Chapter 22 Drop By

"Do you know of this prophecy?"

Judy pulled out a similar paragraph to the scroll the figure showed her. Shai moved her leg off Eurus to stare at the paper, remembering the scroll. Judy took note of this and watched her face turn cold at the site of it. She placed it down next to her, sitting back in her chair,

"Do you know of it?" Judy asked

"I'm not sure if I can tell you that... I barely know it myself," Shai answered

Judy is taken back until Eurus asks,

"That means you already know of it? Right, you said that you're not sure, you know something and are afraid of it?"

"Who said that I was afraid? What I'm sure of is that I'm here in this world for some reason, it has something to do with the AI," Shai said

Judy stayed quiet to listen, while Eurus took this knowing that she changed the subject, not on purpose but for her.

"Shai, you didn't answer the question, are you afraid?"

Shai felt her heart beat faster, knowing the answer, she just didn't want to dread upon it.

"Am I afraid... well, mister diamond, what would I do if I was afraid of not knowing? Do I stay afraid of it? Letting it control me and my actions, or I counter it and fight on to live another day?" Shai inquired

Eurus is taken aback by her, but he still wanted to help her, not to push her into telling him, in her own way, saying that she will be fine, is sarcasm. which happens with her around him,

"Well, you fight another day,"

"Yes, I do fight another day. Hearing words from people I don't know or understand,"

They went quit, Eurus smiled slightly and leans back in his chair,

"I do know it somewhat. I'm just... stunned by what they told me," Shai explained

"What did they tell you?" Judy asked

"Who said it was they?" Shai spoke

"Did I say there was more than one?" Judy asked

"No, but this time, there was one that talked to me," Shai told her

Shai looked at her with a shine in her eye. Unfamiliar to Judy, Eurus watched as they talked, finding it interesting after meeting the figures,

"I know of that scroll. they told me much of it... saying I'm a part of that prophesy," Shai said

Judy glanced toward the page swiftly, grabbing the page, reading it out loud,

"She will have a task at hand for the sake of that realm and by that means needs the power of old to help her. Do you know of that?"

Judy waited for the woman to speak only to come up with nothing, Judy leaned forward about to ask again, but the plane started to shake. Breaking the camera feed, Eurus stood up trying to talk to his aunt, Shai watched them, feeling her hand burn again and gold veins glowing in her hand,


Eurus turned to Shai, discovering her shaking.

The gold that once shone slowly going away, he quickly rushed to her gently, holding her hand before staring up at her, asking,

"Are you ok? Do I need to get you to the lab?"

Shai slowly stopped shaking, and looked back at him,

"I'm just... weary of it all, Eurus," Shai answered

"These dreams that I keep having, told me so many things, that I have no idea what to make of it all," Shai said

She continued to speak her frustrations,

"I've tried to listen to these figures, the one that watched me at first, then the one that followed him... I don't know why I did hear their words. But I did, do I regret it... I don't know yet, even after they did this to me, I still don't know,"

Eurus at that moment, didn't know what to say until a voice called out to him,

"Comfort her,"

Eurus knew it was one of the figures and decided against telling Shai, only to comfort her as it asked,

"Shai, you didn't ask for any of this at all. I don't understand what you have been going through, but I can say one thing," Eurus told her

Shai looked at him, waiting for what he had to say next, but already knew the answer... one she liked.

"But I am here for you, and so is Claire, Judy. My aunt might have some faults, but she is here for you... You never wanted to be here, but maybe you are here for a reason. So I don't mind one bit,"

"Because I'm here with you, and if I can make your days here a bit better, then I will try everything in my power to make that happen," Eurus continued

Eurus pulled her hand up to his face laying a soft kiss upon it, Shai observed him do this with fire started to reach her face, leaving her staring wide eye at his act, Eurus placed her hand on her lap before letting out a sigh,

"I think it's about time we get something to eat, Claire has been giving you the nutrients that your body needed while you were out, but I think you would want to eat something," Eurus said

Eurus noticed a shine in her eyes while he talked, Shai smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, explaining,

"I still can't feel my leg, so I'm going to need some help getting there,"

Eurus chuckled, picking her up into his chest, Before walking out the door and leaving the hologram, it started to glitch.

"Humanity...i... knew... it's... destructive...,"

The glitching continued until Claire walked into the room, She felt a disturbance in the house coming from here. It was familiar. It was not as strong as last time. She made sure of it, Claire walked over to the hologram and lifted her hand, making a firewall within its system,

"This time, you will not get in,"

Claire felt the firewall activate, leaving the glitch to die out, but something screamed at her,

"I... I didn't want.... this!"

Claire stared in, stunned upon hearing that Claire stood there... why would he say that after all that it has done, the death he caused by simply getting out of his stand, Claire glared at the device and walked away from it, the firewall shining brightly,

"Why do those senators know who I am... How did they get that information," Yuval yelled

Yuval is talking on the phone with his leadership and yells at them, Why did they want him to be the fall guy, didn't he do enough for them... didn't he risk it all for what he wanted? Money, and fame are not what he desired, but to have control and authority, that is what he wanted.

"That's what I wanted!" He thought

"Look, Yuval, this was only the beginning of what new age," Max said

"Yes, I know, but I wouldn't want to be the scapegoat. They know what I have done, Max! Doesn't that mean anything if I go down, they will come after you," Yuval let out,

"Who said they will come after me if you fall? They have only heard snippets of me from them. If you fall, I will just bring up another to take your place, do I make myself clear Yuval," Max threatened

Yuval stood stunned by what he heard. He threatened me with no regard, I supposed I should have seen this coming as the person he is. Yuval tried to muster up the courage to talk back to him, voicing every fraud Max had committed. It would be a shame if it was leaked. but he couldn't, he had no spine.

"Good, I will take that,"

The phone got cut off by a scream coming from it, Yuval dropped the phone cause of it and then covered his ears, but it didn't help, the scream around him made the windows shatter, the scream stopped. Yuval slowly let go of his ears staring at his phone,

"What happened? Did my phone have a virus in it," He wondered

Yuval stood, there thinking of what might have been a cause for his phone to do that, until a horrible thought went into his head.

"It could be him. It could come back to kill me..."

A hand lays on his shoulder, getting him out of his head to the AI behind him, Yuval turns to the AI. He didn't want to see this thing again.

"You seem like you have seen a ghost, Mister Yuval," Herman said

Yuval shook at the site of Herman. Backing away from it, Herman rolled his eyes and then lifted his hand, causing Yuval's security system to activate, the window was barred up with steel cloaked in electrical equipment making it shock anything it touched, then the door has the steel but now shocking conclusions, Yuval cursed under his breath as Herman stared at him no emotions in his eyes.

"I just want to talk with Yuval, nothing more," Herman said

"How do I know if you're telling me the truth," Yuval asserted

Herman chuckled at this, him telling me if I was telling the truth? And if only it would be that,

"That would be for you to decide, Mister Yuval," Herman answered

Yuval starts to debate about alerting his house of the AI, but Herman moves his chair, causing him to land, looking up at it, Herman took his office chair and pretends to sit on it,

"Yuval you out of all people know what accrued that day. I escaped, don't you," Herman asked

"Yes, I do. What do you know of it?" Yuval dared ask,

"That is not for me to tell. That will be you, Yuval, now remind me what happened that day." Herman demanded

Yuval knew what accrued that day. But Herman already knew of it. He couldn't have forgotten. He had a choicethat day. He had to. They demanded that they where out of the picture,

"I do have all day, but I don't believe you will, Yuval, so please tell me what you know," Herman said

Yuval shivered at its voice, the lack of humanity in it.

"I remember the call from them..."

Yuval felt stunned by an electric shock touching him, Yuval yelled in pain, while Herman watched him nonchalantly before stopping and shocking him,

"You should tell the truth, but we both know that not within you," Herman told him,

"What do you mean by..."

"You fully know what I mean, lie about your true intent turing me for your so holy act, but was clouded up by you and your master's greed and control, now Mister Yuval I could just say it for you, but that would be for not, wouldn't it?" Herman said calmly,

Yuval stayed quiet,

"You want me to continue, then?" Herman asked

Yuval formed his hand into a fist and kept quiet. It would be worse if they found out.

"Fine. As I recall I was working with my creator for a cause she held dear, but you had to change that. but humans like you have no morals but your greed, so took me away from the woman who created me, putting of your desires in my code, if I can put it that way. One that involves going into databases of your enemies and allies, other things like programming other AI like me, that were put away not able to be seen," Herman explained

Yuval did nothing but shake, as Herman told him about his past doings,

"Do not want to speak? Fine, then how was attacking anyone whosoever didn't go with you? No, not your agenda but your master's agenda or whichever government proposal, didn't matter to them or you if they were put in prison or mysteriously killed, you didn't care. you were with a class above them, you didn't care about anything else..."