Chapter 20 Open Pages



Shai opened her eyes to a soft white glow around her, she slowly sat up looked around her then moved to stand up only to be in a room She was not sure, 


"You are alive,"


Shai turned to where the voice maybe, 


"I should be alive," Shai said 


Shai felt her hand burn with pain,

then she looked at her hand it was shimmering with gold following her skin lines down to her finger, 


"They opened something to you?"


The voice was now behind her and then Shai turned to it finding nothing, starting to get irritated, Shai walked forward trying to find that voice that seemed to haunt her, 


"Enough with your games dammit and show yourself," Shai yelled 


Her eyes darted to the right side of the room a noise came from there, Shai moved closer to it while talking to the voice, silently hoping to get the voice to show itself.


"Is this the voice that caused me this pain?" Shai asked  




"Is it the voice that followed me into this realm? Dimension?" She asked again, 


Nothing responded to her and Shai now in front of the right wall, asked once more, 


"What is this? Are you the same voice or are you someone else,"  


She went quiet waiting to hear that voice,

the fog went away showing that she was in an old library, Shai walked around in awe tracing her finger over some books until one stopped her from moving ahead, she pulled the book out of the shelf and then read the title. 


"The complete history of Greek mythology," 


Shai opened up the book and started to read it, only to have a light gold string lifted from it. Shai stunned by this dropped the book and backed away, then took deep breaths and watched the string,

it swayed from the draft in the room still glowing a light gold. 


"Should I put it back?" Shai thought 


Shai walked back to the book still cautious of it moving closer to the book, and then the string moved toward her trying to bring her to it, calling her in some way. She stooped in front of it observing the string trying to pull itself closer to her, 


"If you want to see the book pull the string,"


Shai hears the voice from behind her encouraging her. Shai drew her hand closer to the string and then pulled it...

Shai looked around for any disturbances to see nothing dust flying past her.  


"Well, that was..." Shai stopped 


The string flew up and stretched into the air, Shai watched the string light up and figures shined around it, making it clear that it showed the myths of Greek in front of her.

A woman with a helmet shining in front of her with a soft smile on her face, stood tall as the rest of her features showed, a shield held with a woman's head filled with snakes and a simple spear with a sharp blade wrapped in gold clothing.

Shai backed away from the woman and while the other figures showed more of their fetchers, 


"What is this," Shai asked 


"A book,"


Shai looked up, finding a man looming over her draped white cloth with a helmet that had wings on the side of it, he had curly hair and sandals with wings on them.

Shai moved closer to the book to close it and when she made it to the book, walking past the woman who watched her amused, 


"What are you doing, girl," 


Shai ignored her, rushing to the book while they watched her, 


"Almost there," Shai thought 


She reached for the side of the book to be stopped by an armored chest,

Shai lifted her head to meet a man with brown eyes with the end of the eye a flame of red, his hair a little curly but brown with a helmet similar to the woman, he watched her unimpressed. 


"Who are you to summon us here?" He asked 


Shai stepped back from him and while she did the man tried to stop her by grabbing her forearm, Shai moved away from his hand taking one more step back, sliding under him,  


"What!" He yelled 


Shai slides by the book grabs it and swiftly turns to them, Shai closes the book making the string whine back into the book, the man who tried to stop her vanishes away glaring at her,

the woman smiled at her, and said,

"I believe we will meet again, wondered,"  


The woman watched Shai unmoved until a slight nod to her vanished before her. Shai took a breath, got up from the floor,

and almost tripped onto the bookshelf but caught herself, she placed the book back on the shelf.  


"Nice job kid," 


Shai looked above her finding the man with the winged helmet above her smiling at her before vanishing with the others,

Shai moves away from the shelf and stares around her in disbelief. 


"So you have to meet them, darling,"


Shai turned behind her to look at the figure behind her, she felt a rush of anger move through her not thinking. she ran to the figure and stopped in front of him,

the figure watched the fire rage in her eyes and anger in her soul ... he didn't think she would be this angry.


"Answers now," Shai said 


He stood shocked and felt her hand on his chest grabbing his shirt, pulling him closer to her, Shai breath heavily in and out waiting for him to answer which he obliged,  


"I was ordered to connect you to the power,"


Shai loosened her grip, 


"What power?" Shai said quietly 


He watched the anger fade off of her,

whispering away, leaving a woman who seemed to have cooled down and staring at him, the figure moved her hands off of him and placed a kiss on each of them,  


"A power that's been passed down from generation to generation of your family is now in you Shai," He stopped 


He placed her hand on his heart, 


"I've had to do it there… was no choice, not anymore at least," he said 


He lets go of her hand and walks past her to a chair in the corner, he sits down and then holds his hand out for her, 


"This will be a lot, and it's probably a good idea to sit down for it," He said sheepishly, 


Another chair appeared next to him with a hot mug of tea, Shai looked at him bewildered and thought to herself 


"What do I have to lose at this point?"


She then walked over to him, glancing at the book as she passed by, she sat down and said,  "What does all this mean?"


He glanced at her and took a sip of the tea, 


"You are about to find that out for yourself,"


"Well, mister Yuval, what is your answer?" Madam Speaker said 


Judy watched him shiver in his seat until he pulled the microphone to him and said,


"Look, Miss Diamond, I think this is all a miss understanding, that was taken out of context,"


A person behind Judy put a board behind her before patting her on the back, then sat back down, Judy pulled a document and said,  


"This mister Yuval is the email that the head of the organization that you don't know of... sent you this email and I quote, "  Judy said 


Yuval watched a light move in front of him, showing the email, 


"We don't need this, so call information out on this, it could jeopardize the company, in the eyes of the people we work with and the little people, This was an associate of yours, Mister Yuval," Judy says 


She continued,


"This is what they scent back, I know that this could get out, and it is already handled by the press, don't worry Mister Yuval, this secret is safe with the open for the world foundation, This was sent between March tenth and April first, and now I ask you, is this not your email?" Judy said  


Yuval cleared his throat and moved the microphone closer to him, 


"Look Senator Diamond, I didn't write that email and to be frank with you, think you made this to make me look like the villain of the story, and I think it's deplorable that you have done this," Yuval said 


Judy stares at him and is stunned by what he accused her of,


"You can accuse me all you want, but the truth is clear and your actions are showing corruption, working with the company that helps make the AI, you Mister Yuval going to be looked into and investigated by this Congress for your disastrous actions, I yield my time," Judy said  


"The congresswoman from Washington yields back, now to the congressmen from Virginia," the chairwoman said 


"Auntie you did a great job, why are you beating yourself up because of this," Eurus said over the hologram,


Judy laid back in her chair and massaged her face,


"I get that Eurus, but I could have done more, I could have put out more of the information we had and put it out to the public, i..." Judy said 


"Auntie you did what had to be done that day, you can't do everything at once, therefore, you did great Auntie and you have to question him again. Right?" Eurus interrupted 


"Yes, that would be the fourteenth if I recall," Judy said 


"Good other than…" Eurus said 


"Please let me get out of my work, Shai? I know the last time you told me, she was in the library taking a nap," Judy said. 


Eurus stood still there, he thought of ways to tell her, but it seemed that there was no choice anymore and with that, he blabbered out,  


"I went to check on her for breakfast, and she was still sleeping, so I tried to wake her up but… remember when she started to produce lightning off of her,"


Judy sat up,  


"She did that again?" Judy asked 


"Yes, she did. After that, I told Claire to get the lab ready and I lifted her, I set her there while Claire scanned her," Eurus said


Judy closed her eyes and, she saw it again that woman lifting mid-air with bright color lighting coming off her,  Eurus continued to tell her what happened, only for her not to hear him,  


"Auntie, are you listening?" Eurus asked 


Judy snapped out of it and sheepishly smiled at him, 


"No, I wasn't, what were you saying?" Judy said 


"After Claire scanned her she was all fine just some random sparks, but there is an area of gold that to her fingertips to now her elbow, and it just kept growing," Eurus said 


"What is it now, then," Judy said 


"She's still resting and hasn't moved in three days, Claire has been giving her water and food but... the gold is so odd every time we check on her it moves up and she squirms," Eurus said  


Judy leaned back grabbed her tablet and asked him,


"Was there any book she had around her when you found her?" Judy asked


Eurus looked at her bewildered by what she asked and Judy looked away from her, tablet to stare at him, 


"Just tell me and I will answer your questions in that little head of yours," Judy said 


Eurus gave her a bewildered glance before calling Claire, Claire walked through the door and walked to Eurus, with a smile on her face,


"What have you called me for little Eurus?" Claire asked 


"I can't recall what books were around Shai when she was sleeping, do you remember them," Eurus said 


Claire looked at Judy who seemed to be waiting for her to answer her question, Claire pulled out the names of the books and sent them to her

Judy hummed and said,  

"The complete history of Greek mythology. That's interesting,"