Chapter 21 Prophecy

"What do you know?"

The figuer takes one more sip of his tea before placing it on the table, he raises his hand and books from the shelves stars to move, Shai watched the book land near her feet, she put her cup down and she picked up the top book, finding the one that caused her trouble, and showed it to him,

"This will help you understand what will help you in this relam. There's more, but for now, I will tell you some of it,"

The figure watched her sit back in the chair, take her cup back, and motion him to continue,


"The understanding, I and the others like to call it, is an opening in your third eye if that makes sense to you,"

"You mean opening your mind to another world, right?"

He stopped at staring at her stunned,

"How do you know this?"

"My father told me this. Then i looked into it, seeing that it was interesting... then i went down another rabbit hole of mythology and spiritual realms. "

Shai looked around her. The shelves had some dust on them, but a gold string appeared above them, moving around the bookshelves before disappearing out of sight, Shai sighed and turned back to him continuing

"Little did I know all of this stuff was right,"

The figure hummed at her, remembering when the last time he helped... how far off it was, thinking it was the end, how could not be when the threat was gone. how can he help if they were finished they made a difference, and now it's on her. He just hoped that it wouldn't be as bad as last time.

"It's a mixture of both. He told me about the mind, but looking into the mythology and God, that was me. I saw it back then, and i see it here.. There are snippets of something happening. I dont know where to begin. "

The figure nods at her, she must have hard nights. Filled with sleepless thoughts,

"So, he helped you at first and let you figure out the rest,"

"Yes, there were some questions, but he helped at the beginning,"

"Good, then i expect you should know who you meet,"

The figure lifted the books next to them and opened them, a light shone and burst out of the books. It starts to show images of mythology deities and monsters, but the thing that caught her eye was an image of a woman on an old scroll.

Shai held a blank stare and whispered,

"That's not right,"

He chuckled,

The scroll flew to his hand, and he set aside the cup. The figure placed the scroll in front of her, and she looked over it. There were some written words she could understand but remembered... then there was a drawing of a woman with dark brown hair holding a gun of some sort with lightning coming off her. Shai looked up at him and asked,

"What is this?"

He looked at her before staring down at the scroll and told her,

"This is a prophecy from long ago. It was thought to have been a lie. But i believe that's false,"

The figuer lightly gave her the scroll to read, She was about to tell him that she couldn't read it, he swiped his hand over the paper making it glow, and the words changed to English.

Shai softly placed her hand over her mouth and spoke the words out quietly

"This woman will come from another realm from the time of 2023, age 24, with eyes brown and brown hair, she will fall from the sky in the time of 2032 in the North American content,"

"That's not the main part of the scroll,"

The figure pointed at a sentence, and she reads,

"She will have a task at hand for the sake of that realm and by that means needs the power of old to help her, defeat what is powered by the corrupt. That old serpent. Guided them to take a nonworldly intelligence that if not stopped..." Shai stopped

The last bit of the scroll was ripped away and must have been aged. Shai looked back at him. He stared at her, a stressed smile on his face before saying,

"This is why i brought you here. You need to know what you are here to do, and here it is. Now, what do you think of this?"

Shai placed the scroll on the table and closed her eyes, placing her hands on her face wanting to go back to sleep in the dark haze, where she could forget what had happened, but there was something in her curious. She wanted answers, didn't mean she had to like it,

"I don't know,"

The figure couldn't hear her and asked her,

"I didn't hear you,"

Shai felt dizzy, with his voice sounding muffled.


She moved her hand on her face and sat up.


Shai didn't see him there nor in the library but the wall of the lab, she tried to move off the bed but was stopped by an IV drip in her arm, Shai tried to call for Claire or Eurus,

"Claire, are you here?"

She waited for a response, but nothing was heard,


They didn't hear her.

Shai looked down at the IV drip preparing to rip it out and she did, she felt a light sting from it, before letting go of it and moving off the bed, there was weakness in her legs making her hold onto the bed for support, Shai stared down at her feet feeling as if they had been asleep for days. nevertheless proceeded to try taking a step, she didn't fall, Shai took another step and continued until she was in front of the door, she leans on the side wall while opening the door, when it opens the hallway lights are off with a distant voice talking,

A pain shot up into her leg making her whine trying to cradle her leg, however, someone heard her whine and went to her, finding her lying on the floor in the doorway to the lab, cradling her leg. Shai tried to pick herself back up, but a hand placed in front of her stopped her,

"It seems to me that you need a hand, Shai," Claire said

Shai chuckled while grabbing her hand,

Claire lifted her letting Shai lean on her for support, and Claire helped her walk through the hallway, where a door was opened with a light shining through it, Claire used her other hand to knock on the side of the door, alerting the person, who was talking with someone on the hologram,

"Little Eurus, she awakes," Claire said

He looked back at them his eyes landed on Shai, he smiled walking up to her, his eyes not leaving hers, Shai contemplated on what she should say only to be crushed in a hug, Claire let go of her, letting Shai wrap her arms around him letting him hold her,

"Thank God,"

Shai rubbed his back. He let go of her only a tiny bit and placed his hand on her cheek, Shai started to wonder what he was doing, until he told her,

"I'm glad you're awake. You scared us," Eurus said

"Us? I'm sure that you are the one who watched over her the most," Claire said

Eurus glared over at Claire. Before a voice coming through the hologram got their attention,

"Am I expecting a wedding, Eurus?"

He looked over at his aunt with a fiery blush on his face, and he scoffed at her, telling her,

"No, Aunty, I don't believe she would want to meet a grumpy in-law who mostly talks about politics,"

"I don't always talk about politics," Judy mumbled

Eurus chuckled at her while Shai looked around, thinking she was in a dream again. How could she not? After having her mind, go through another plan of light and darkness or somewhere in between. I don't think she would hear what they are asking of her,

"Shai? Are you there? Is she alright?¨ Judy asked

"I don't know, mistress, Little Eurus, why don't you help her in a chair while I go get her a glass of water," Claire told him

Eurus wrapped his arms around her back, lifting her and Shai. By this time, she looked down at him. She watched him set her in a chair before getting one for himself and setting it near hers,

"Are you better now?" Eurus asked

Shai looked down at her hand, finding the gold had moved up in her arm, She looked at him and said,

"I still feel dizzy, and my legs still are asleep, but how long was I out?"

"For three days," Judy answered

"Three days?" Shai whispered

Shai looked down at her feet and tried to lift them, only for her leg to get a little off the ground before falling back on the floor, she huffed at this, Eurus didn't like this and he picked up her legs, setting them on his lap.

"Is that better," Eurus said

Shai gave him a soft smile and told him,

"Yes, that is better, thanks,"

"If that's all Shai, I don't know what has been happening, but I think it is something..." Judy said

"Mythology?" Shai said

"Yes, you know of this?" Judy asked

"Yes, I do. Those nights in the library, I looked through history, mythology, and myths, most of them were interesting, but " Shai explains

A sharp pain went through her hand, moving up toward her shoulder. Shai placed her hand on the arm to help with the pain and Eurus saw this, he stood up to get her a muscle-relaxing balm, Judy stared at them waiting to ask if she was fine, but she knew it wasn't. A light glow of gold showed in Shai's hand. While Judy looked at this, Eurus moved back to his seat, placing his hand on hers, saying,

"This is supposed to help with muscle pain, Claire and I went digging and found this for you,"

Shai looked at the bottle, picked it up, and placed the ointment on her hand. The pain slowly subsided, she let out a sigh of relief and looked at Eurus, thanking him,

"Thake you,"

"You don't have to thank me,"

They hear a snap of a camera from the hologram, which makes Eurus turn a bit pale and turn to his aunt, embracement coming off of him,

"Auntie, really, could you not control yourself?" Eurus asked

"I had nothing else better to do nephew, seeing as how you're making heart eyes at the poor girl," Judy scoffed

"Auntie!" Eurus yelled

"Hey, don't put this on me. You allowed me to take a picture, and I did," Judy responded

"Sorry, Shai, my aunt can't keep her patience and wait until we are done," Eurus said

"Patients? I don't believe you have any either Eurus, that's hypocritical of you,"

Shai watched the both of them going back and forth, sarcastically coming back and trying to beat the other, she used to do the same thing with Cherry, trying to out do the other by talking longer than she should have, then getting lectured by her parents for being up to late,

"Shai, I have to ask you something," Judy said

Shai moved out of her head into reality once more. She glanced at Judy, knowing what the question might be.