Chapter 2 Where am I?

"What are you looking at Judy?" Eurus asked walking up to her,

Judy pointed at a hole in the ground,

when they looked into the hole it showed a woman with brown hair, Judy's instincts kicked and she slid down the hole to see if the woman was alive,

"Judy!" Eurus yelled before following her,

Judy puts her head on the woman's chest to hear her heartbeat,

"She's alive," Judy said under her breath, Eurus stands next to her, pulls Judy off the woman,

"What's wrong!?" Judy yelled anxiously,

"Look," Eurus said

Judy looked back at the woman to find her glowing a vibrant gold,

"What happens to her?" Eurus said

"I have no idea," Judy said going to the woman,

Judy hesitantly touches her, she turns her head away waiting for something to happen,

But it never came.

"Eurus. help me pick her up, quickly," Judy said

Putting the woman's arm over her shoulder

Eurus nodded and did the same,

"Do we show....." Eurus said but is cut off,

"No, we won't he is immoral slim that needs to be eradicated," Judy said with venom, they walked to their house,

"Take her to the lab I can check her there," Judy said handing her over to Eurus,

"Yes ma'am," Eurus said sarcastically

walking into the lab,

Judy rolls her eyes,

"Claire, how was the house when we were gone," Judy asked as a hologram appeared next to her,

"Nothing much mistress, what did you bring home if I may ask?" Claire said

Judy started to make coffee,

"We found her in a while in the ground, but she does not look from this era," Judy

responded turned to Claire,

"How is the admission," Judy asked

"It went well it is in Congress, we will see how far it will go," Claire said

"Good, this is important to me. I want to make a difference in this world, to expose the evil that is poison to the individual's mind," Judy explained,

Claire looked at her mistress seeing her light up in determination for what she does,

"Hey Judy, you might want to see this!" Eurus yelled from the lab,

Judy booked it to the lab,

"What's the matter," Judy said her voice getting quiet,

Seeing the woman floating above the lab table, as colorful electricity came off of her before fell back onto the table, then face-first on the floor, Eurus whines at the act and Judy tries to pick her up,

"Don't! we don't know if she will hurt us or not," Eurus said pulling her away,

"Well then, what do we do then? let her kiss the floor until she wakes up," Judy said sarcastically,

Eurus rolled his eyes before continuing,

"No, just poke her with something," Eurus said

Judy picked up a scapula and poked her with the end of it, they both held their breath in anticipation, but nothing came of it,

"We'll pick her up," Judy told him,

Eurus sighed before picking her up and placing her back on the table,

"Do you have any idea what just happened?" Eurus asked Judy,

Judy looked back at the woman before answering,

"I do not know what is to come, but one thing is for certain, she is not from here. Something or someone brought her here and I am willing to find out what," Judy said looking back at him,

"Are you willing to go down this road with me?"Judy asked

"What else would I do, watch anime? That's not that bad of an idea," Eurus said


"You little brat you ruined the moment, plus you already watched all the seasons," Judy said angrily,

"Yeah ok, you got a point there," Eurus said

There was silence before Claire popped up before them,

"Mistress, there is a phone call waiting for you it seems urgent," Claire said

Judy sighed,

"Ok, answer it for me Claire, and bring them through to my office, Eurus watch the woman until I come back," Judy said

She walked out of the lab not waiting for his answer,

"Yes, Auntie," Eurus said

Grabbed his phone and sat in a chair, knowing it was going to be a long night, Claire chuckled before teleporting to her Mistress,

"Hello, can anyone hear me?" Shai said

Shai walks around in a black landscape, her voice going around the black void.

"Child," a voice said

Shai jumped at the sudden voice,

"Where are you," Shai said courageously,

She looked around for the owner of the voice,

"Your calling," the voice continued

"What are you talking about?" Shai asked

Wanting to know what happens to her,

"What does that mean," Shai said to herself

She felt electricity flow through her,

"Your calling," the voice said

Shai screamed in pain feeling her body on fire, sharp pain in her head, before she fell into the black void,

"Eurus!" Judy yelled

She watched the monitors, Eurus jumped and landed on the floor whining in pain,

"What was that for," Eurus said rubbing his butt,

"Something is happening to her, their heart rate is fine but her brain activity is high," Judy explained

Sparks started to fly off the monitors,

The monitor went from white to gold before shutting off, Shai's body shacked again until it fell silent leaving Judy and Eurus stunned,

"What the hell is she," Eurus whispers

Judy glanced at him checking the monitor to find it stable, not instability in it or with damage done to it, once again she was awestruck by what she had witnessed of this mystery woman.

"We won't know until she's awake," Judy huffed

Judy moves away from the monitor and then has a dizzy spell, she almost tries only to have Eurus catch her,

"You should get some rest auntie," Eurus said

Judy looked at him noticing how her eyes kept dropping on her, she rested her hand on his shoulder,

"Fine I will, you'll still be watching her?" Judy asked

Eurus helps her to the door before telling her,

"I will watch her but you need to get some rest. Claire watch her for me,"

"No, I'm fine Eurus," Judy said

Claire popped up behind her and told Eurus,

"Her stress levels are higher than normal,"

"Claire doesn't scare me like," Judy said

Judy turned to her and Claire opened the door motioning her to it,

"Let's go, mistress, you need rest," Claire said

"Claire I do..." Judy yawned

"See your body is telling you to rest," Eurus said

Eurus helped Claire get Judy out of the lab, she turned to him before she left,

"Try to keep an eye on her this time," Judy said

"I will auntie, now go to sleep," Eurus said

The door closed leaving him to walk back to his chair watching the last season of his anime,