Chapter 26 You're Who?

"Your Zeus?"

Zeus looked offended. She should know who he was. He was written in the books in their libraries, and he heard and saw what they had done to his character, it was good but some was worrying, Zeus remembered what Athena told him of their encounter with the prophecy, She was frightened, to say the least, but took it better than some that have seen them.

"Yes, I am Shai. But I'm here for more than meeting you, " Zeus told her

The finger felt Zeus glaze on him and saw how strict the ditties stare was. He had already told her of the prophecy and told her that they would help her, but he didn't think it would accelerate like this in five days. They knew of Shai without them being involved to a higher degree. Hasn't this been enough? Hasn't he messed up Shai's life enough? Pulling Shai out of her timeline to this one to save the one there in?


The figure heard Shai trying to get his attention, but the figure didn't look up at her, Shai took the drink and shoved it toward him. Catching his attention. The figure looked over at her before passing the drink back to her,

"I don't want your drink,"

"That wasn't my intention,"

Shai smiles at him, and the figure smiles at her remark,

"What so important that you want me to look at you?"

"The important thing is to not think so much about what happened," Shai said

The figure stares at her. She is too nonchalant for her own good. Shai huffs and looks at the surroundings... the figure can't find anything to say, so they wait to hear what she says, and Shai notices this, looking at each of them. It humbled her.

"Whatever you did, figure, you did it for a reason. figure I may not know all of why you have done it, but I don't doubt your intentions,"

Shai glances at the other figure. She could see how irate he had been from what the figure had done, and the constant fight wasn't going to help either; we needed to work together for what new line they had just crossed.

"Who knows what you have done have every right to be angry. but that's not what we need right now,"

"Shai, are you still angry at him?" the other figure asked

"I'm still angry at him. But with what I have to confront, I must for now set it aside," Shai answered

The other figures answered and dried up, and the room turned quiet. While Zeus sat by listening to their conversations, He noticed Shai was looking down at her right hand. Her hand was fidgeting with a slight shine on the skin. Zeus let out a hum, turning his gaze away; Shai remembered the pain she had to endure. The gold running through her veins by the figure who brought her here caused it. But she could not dread it any longer.

"But I know that there's more to this than dropping down from a portal for a short stay,"

Shai pointed at Zeus, who was listening and found her way of interpreting this event. It intrigued him greatly. He let out a sort of chuckle before nodding at her statement; Zeus turned to the figures, his arms having a slight glow to them, and seemed to be foreshadowing in a way.

"Shai's power has awakened. It's only a matter of time before she can summon the weapon of old," Zeus told them

"She won't have good control over it. You have seen what happened when some tried to take it." The other figure let out

"That is right it went out of its way to hide itself from the eyes of many. It could might harm others or the realms," the figure said

Shai choked on her drink, that weapon could do that, harm other realms? Leaving on its own accord. Shai stared at them a little taken back,

"The gun can do that?"

Shai, to them, sounded to amused the figures, the figuer played his drink down staring at her with concern,

"Shai, this is serious," the figure told her

"I know, it is not normal to hear that a gun could move on its own, nether less destroying realms," Shai said

"It could be in the wrong hands," the figure said

"I believe it's in the right hands,"

"Even though forced," the other figure continued

"He won't let it go for now," Shai sighed

"I don't believe he won't," Zeus muttered

Shai glanced at Zeus, but they heard some footsteps. Those footsteps are heavy. Once in the library in the Diamond household but now in the magical library, Shai let out a breath glad to not have to explain who was walking in, Zeus saw her hand still glowed and was laid out on the table,



"I will help you with your weapon," Zeus told her


The figures stopped turning their gaze to them, shocked. Shai agreed that easily without any other consideration or questions, which she should have, but Zeus saw this as a welfare agreement for them both.

"You agreed that easily, Shai?"

"I have been through a lot... being teleported away from everything I knew, it hurt, to say the least; however, I have the people I met that brought me into their home; there was their distrust... but I've never had so much laughter but with pain. As I had here,"

Shai stares at Zeus, waiting for his response; he can see the intensity in her eyes. Shai felt better after the strange drink, but she couldn't help but have some anxiety creeping over her. Shai closed her eyes taking a deep breath in before trying to say

"I've been thought somethin'..."

She stopped, the weight of it all was so much. It seemed so big that it was unreal. the figure noticed Shai's demeanor, she was fidgeting with her eyes now open staring down at them, the other figure noticed as well reaching over to pat her back, trying to help Shai in a way,

"I don't know why I was picked out of the seventeen trillion, I just wanted to strive for my dream and work to the bone for it,"

Shai watched her hand glow and then looked up at them, continuing,

"I wanted a life that could help build others,"

Shai watched them; it was diverse, but she knew that they agreed with what she said, not that she cared whether they agreed with her or not, but that meant they were on the same line... After this maybe she could go back home. She could only hope.

"I have been told of this world, what has happened with the courant corporation, it quite daunting that they were able to do that," Shai told them

"You have now?" Zeus asks

"Seems to be some shady occurrences,"

Shai saw the time Judy showed her what happened, the riots. What seemed to be true spread like fire to whoever believed in it fell for it; the statues of those once looked to for inspiration were torn down. The people who can be a part of the elites help them in their causes. Money, blackmail, slowly taking control of people in high places,

"I've read and seen what happens when a few who believe that they control everything... they believe that they're gods,"

Shai remembers sitting in front of the television watching the fire burn.

"I've seen it. In my realm,"

"It's in every realm. You can't have good without evil and evil for good, but everyone is different but the same." the figure said

"They have been shown for their true intention and paid for what they have done,"

"Doesn't mean I know everything about this, but I have seen their fruits," Shai continued

"There nothing more?" Zeus inquired

Shai's gaze went to him, seeing that he was interested in what she had seen. But her hands sprung back to life with pain. Shai grabbed the drink, taking the last of the blue water, before setting it down,

"I will need more of that before I say anything,"

Zeus hummed, leaning toward her. The figure saw that this might anger the deity, he looked at her, saying,

"Shai, you could have..."

A new drink appeared to be full of the same water, and Zeus had to refill his own. He lifted his drink,

"You may begin,"

"I see you have made it Miss Diamond,"

Judy stopped in front of the capital building but without Claire. Judy saw the security move around her, but the person who greeted her was the senator from Tennessee.

"Nice to see you again, Alex,"

Alex smiled at her sheepishly before holding his hand out,

"I just wanted to say,"

Judy shook his hand, and he continued to say,

"I'm sorry for doubting you, Miss Diamond,"

"If I heard half of what I said, I would be the same,"

Judy let go of him, and she noticed the security standing around the two, and one let out,

"We should get going,"

"I believe you are right," Alex said

They walked up into the capital with Alex, taking in the beauty of the capital.

"I've read the document that your AI sent," Alex said

"Yeah?" Judy inquired

Judy walked ahead with the capital police moved past the doors, Alex smiled while catching up with her,

"It's what they have done to her,"

"It is,"

"They taunted her, made her do the work away from him, pushing her to the breaking point," Alex spoke,

"She had someone to tell everything to," Judy said

"They took Herman away from her... when she assaulted Yuval, why would she do that?"

Judy was almost at her office and Alex's office on the other side of the senate. She looked around to see that the security around her office door

Judy offered,

"Why not ask me more in my office,"

"I would love to, but I have a meeting with my staff,"

They made it to the door, Judy grabbed the doorknob and wanted to open it, but Alex grabbed her shoulder, stopping her.

"Look, I'm not sure the other senator read what you gave them, Judy,"

Judy knew most of them would not look over it, only push what their agenda is... she is tired of the party's political games. But Alex knew what she was thinking and told her this,

"But I believe. There are a good few that know this is true and are with you on this,"

"I don't believe I'm the only one to see it, I'm just the first to recognize it, Alex," Judy said

"We will be the ones to help the facts be revealed about this," Alex told her

Alex patted her shoulder before leaving her at the door; Judy didn't know at that moment what to make of this; she had been pointing out what happened in the lab in North Carolina, but no one wanted to expose it; the AI started to show signs of its intentions. Judy didn't notice the people behind it until the AI made itself known to the world. Through the murders at the lab.

Judy looked over at where Alex had gone. Maybe this time, she could have people behind her for a good cause. Then, bring the people who have this and bring their crimes to light. She opened the door,

"Maybe this is for the good,"