Chapter 25 A Man or someone else

"How has been looking into the incident, Claire,"

Shai walked to the lab, wanting to check on her after the meeting with Judy, Claire glanced at her having a lot on her mind, she has a smile finding Shai checking on her was kind. 

"I was just finished," 

"Good," Shai let out,

She walked behind her, having her head on Claire's shoulder. Claire smiled while Shai remembered the conversation with Eurus, she felt a small but of heat on her face, and Claire couldn't help but notice this.

"How was dealing with Eurus?" 

"He already knew about Yuval. By the time your meeting was done, i told him somewhat of happened to you," 

Claire glanced down at Shai, Claire knew she couldn't keep this from them. She just doesn't want to worry them, Claire looked back at the screen, humming at her, Claire was having the information that Judy wanted, downloaded for her to know.

"Somewhat? Ok, then i will tell him Shai,"

Shai got off of her shoulder,

"Sure, just be... " 

Shai stopped, seeing her hands glowing with faint voices yelling at each other. 

"Why did you help awaken it? It was on time, and now we have to talk with them to help her!" 

A large crash can be heard, Shai felt her world start to shake, and she cradled her hands. They started to hurt.

"There was no choice," 

"Yes, there was! Let her deal with it on her own, but you had to push her. She had to go through harsh pain just because you thought it was best," 

"Because it was. I saw through multiple timelines. And saw that almost every one of them had her killed," 

"Why do you trust these timelines? they have been proven to be problematic. You know that. Sometimes it doesn't come true." 

Shai stagger away from Claire, holding her head. falling into the wall and sliding down it, hearing the voice continue to argue. Her hand glowed brighter as the voice grew louder.

"Sometimes. They don't, but I would rather her be prepared for what hell she will face," 

"That won't make up for what you have done. She now has to deal with more than this dimension," 

"I think you mean realm," 

"Don't you correct me!" 

Shai felt their voice start muffled, her head throbbing subsided, and her hand softly glowed. She saw that Claire was in front of her, trying to get her attention, Claire grabbed onto her shoulder and saw Shai's veins glowing,


Claire shook her, but it didn't help.

Shai's vision starts to blur and slump onto the floor, cradling her head,

"Figuer what you done was dangerous, you know that."

"I know.... but it's something that needed to be done,"

"It's foolish,"

"It was something that i didn't want to do but had to. It's not foolish."

"You weren't supposed to do that figuer. Really, what the hell were you thinking,"

"You don't know my reasoning..."


The room shook greatly. the two stopped their arguing, looking around them, Shai let go of her head and opened her eyes. She now sat in the room she appeared in before. the shelves were still filled with the same books, but one rested on its own. The complete history of Greek mythology. 

"I'm here again,"

Shai slowly got up from the floor, Shai looked around, having an off presence. Familiar to her move closer to her. However, she moved closer to it, calling out, 

"I know you both are here," 

Shai waited for them to respond but felt a pain in her legs, Shai placed a hand on her knee, letting out a frustrated sigh, 

"First, my hands now my legs," 

Shai leans on the shelves, feeling the pain soread to the bottom of her feet. However, one of the figures yells out,


Shai looked in that direction and tried to move. Her knee almost gave out on her and caught herself on the shelf,

"Dammit, It wasn't hurting before?"

"Shai, where are you,"

"I'm in the same area as the chairs," 

She tried to move again, but it only shook the shelf, Shai let out a huff and heard something drop from the shelf. Shai heard the figuers' footsteps near her when something appeared behind her. Casting a shadow over her. Shai felt a feeling of dread come over her, she start to think to get out of this situation... again. 

"You are the one Athena mentioned," 

Shai felt a hand placed on her shoulder and turned her around, She saw a man with white hair with hints of brown and a beard smiling down at her. Shai felt her breathing fluctuated and she could feel her weight on her shoulders. But before she could do anything, the figures turned around the corner. 


They stopped seeing a man in front of Shai, having a hand on her shoulder, The figure rushed up to them and said,

"I know you mean no harm to her, but take your hand off her," 

The man stares at the figure resolutely. The figure seems familiar to him, but he will let it slide.

"Do I remember you from somewhere?" He asked 

Shai looked at them, not wanting to be cornered like this, before pushing away both of their hand, grabbing a shelf, moving away from them both. The man was surprised by her moving away, but not the figure, 

"You should, I'm the one that talked with you about the prophecy,"

The man hummed in deep thought,

"I could have sworn I'd met him earlier than that," 

The man thought about this, Shai moved away from them, she pressed her hand onto her leg, and looked down at it. It felt like she burned it in some way.

"What the hell is wrong with me now?"

Shai bent down and lifted her pants leg. The glow in her hand went through her veins and now went into her leg.

"It happened again,"

The man was still talking to the figure,

"I didn't mean to scare her. I just wanted to see what Athena talked about,"

"I understand that but me and my, "

The figure struggled to not let out a scoff. He glanced at Shai, seeing her veins glow, to her hand and her legs. He looked back at the man,

"Coworker has agreed to give her a break,"

"That means you showed her the prophecy, Yes?"

The man stares at him, anticipating his answer. The figure knows that he will know soon enough, but not now.

"Yes, she does know of the prophecy that we wanted to give her... "

His voice muffled as the man discovered a new energy, a stronger energy. He looked not far beside the figure and saw Shai. Is that her name? Having her pants leg up with her veins now glowing, the man looked back at the figure,

"She has the signs already?"

The figure quickly turned and saw what he was looking at, the figuer went up to Shai,


"It happened again,"

Shai felt her arm give away, the figure tried to catch her, but couldn't and she fell.

"You are not paying attention to her?"

The other figure took hold of Shai, stopping her from falling. He glared at the figuer while lifting Shai,

"I was dealing with something else, "

"What could have been more important than..."

"Is she ok?"

The other figure felt Shai place her weight on him, while the man in front of them looked at Shai worried.

"That's what I'm handling,"

The other figure looked at the man in front of them, then stared down at Shai,


Shai looked at him. She felt her legs burn like her hands did. It felt like she could melt away.

"The veins burn,"

The other figure who is holding Shai sent glares at him,

"I knew it was worse with time,"

The man walked over to them, taking her other arm, Shai looked shocked as the man moved his hand, making the chairs move on their own, with a table in the middle of them,

"Why don't you set her down,"

They helped Shai to her seat and sat her down. She leaned back into the chair, now off her feet, and she felt better.

"This should help with the pain,"

Shai opened her eyes and a blue drink was placed in front of her, the man sat down in front of her, having a drink of his own, Shai watched the drink sparkle and swirl with gold. The figure and the other figure sat down, 

"What is this drink?" Shai asked 

"It is composed of water mixed with electrolytes,"

The man smiles at her before continuing,

"It will help with the pain," 

Shai moved to take a sip, and the figure looked at the man asking,

"When did Athena mention Shai to you?" 

"Five Days ago," he told them

"Five days ago?"

The other figure glanced at him, remembering how irate he was... he watched them while Shai took a sip of the drink, 

"She has warned me of Shai," 

Shai felt her body start to tingle with the pain increasing,

"Why would she warn you of Shai, I have done what had to be done for the..." 

"No, you haven't,"

The figure glared at him, while the man laid his chin in his hand, 

"The timeline had to change,"

"What if that timeline is false? What if you put her through that..."

"Jeez, you both fight like two young women over a man," Shai cut him off, 

They turned to her,

"What do you mean by that, Shai!"

"Don't be so brash about this, Shai,"

Shai turned to the man, seeing the same expression on his face, She took another sip of her drink, feeling the burn, but the pain lessened.

"You both keep arguing while this poor guy,"

Shai pointed at him, and he watched this intrigued.

"A long with me has to suffer listening to it, I'm not angry for what you did," Shai said

Shai looked at the figure and she turned to the man, she held out her hand, 

"Im Shai Aqua," 

He sat up and looked at her sternly,

"It's nice to meet you, Shai," 

He took hold of her hand and shook her hand. 

"I am Zeus,"