Chapter 1 The Beginning

"I will be fine papa, don't you trust me?," Shai said

Shai looks through her purse for her car keys,

"I do trust you... but I don't trust the world.

Honey," Lefi said

"That I can understand look, papa, I have to go to work I will call you after I get off, OK?" Shai said

"Ok. Be careful honey, I love you," Levi said

"I will love you too papa," Shai said

She hangs up and gets out of the car,

Shai turned to a building finding it quite endearing. Shai walked up to it and opened the door the fumes of baked goods flowed through the air, and a familiar person pulled her into a hug and said,

"Shai you are here," Cherry said

"Hi Cherry, thanks for helping me get this job," Shai said

Cherry lets her go and smiles at her,

"Don't mention it Shai you would do the same for me. Now let me show you the ropes and I will leave you to it," Cherry said

"Whatever you say, boss," Shai said

Cherry chuckled at her and threw her arm over her shoulder,

"I'm not the boss, here you know that... say doesn't your dad know her?" Cherry asked

They walked through the employee's only door, finding a warm kitchen awaiting them, Cherry walked in front of Shai.

"Come on, I will show you the most popular pastry we have!" Cherry said

Shai walks to Cherry but couldn't help but feel a burning glare from behind her,

She looked around to find no one,

"Is there something wrong, Shai?" Cherry asked

Cherry is grabbing ingredients for the recipe and finds Shai acting skittish,

"No, there was just something in my eye," Shai said

"Well if you're sure then," Cherry said cheerfully,

Shai stands next to her for Cherry to put a bag of flour in her arms and says,

"If that's the case, then help me with this,"

Shai smiles and helps move the flour to the mixer, but something is watching her she can't quit placing it... if only she knew what it was,

"That's all you need to know, if you need help I will be by the cash register," Cherry said

Cherry pats Shai on her shoulder and walks to register.

"Thank you again, Cherry," Shai said

Cherry was about to respond before one of her co-workers yelled for her,

"Coming! Bye, Shai," Cherry said,

Cherry jogs away and disappears from her site,

"Bless her heart," Shai said

Shai hears her name being called and walks to the counter to take an order, a coworker places it on the counter telling her,

"This is for seat fourteen,"

Shai takes the order and walks to the table finding a shady figure,

"Here is your order," Shai said,

She placed it on the table,

"Thank you," the figure said

"You're welcome, do you need anything else?" Shai asked

The figure shook his head, Shai looked at him before starting to walk away, the figure grabbed her arm,

"Be careful," the figure said in a deep menacing tone,

Shai nodded as the figure let her go and she walked back to her station, Shai felt a sharp pain suddenly in her head,

"Hey, Shai are you ok?" Cherry said

Cherry walked up to her before putting a hand on her shoulder,

"Oh yeah, I am alright just a headache," Shai said unsure of what was wrong with her,

"Shai you're pale. how about you take a break, drink some tea, and relax," Cherry said

Cherry walked her to a chair before helping her sit down, Shai nodded, and she turned to look where the figure was to find them not there, Shai sighed in relief but the hairs on her neck stood up,

"Shai your destiny awaits,"

Shai jumps out of her chair and looks behind her to find nothing,

"Shai honey, you scaring people, are you ok?" Cherry said rubbing her shoulder,

"Yeah I'm fine, is my break over?" Shai asked

"No you still have thirty minutes, are you sure you want to get back to work," Cherry said

"Maybe if I work it will keep my mind off it," Shai said

"Mind off what?" Cherry asked concerned,

Shai realized that she had it out loud,

"Sorry sometimes to need to talk to an expert, sometimes it's yourself," Shai said bashfully,

She giggled before grabbing Shai's hand,

"If that's the case I can show you how to make my favorite muffins," Cherry said

She pulled Shai to the kitchen. the figure watched on from outside the window with a small smile before disappearing,

"These are delicious, I didn't know you cooked well," Cherry said

"Thanks, I have been trying to get better at..." Shai said but was cut off,

"Cherry sweetie, can you look up the store for me?" Miss Jackson said

"Yes Miss Jackson, I can do that, this is Shai," Cherry said

Miss Jackson looked at Shai,

"How was your first day?" Miss Jackson asked

"It was great. Thank you for the opportunity, Miss Jackson," Shai said

Shai reached out her hand as Miss Jackson shook her hand she saw flashes of visions and Shai let go of Miss Jackson's hand,

Miss Jackson backed away from Shai,

"Miss Jackson, are you ok?" Cherry said

Cherry helped her hold up and Miss Jackson stood back up hugging Shai

"Be careful Shai something ancient will be looking for you," Miss Jackson said

She left them alone in the cafe,

"What was that about?" Cherry asked

Shai still a bit shaky, answered the question,

"I have no idea. but it felt like there were eyes on me all day,"

"I'm sorry Shai, did you call the police yet," Cherry asked

"No I haven't, I will do that when I get to my apartment," Shai said

She put on her jacket and unlocked her car,

"See you tomorrow Shai," Cherry said

Cherry hugged her before walking to her car,

"Yeah see you tomorrow," Shai said

Shai went into her car watching Cherry drive away,

"God. what a day, should I call my papa before I go to bed," Shai said

She walked to her apartment door to see it opened,

"Should I go check?" Shai asked herself,

She felt something off in her apartment,

She begrudgingly walked into the apartment to find her furniture destroyed, the vase on her coffee table broken. the glass scattered across the floor, Shai walked farther into the apartment to find the door to her room broken into pieces, before she went into the room she grabbed a damaged table leg, she went into the room hugged the table leg to her chest,

Her eyes widened at what she saw, her bed shattered across the room with a blue and gold portal in the middle of the room,

"What should I do with this? should I call the police or Papa?" Shai thought

She didn't notice that the portal started to grow until she dropped onto the floor,

"What? No!" Shai yelled

She felt the wind starting to pull her into the portal, she felt her grip start to loosen,

Shai saw flashes of her father,

She lost her grip and got sucked into the portal,