there isn't. He has already proven that he is unwilling to follow directions. He is of no use to me. Goodbye.

With that out of the way, sit back in my car and try to figure out what to do about Regina. When I get home I head directly to my office and pen a letter to another inmate I visit. I always visit her on the record because the visits are more friendly and less business. I know a letter will take a little time to arrive, but it will draw less attention than going back up there for another visit. Especially since the warden will be less than happy to see my collectors about his wife's two million dollar debt.


Hello Sandy,

I hope this letter finds you well. I know I haven't been to see you in a few weeks but that will change. I miss our talks and all your wisdom. I know you are aware that I have made a new friend. Her name is Regina. She is new in there and we are working on her manners. I think that you can set a good example for her and make sure she stays out of trouble. Since care packages are no longer allowed, I have added some funds to your account to make sure you have everything you need to be comfortable in there.


Mrs. Min