Chapter 39

Anthony's POV

On the walk back to my cell I felt relief. I finally felt like I made peace with Suga. The feeling was short-lived though. Once I got outside my cell I can see my cellmate Kyle going through my commissary. He is always going through my stuff like it's his, but that is our deal. He doesn't have family or friends that deal with him anymore. I don't care as long as he does his job and keeps people out of my ass. To be honest no one but him was bothering me in the first place. I basically pay him to leave me alone.

"Hey Atonia, we're running low on honey buns. Get some more they're my favorites." He has no manners, has no respect for me, and isn't all that bright. I can see why people on the outside don't want to be bothered with him. If I didn't need him so much I wouldn't deal with him. But it was very humbling getting my ass beat the first week I was here. As soon as the guards hollered lights outs, Kyle would begin to terrorize me. I learned quickly that my word wasn't worth shit to Kyle without money to back it up. When Suga had put money on my books I was so excited. I am positive I was about to be more of his bitch than I am now.

I laid on my bunk and read a book as Kyle went back to watching my television. He mostly just flipped the channels like a child. Mostly because he knew it got on my nerves. As much as he walked around calling me a weak little bitch. His show selection makes him the bitch. He likes to watch talk shows like Wendy Williams and reality shows like the Kardashians and the Real housewives. I haven't seen a sports game of any kind since I got here because he hates sports.

As we sat in our cell as relaxed as we could be. A guard came in and turned off the television. "What do you want? I was watching that." I sat up and look towards the guard. Unlike Kyle, I still have a healthy respect for the guards. Also since I have not yet been sentenced I am not trying to add any more time to what I might get. "Pack your shit your changing cells, Kyle." At had him sitting up straight and paying attention. "What do you mean changing cells? No one requested a change," he said glaring at me as he spoke. I just shrugged because he knows I didn't put in a request. He is always with me. "Antonia" shaking his head he started again. "I mean Anthony did you request a new celly?"

I did get to answer. The guard nodded his head and a few more guards crowded into our cell. "Look pack it or leave, I don't care. We don't have all day and it is not up for negotiations." Kyle is big or smart but I guess he is smart enough to know he can't fight them all. He began to throw his things into the net bag that was given to him. Since he kept my commissary with his stuff he began to load that stuff up too. I don't care he can have it all, it's worth it for him to leave. I'll simply replace it as soon as I can.

"Leave his snacks." Kyle turned towards the guard visibly shocked that they knew. "It's no secret that you never have visitors or make phone calls, no letters, no one put money on your books, and no one like you." I can tell the guard took pleasure in being so blunt with him. "Stop looking at Anthony. I'm in charge. You have two minutes to get your crap together. Tik Tok Kyle." I swear can see smoke rising off his head. "If Anthony didn't request it, why am I being moved? You have to tell me, I have rights." I guess he overstepped because the next thing I know he was on the ground being cuffed. "Yes you do. You have the right to remain silent. You're giving me a fucking headache" Snapping his fingers one officer came and emptied my snacks from his bag and placed them on his now empty bunk. Then two other officers grabbed him and carried him out. The guard then turned to leave the cell waving as he left. "Enjoy your private cell, Anthony."

Suga's POV

As soon as I left the prison, I called my dad. We needed to get into Anthony's house asap. I simply tell him that I am on my way. The next thing I did was make arrangements for Anthony to have some real protection. I make arrangements for him to have protection from a guard and a few inmates that owe me. As long as I need them they can consider his protection their monthly payment. For now, I can not have anything happen to him.

The first thing I do when I get to my parent's house is kiss my mom on the cheek and tell her hello. Then I head directly to my father's office. Barley looking up from what he was doing he doesn't greet just jumps right in. "What has your boxers in a bunch boy? Did another shipment go missing? Wait I know what happened, my grandson's still keeping you far away from their mother." He doesn't even wait on me to answer he just laughs at his comment. This man swears he's funny. He is about as funny as hitting your pinky toe on the foot of the bed.

If this didn't affect my mother so much, I would leave him to figure this out on his own. But since it affects my mother I am going to have to suck it up and deal with his bad humor. "Anthony asked me to go to the prison." He shrugs his shoulders and says, "So?" He was a fan of the man getting as much time as he could. "I know you don't like him but what I am about to say might change your mind." The incredulous look on his face said a lot. "Do you know if the police found any cameras or servers in Anthony's house?" It got his attention just like I knew it would. "Cameras?" I watched as the color drained from his face. He knew what my mother did and he knew where she did it. "Yes, that is what he wanted to talk to me about." His face hardened as he said, "What the fuck does he want?" My dad has no faith in anyone outside of the family. I can't wait to the shock on his face when I tell him what he wanted.

"He wants to make peace with me. He doesn't know what happened at the house. He just wanted me to be able to hear a conversation that Jason had while he was there. He gave me the access information for his cloud drive." I watched as a myriad of emotions crossed his face. Everything from shock to confusion. "I need to get into that house." He began to nod his head. "If I am not mistaken the house is still on the market maybe someone should buy it. Aren't one of you brothers looking for a house?"

I thought about it and I think it is about time for Namjoon to stop wandering at set down some roots. "I think Namjoon should go look at it. I hear it's in a decent neighborhood and in fairly good condition." My dad nods as he picks up his phone and sends him a quick text. "Do you know if Anthony is aware that someone died in the house?" I shake my head. he never went home from work he went straight to jail.

"Good, You can tour the house and Joon can see what he can find in on the cloud drive." I can do that. Namjoon is great with all things tech-related. He can clean up poor-quality images better than the FBI. The real question is if Namjoon is in town or out on a business trip. I am almost positive that he is just trying to get some uninterrupted ass from his newest flings. "If he is not see if it is something that Sierra can do," he said. He is nervous and in a rush to get all this situation taken care of.

I as I was about to leave my dad got a message from Joon saying he is back in town and ready to assist. We boys may ignore each other but no one ever ignores mom or dad. "Actually, he will meet you at the house in 1 hour." I wave as I walk out of the door.

An hour later

Joon and I made it to the house before the realtor. We got out of the car and walked around to look at the front of the house just like any other buyers would. The neighborhood is quiet and filled with young families. Not rich families but the new families just starting out. Most of the yards are cut and have bikes or other children's ride-on toys. While we were looking the realtor finally pulls up.

"Hello gentlemen, I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long." She walked up with her hand out to shake our hands. "No, we just pulled up Rachael. Thank you for coming on such short notice." We shook hands then she turned to Namjoon to shake his hand.

"This is Rachael and she is the realtor over this property. I saw this house and thought it would be perfect for you Namjoon." Rachael smiles as she opens the door for us. Namjoon is single and doesn't even have a steady girlfriend let alone a wife and kids. What he is looking for is a non-descript house. Somewhere he could set up shop and live that is more private than his apartment. This place is perfect it has four bedrooms, two and a half baths, a living room, dining room, and most importantly a fully refurbished basement.

Rachael spent about twenty minutes explaining all this to him as we walked through the home. She told us this property has the biggest backyard in the neighborhood. That's gonna be good for backyard BBQs later on. Once we made it down into the basement Namjoon's eyes lit up. Rachel giggled and told jokes about how the room would make the perfect mancave. He simply nodded and I knew he was already planning on where to put his toys. We left the house and went directly to the realtor's office for him to complete the paperwork. That is how Namjoon became the proud owner of a single-family detached home. He paid cash and had the keys in a week.