Chapter 27 In the Other Realm

"At First, it was fine the government concentrated on the people and the values, just like this realm,"

"But slowly the chipped away at the value and or morals,"

"Chaos ensued. With anger taking over the world there was barely enough room to talk about it," Shai told them, 

"Soon there was tension almost everywhere," 

"Just like here," The other figure interrupted 

"In some ways yes," Shai answer 

"How bad had it gotten your realm?" The figure asked

 "Just like in this realm, riots happen to it at a boiling point, it was stopped by the people coming together," 

"Working through the corruption in both the branches of government and the one who helped it," 

"That is from what I looking into but have also seen, and this realm is all too familiar," Shai told them 

"I would take you as the one to look into things," Zeus said

 "I just wanted to see who was right and what was a lie," Shai said 

Zeus watched Shai while she explained what happened… he felt she had more experience than he thought. Athena has told him that she was more than she thought. and was able to get past Ares. 

"What do you think the AI is doing?" The figure asked 

Shai took a moment before telling them, "I believe that after it tried to kill Yuval, I think it will do what they programmed it to do, and end humanity as we know it." 

"Why would it do that still? it tried to kill Yuval right? he helped change his main objective," The figure said 

"After this, the people who changed him will try to take back control... if they have the panel," Shai said 

"Then you might be right," The figure said 

"Sometimes being told you're right can be the most humbling thing... but about this situation," Shai spoke 

"It doesn't give you joy," She continued 

"It never does Shai," Zeus said 

He placed his mug on the table and looked over at the figures, 

"You two have people higher than you," Zeus asked 

The figure felt a shiver go down his spin, he knew that he didn't know if the other figure had been involved, 

"They only know of me being involved," The finger answered 

"Do they know of us meeting her?" Zeus asked 

"They don't," 

Zeus glanced over at them, "They would have known by now, why would they keep it away from him," 


She looks at Zeus after thinking, "Yeah," 

"It will be time soon enough, when your weapon will show itself, and when it does," Zeus said

"You will be placed back here where the book," 

It shines behind him Shai glanced at them both, before feeling her veins... they didn't burn. 

"And I will be there to help you if not one of the others you have to meet," Zeus said

Shai wondered what would happen if she couldn't control the weapon, and seeing as they had said it could hurt the realm. then what could it do?

"If I lost control over It, what would it do?" Shai asked 

"For that, you would have to ask them," Zeus pointed at the figures, 

Shai turned to the figure, the figure didn't know what to say, they said nothing of the weapon, only of what the woman would do, there was the broken piece, but that remain to be seen.

"We are not sure," The other figure said 

"Not sure," Shai muttered

"You remember the scroll is ripped at the bottom," The figure reminded her, 

"For that, you will have to find out yourself Shai," He continued 

"Will I know when the weapon is active?" She inquired 

She felt her vision start to blur with a voice she remembered yelling out for her, Shai stood up from the chair, breathing heavily. The figure quickly followed her and tried to help her sit back down, 

"Is she alright?" the other figure asked 

"No, she is not ok," The figure told him, 

Shai heard them talk while the voice continued with her vision turning black, and her body disappeared. The figure watched this letting his arms fall, the other figure sat back down with his hand over his face, 

"You know, one day she will be able to go here and back with ease," Zeus said 

The figure pushed the chair in and said, "Yes she will, but how long will she have to suffer for this cause?" 

"I'm not sure...only time could tell," 

"Leif Aqua to the front desk," 

Sonya placed the microphone down while walking to the desk, She knew seeing him again would be dangerous but the lighting and the figure were. There is something wrong here other than the cold case of Shai Aqua, 

Sonya stopped at the desk holding the papers she had from the case, there was only so much they had, but more cases like hers kept showing up, not taking a person, but weird anomalies showed themselves. Figures. Clouds with a humanoid figure in it… it was all strange for her. It didn't help that the chief kept placing in the cases.

"Shouldn't it go to someone more competent," Sonya asked

The chief sat at his desk holding his coffee while reading one of the new cases, he placed it down and looked up at her, 

"The intelligence community don't want to touch this, Sonya," He said 

"That means we have to deal with it sir," Sonya said 

"To me why wouldn't they want to touch this sir? A person is missing and with all the weird things around it causing other cases," Sonya continued 

The chief sat back, maybe she was getting onto something. Why wouldn't they touch this case, they would get publicity for saving a woman and figuring out what accorded for her to be taken like that. 

"Sonya, I will look into why they don't want anything to do with this case," He told her 

Sonya was about to say something, but he stopped her, having the papers in his hands. he placed it down for her to read, the information she made from her visit with Leif. 

"From what I've read so far, you know how to handle this more than the intelligent community," 

"Sir, I still don't want to do this… I just want to have a normal day without all this chaos," Sonya said 

"I can't force you to do this Sonya," 

He got up from his chair and walked over to her, he saw how strained she looked. With the countless nights she has been looking into the occurrences, he felt guilt hit him. he used to have to do the same thing. 

Sonya let out a sigh, finally hearing this... but it didn't feel right,

"But, I have one more question to ask Sonya," 

She looked back at him and as a glint in his eyes, knowing and encouraging.

"Who will replace you in this investigation?" He asked 

"I'm not sure, sir," Sonya muttered

She knew if it wasn't her it might be Dia, however, she was on watch more often than her, and it would be on her again. The chief waited for her answer patiently, 

"No one,"

"You mean no one," He said 

"But myself," Sonya told him, 

"You understand then Sonya," 

She looked at the papers on her desk with an inner conflict still brewing in her mind, The chief saw this and said, "If you need a break tell me, but before you continue I will give you a week," 

Sonya smiles a this. "A week is enough time sir,"

"Then I will see you then," 


She grabbed the papers and looked at the chief, 

"Are you there?" 

She walked out of the office looking forward to the time off, She felt a hand on her shoulder and her chin being lifted, 


She stares at Leif who is staring at her worried, It's only been a month after the incident but it didn't stop him from worrying. Sonya grabs his hand, pulling it away from her chin.

"Nice to see you again Leif," She said 

"Nice to see you as well," 

He looked down at her other hand and saw the papers, he noticed it had his name along with Shai´s, 

"What are those for?" Leif said 

"That is for me and you to look over," Sonya said

"What I'm just a..." 

"You are now working with me to find your daughter," Sonya cuts him off, 

"Where do we start?" He asked 

"In my office," Sonya told him

Sonya turned around and walked back into the station with Leif following her, He watched as they moved past other officers, one of them was Dia glanced at the both of them before smiling at Leif, he didn't notice Sonya stopped and bumped into her, 

"We are here,"

She opened the door for him, and he walked in seeing the office clean, it had papers on the wall about the incident at Clover Street to the disappearance of Shai, Sonya walked to her desk and went over her papers,