Chapter 40

Suga's POV

The day Namjoon picked up his keys, we met up at his house. He paid more to push the paperwork through faster. We needed to make sure that he legally owned the home before we went in. We did not want the police to be able to confiscate anything we found in the house. Now everything in the house belongs to Namjoon and they will need a warrant to enter the house. First things first we changed all the locks on the door and windows. Even though Joon is going to do some renovations that include replacing them anyway.

Based on the information given to me by Anthony I took Joon to the hidden room. Joon brought some equipment with him and used it to swept the entire house for spyware. "Considering how incompetent he is. I am impressed with this room and how well it is set up." Using his phone as a notepad. He documented the changes he wanted to make and what he would need to make them.

Joon placed a call for his team to come in and remove this stuff from the house. "Is it safe to unplug this stuff?" I figure while we're here we might as well start taking this stuff down. To the average person asking to unplug a computer that is already off doesn't make sense. However, I know that Joon's computers will self-destruct if not taken down correctly.

I have no idea if Anthony can do that. I honestly didn't think he was smart enough to have a room like this. "Assuming he shut it down correctly the last time he used it. Yes, it should be fine. Unplug it, I am not willing to risk leaving this stuff here unsecured." Nodding I began to unplug stuff with him. Then Joon continued to speak. "But since the house doesn't have electricity. I am not sure how effective the sweep I just did is." We began to unplug stuff and get it ready to be moved. "I have a contractor coming to do the renovations in two days. This place should be secure and ready to go in about six months." This is as much business as we are going to discuss here. We never discuss business in places where we are not sure about the security and we are never sure unless we secure it ourselves.

Loading his vehicle with the desktop while the other parts were taken to one of Namjoon's secure spots to be dealt with. I follow him to a different spot he has so we can see what is on the cloud drive.

(one week after the Warden speaks to his wife)

Sitting in my office going over a proposal for a buyout I wanted to do. For some reason, the numbers are not adding up. We haven't had a shipment come up missing or been seized by the police recently. We should have no problem with the numbers adding up. We are back to making a profit and have been for a while now. This is pissing me off. I am going to have one of my brother's accountants come running these numbers. Maybe my mole has moved on to just embezzling money. The thought that made me even madder.

There was a gentle knock on my office door. It is my new assistant Blake, no one else bothers me. "Mr. Min you have a visitor. He isn't giving his name but says it is very important that he speaks with you." He has shown up here every day this week. This is just one more thing that I am going to need to deal with that I don't want to. Sighing I get up and get ready to see who it is and what he wants. You never know this might be just the distraction I need to get over this proposal.

In my waiting room is the older man that I recognize immediately. He is the warden over the prison housing Regina and crew. This is a pleasant surprise and just the distraction I need. My mother called earlier this week to tell me he might be showing up. She explained the issue she had with him meeting the agreed-upon arrangements and that she ultimately decided to call in the debt. Greeting him with a handshake I direct him to my office. "Please follow me, Warden." I direct him to the chair in front of my desk and then take a seat behind my desk.

As soon as I sit down, I press a button under my desk. It works just like the one at my house it shuts down all electronics. I have recording devices place around the office that still work. Because of my line of work, I record all my meetings. You never know when you may need to go back to check something that was said.

"Thank you for seeing me. I am aware that I don't have an appointment and I will do my best to keep this quick. I know you are a busy man." He is very nervous. There is a slight sheen of sweat on his brow and he is fidgeting with his fingers. Leaning back in my chair with my arms crossed over my chest. I wait a moment more before addressing him. "So have you come to make your payment?" I asked. I am tired of waiting on him. I have things to do.

The color leaves his face as he begins to rapidly shake his head. "No, sir. I came to see if there was any kind of arrangements that could be made to settle this debt." I know that this debt belongs to his wife. I also know that the base amount is The little color he had left his face. I know he owes my mother a lot of money. I am not sure what kind of interest with his wife, but I know the base amount of the debt not including interest is two million. My mother adds fees that are just as annoying as a real bank, with more intense consequences. She believes that interest makes it look more legit.

Shaking my head I smile at him. "No offense, but you aren't very good at following directions. I know this because you're here talking to me and not spending quality time with your family." Uncrossing my arms and placing my elbows on my desk. "Besides you have already made a fool of your wife. Why should I give you the chance to make a fool out of me?"

He looks like a wet ghost right now, pasty and dripping sweat. I can easily take over his debt from my mother, but why would I do that? He is looking around like he is looking for a way out of a box. I know he is trying to run, but figure out how to possibly leave here alive. I can see the panic clearly on his face. It looks like he thinks he might be able to take me or at least like he is willing to try.

Loans are my mother's business. Unlike the rest of us, she has a legitimate contract that will hold up in any court. She is legally allowed to send 'collectors' to ask after her money. I wonder if he knows that? On the off chance that he decides to swing. I will beat his ass and still have him arrested. All of a sudden he takes a deep breath and begins to nod his head.

"Please, there has to be something that you need. I'll do anything. I didn't mean to offend Mrs. Min, I swear. I didn't know who I was doing it for. My wife simply asked me for a favor but did not mention who or why." What he is saying means nothing. His wife asked he should have just done it. I can tell by looking at him is backbone is flimsy at best. I don't believe he actively defied my mother.

What he doesn't know is that I know he already works for Lee Woojin. He was placed in his position. He is far from qualified for the position. Him working for Woojin is not a surprise. The crooked bastard places people in positions that benefit him. I have no idea what he had to do to get his position, but I knew that he had to do something. I also know it was most likely something he would normally never do. Now I just need to see if he is worth the risk.

Let's see how he reacts to what I know. " I'm not sure what I can do for you. I know Woojin placed you in your position. The fact that you have been there for such a long time. I know you have proved your loyalty to him. That is great for him but means nothing to me." He dropped his head to his chest as he processes what I just said. "If you want information on Woojin. I can get you whatever information you need on Mr. Lee. I don't even like the man. We both know I can't make a fair down payment or even keep up with regular payments. I can and will be loyal to you. I will follow any directions to the letter."

He sounds desperate and I can work with that.

Warden's POV

Sitting in Min Enterprise waiting on what amounts to a child to decide my fate has me thinking about how far I have fallen. I have been coming here every day for a week to see Mrs. Min's son. I thought about going to her husband but I am sure he would kill me. I think the boy will at least listen first. I should have just did what my wife had asked me to. I wouldn't be in this situation right now if I did. I just wanted to get out from under Lee Woojin's thumb and I thought if I could give him something he would let me go. I didn't think about how it might affect my wife if I failed.

I got myself into trouble by fixing books at the prison. Taking a little petty cash, only partial tax payments, and only making partial payments to the men when someone put money on their books. My wife came from a family with a lot of money. She was used to going on shopping trips with her friends that had no budget. I started as a prison guard slowly working my way up the ladder in the prison. Honestly, I probably would have made it to supervisor on my own and that is if I was lucky. Woojin came to me one day out of the blue it seems and offered me the ability to go straight to the top. All I had to do was do as he told me when he needed me to. Sounded easy enough and that was the day I sold my soul to that demon.

When I got caught for embezzlement, I believed that Lee Woojin would have helped me get out of the mess I was in. Not at all. He told me that I was replaceable. He told me if I made it out of this with my job I would still need to honor our deal and if I don't he doesn't know me. My wife got me out of debt by going to one of her book club friends. I didn't even think about how a family even had that kind of money to loan out. I was just grateful that I was able to put the money back before the issue was taken to court. In fact, I got it put back so fast they thought it was an accounting error.

I got into trouble stealing money to prove I could care for my wife like her family would. I got out because my wife a risk to save me. When she found out what I did she was upset I just didn't tell her that we couldn't afford it. She didn't need any more purses or shoes. She was perfectly happy to be with me even if she couldn't shop like she was used to. Now I am sitting in an office waiting on a child to make a decision on my life and how I can live it. Will he decide to risk it on me? I mean I am offering to give him information on a man I am supposed to be loyal to. Will he think that because I was turning on Woojin I would turn on him? I hope not.

Most people that make deals with Woojin have to do something unspeakable on camera. He has a safe full of incriminating videos on all the most powerful people in town. I never made a video but he says he has one of my wife. I never asked her so I'm not sure. I don't want to know what he made her do if it does exist. I feel no loyalty for the man that refused to help me when I needed him the most. I would do whatever I could to bring that bastard to his knees. The Min's are far from angels but they have a better code of ethics.

"I am going to give you a chance. This is what I need you to do." He sits up a little straighter. He may be young but he is easily more intimidating than Lee Woojin. "His name is Anthony and he is one of the prisoners awaiting trial for kidnapping my son. I need you to get him into a private cell or at the very least move his cellmate. I need to make sure he is safe. I have a few guards that can see to his day to da safety. They will meet you in your office in the morning. Make sure they get on the right shifts and in the right area to make sure Anthony is safe. One of the guards has a few writes up for being too rough with prisoners. Make it go away for now unless the complaint comes from Anthony. I need him to keep his job until I am done with him. After that, you can fire him if you need to and I will make sure you are ok." I am listening intently. So far nothing he is asking for is hard or will even draw too much attention. I will gladly do all of this for my wife's safety. A bonus is getting out of the deal with Woojin.

"After I do this my debt is clear?" With a slight chuckle, he shakes his head. I knew it was too good to be true. This just barely benefits him and people like him don't do barely. "No, of course not. Your wife has accumulated a fair amount of interest. What this will do is remove the possibility of her being sent to work off her interest." The Min's are well-known for allowing the lucky ones to work off their debt in the warehouses. It's the country's worst kept secret that more than half the Min's workforce is made up of debtors. My wife can't boil water let alone sweep a floor. There is no way she will make it anywhere she has to work.

"What else do you need me to do?" His expression is still very friendly. Which is kind of scary. He is not known to be friendly. "For the next four years, I will erase $500,000 every year from your debt. I need you to do as I ask you. I make ask a lot or nothing at all but the deduction will remain the same. I can't tell you what I am going to ask, I can just promise you it won't be murder. I also need you to let me know if Woojin asks you to do anything." This deal is still too good to be true. It was way better than I thought it would be. I would be a fool to turn it down. Standing I put my hand out to shake on the deal. "Mr. Min this is an amazing deal. Thank you for giving me a chance."

"Do not take my kindness for weakness. If you step out of line I will pull your wife's contract and have her sent to one of our live-in warehouses and you will answer to me. I am not big on second chances do not make me regret it." I shook his hand and nodded my head like a broken bobblehead toy. "Well, warden it is going to be a pleasure doing business with you." For such a young man he has a very firm borderline painful grip that reminds me this is serious business. I was on my cell making arrangements for Anthony's cellmate to be removed and placed with another inmate. No need to wait until tomorrow. I do not want to give him any reason to doubt me.