Chapter 28 Art? No it's a Name

"Where did you get all these?" Leif asked

Sonya glanced up at Lefi, who was looking over the billboard of evidence she made,

"I have eyes and ears in some places,"

She walked over to the billboard and Leif saw a cloud with a man standing in it. He looked over at Shai's case and found it connected to it, He pulled the picture off the billboard in deep thought, "It almost looked like the figure for a moment there... but it broader," 

"I thought it was the figure," 

He looked over at Sonya, 

"Yeah, it did. Where was this picture taken," 

"It was near the apartment where Shai went missing," Sonya answered 

Shai went over to her desk and grabbed a piece of paper, she walked back to him showing him, 

"The bystanders said that the man's eyes were glowing red with the cloud around him glowing the same red," Sonya said


Leif looked at the picture, he remembered the words that were told to him. After all these years, they show up? Out of the blue when there is some silence of peace, Leif places the picture back with one thought that came to mind,

"It's in another realm," 

He dropped his hand staring at the board while Sonya saw him thinking deeply about this, 

"Do you have any idea who this is?" Sonya asked 

He hesitated before telling her, "I have an Idea but I doubt that... "

"That I would understand?" Sonya asked

"No, You would," Leif muttered

He looked her in the eyes and saw no reinvent of bad intent. He had to be sure of this, sure of her not to tell what he held for so long.

"Have you ever been in the old library down the street from this police station,"

"You mean the one on Rae Street," Sonya asked

"Yes, that one, " He said

Leif sat in the chair in front of her desk and motioned her to sit down,

"This might be a little weird Sonya,"

She walked to her desk with uncertainty taking her mind, however, she sat down and stared at Leif,

"Why tell me about the library?" She asked

"Because it has a connection to that guy in the cloud, Have you ever imagined one of the books you love with the characters just popping off the pages?"

"I have," She told him dubious,

"That is how they work," He asked

"How who works?"

Leif huffed looking around for something to help explain. what is he talking about,

"Just tell me what you know Leif," She said

"These characters are real,"

Sonya looked at him in unbelief and said, "You are going to be clear Leif,"

"No, No. I'm serious. they have been through those books a way into other times and space if they wanted,"

"Through the books?"

"Just like through a door to a home or a window opening, they have a way into our world," Leif explained


Sonya sat there, wrapping her head around what he told her, " Characters coming out of books?" She let out

"Mostly Mythology, but I have seen one book that wasn't mythology come to life," He said

"They are myths Leif, not real."

"I thought the same thing. Until I was face to face with one,"

He looked at her with desperation. He has never told anyone, not even Shai to some extent.

"I know this sounds so outlandish Sonya, but this is the only idea I have for that man,"

He pointed at the picture, Sonya glanced over at the picture and the back at him, rubbing her temple,

"You know I can't give this answer to the chief," Sonya mumbled

"How much time do you have to with this case?" He asked

"I would have a week before he notices something, " Sonya answered

"For now, we keep this between us,"

He saw how fast she put her hand down on the table, with a look on her face that said I would if I could. and he was quick to say, "I was just saying that we could, I know that will be a lot of stress on your part," 

Sonya sat there contemplating this, "I'm not sure if he's telling me the truth. That still leaves an argument for these anomalies. What would I tell the chief and by how adamant he seems about this case," 

"Sonya?" Leif said 

She was starting at the desk and looked back at him with a grin,

"You are going to show me that library as proof," She said 

"That might not be possible," Leif said 

"What do you mean? if you want me to believe you then why wouldn't you show me?" 

"I do want to show you the library, however, there is a protector in the library," Leif said 

"A protector?" Sonya asked 

"Yes, her name is Art. She has been watching over it since it was founded," Leif said 

"She won't let me in will she," Sonya inquired


"I'm not sure, I guess we will have to see," Leif said 

"We bring this assembly to start with Miss Diamond from Washington," 

Judy sat in her chair with Alex sitting right next to her, She looked at her papers at the desk before looking at her colleagues. Some stared at their devices, while others watched with intent, 

"First I would like to say to mister Bates, get well soon… so we can send you to prison for four years for lying to us and the American people," 

The room was quiet, making Judy look down at her papers, 

"I have been here warning this Senate about these threats for over three years, and as of now you see the fruits of these people's labor," 

"They have been hidden in the shadow for over a hundred years of this country. it's now just showing its face by hiding the existence of the AI and denying it in front of the Senate, This needs to be stopped, the AI just tried to kill another person with the intent of keeping the past deeds of the people who made him this way. known," 

"This AI has caused the people of the United States to stress about what it might do. If it could hack into their government, what else could it do? it could take the internet, and their electricity causing the country to go to a halt, I have asked the Senate to bring it to the floor for question Max Klaus. with him have been helping Yuval change the AI," 

"And has caused chaos in the country that we have not seen since the 2020s, I know that some of my colleagues will not like this, but quite frankly I don't care. These people lied to the American people, and you were just going to let him walk away, not this... it shouldn't have happened in the first place. Most of the evidence I have is from the creator of the AI Sidney Lincoln, the information was held back by the lab in north Coraline," 

Judy saw that the document was held up by her group,

"This has the evidence to bring Max Klaus here for questioning, and bring the thing he has helped up front,"

Judy took her papers and looked over at the Chairwoman, 

"I yield my time for the senator from Tennessee," Judy finished 

Alex smiled at me before clearing his throat while the chairwoman called him, 

"Senator Sherman from Tennessee," 

 "Thank you Madam Chairwoman, I have seen what these documents have shown, and while I was with the others in this Senate. I thought this was all just a figment of lies, but now I've had me and my team look into this, it is true. the worst is that some in this Senate are paid by these people to hinder and hide what Yuval Bates and Max Klaus have done," 

"I have how much you have been paid on paper, either you tell the people how much you have gotten and how you turned a blind eye to this, I have been trying to get my head through this and it is a lot," 

"They have eyes and ears almost everywhere, you remember what the president said in his last speech they want to control and be in power to have their agenda," 

Alex was about to continue, but a voice called out to him, "What is their so-called agenda," 

"Glad you asked," He gave him a grin, 

"What did they reprogram the AI to do? Destroy humanity or as they have said before the insignificant ones, they don't care about what the AI will do to the people, frankly they have never cared. The open for the world brought the rights to the AI through the Lab Yuval ran and what happened just a few months after word?" 

The room went quiet,

"It has proved its point, it will harm or kill whoever is in its way, by that we will need to bring the man in question," 

"That's all of your time, Senator Sherman," 

Alex put away his paper while Judy sat there with a hint of relief the feeling of dread still.