Chapter 29 The Library


She moved to her side and felt a hand on her forehead, She pushed it away mumbling, "I want more sleep," 

The hand placed back on her forehead with the person holding her shoulder, shaking her, Shai opened her eyes glaring at the person shaking her, 

"Why am I being shaken awake?" Shai asked

"Because it's morning and you need to eat," Claire told her, 

Claire let go of her, let her sit up and Shai rubbed her head, she looked at Claire seeing her concerned gaze meet her, 

"I'm surprised it's not Eurus," Shai let out 

"He's cooking you breakfast," Claire said 

Shai attempted to get up with Claire standing by her, but Shai looked at her strangely. What happened before she went to sleep? She tried to remember while standing, 

"Shai please be careful," Claire muttered


"What do you mean? I'm fine. I don't feel weak," 

"You don't? You fainted in Judy's office while trying to check on me," 

"I fainted again?"

Claire nodded and moved closer to her, Shai felt a pain on the side of her head remembering the figure fight. before she went into the library, Shai looked back at Claire,

"What are you doing here?" 

Claire looked at her confused before her defense system went off, She turned to the being behind her and saw a black-clad figure staring down at Shai, their eyes red. 

"I know you just woke up but there seems to be something big happening," The figure explained 

Shai walked up to the figure while Claire tried to scan him only for it to come out fogy. Claire tried to look back at the last time she saw this figure and listened to them, 

"What do you mean by something big?" Shai asked 

"The Senate is in turmoil with the AI, which affects this realm," The figure told her,


"How bad? And is it for the good of it," Shai inquired


"That will remain to be seen, however, I will have to look over there, I just came to warn you Shai,"

He stopped and looked over at Claire, he felt the same way with the AI but something was off, she had no malicious intent for Shai or anyone else. The figure went back to Shai who seemed to be talking to him, "So I have to watch the news, just to see what going to happen with this realm?" 

"I wouldn't say watch the news. Just be watch over this realm Shai," The figure responded 

"I didn't sign for this,"

"I know you didn't,"

The figure pats Shai on the head, before slowly dissipating and says, "I will see you soon Shai," 

He disappeared, Shai looked back at Claire and saw that she was staring at where the figure was, Claire moved her hand to the side, swiping something away. 

"That was the same figure that guided you out of the house," Claire uttered 

"Yeah it is," Shai huffed

"Shai if I can,"

"Go ahead," 

Shai went to her dresser to find clothes to wear while Claire asked her, "Were you talking with them in your dreams?" 

"I wouldn't call it a dream… more like a pipe dream sometimes. But yeah I guess you could say that," Shai pulled out a shirt with a hat on it. 

"How much have you seen of them?" Claire asked 

Shai was walking to the bathroom when Claire asked her this, she placed her clothes on the counter and turned back to Claire, 

"I would say more than four but not as much as twenty-four," She answered 

Shai smiled at Claire while she looked at her bewildered, 

"I will see you after I have changed," 

"I don't believe this is the right way, Sonya," 

Leif was with Sonya who had just gotten off of work, walking with Leif to the library, Sonya let go of his hand and turned to him,

"Ok then, why aren't you leading the way?" 

Leif stares at her, not sure what to say. A silence came over them both as a chilling wind blew past them, 

"I'm not sure, why I wasn't in the first place," Leif giggled

Sonya shook her head while Leif walked past her, he glanced behind her and said, "I know the way follow me," 

He walked down the corner with Sonya jogging up to him, she huffed in thought, "Why did I have to agree with this?" 

Leif looked around the town with the lamp post shining down on them, the town only started to put the lights up for the upcoming holidays, and Leif huffed. He remembers walking down this sidewalk with Shai right before she got the job. He looked to his side, feeling a hand grab his arm, 

"I will be fine Pops" 

Shai looked at him with a small smile, and Leif smiled back at her. But that wasn't real, Sonya had a hold on his arm stopping him, she looked at him before saying, "You could have slowed down," 

Sonya expected a response, but she didn't get one, she saw the look Leif had. It was of hope... was he seeing something that she didn't? Sonya shakes his arm trying to get his attention,


He stopped looked at her and turned away in what seemed to be a hurry. Leif then walked past her down the sidewalk,

"We must get moving the library will close soon," 

Sonya stood there for a moment and then followed, She wondered "What happened back there? Was he remembering something?"

Leif stopped in front of the library, looking at the sign in what seemed to be Greek. But that didn't stop him from almost falling over by Sonya, Leif caught her looking down at her, seeing her frustrated, 

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine," Sonya muttered 

Sonya pulled away from Leif and saw the library, She walked up to it, but Leif stopped her saying, "I should be the one that goes in first,"

"I guess that would make sense. You would know her more than I," Sonya told him,

Leif went to the door with Sonya, he stopped and tried to knock on the door but it opened by a middle-aged woman with red hair, her eyes shone a dark hazel and her face showed concern Leif and Sonya standing on the doorstep,

"Leif, nice to see you again," Art said

"You too," Leif muttered

Art looked over at Sonya and noticed the police uniform she was wearing. Art moves a bit closer with a glint in her eye,

"What are you doing here late at night Leif? And with a woman nonetheless," Art said

"I would like to answer your question inside. if you don't mind Art," Leif said 

Art thought about it before letting them in, Leif thanked her as Sonya walked into the library, She saw the front desk had green carving into it swirling on the edges of the desk with a word in Greek, Pistis. and with the woman's name on a piece of wood, Artemis.

"You have only seen the front desk,"

Sonya looked at Art who was watching her intently, Sonya pointed at the name and then at her,

"Is that your name?"

"Yes that is my name but I would prefer if you would call me Art," Art told her,

Art saw the wonder in Sonya. It was only a little but it will do for what she will hear and see. Art felt a hand on her shoulder and looked at who it was, but she saw no one.


Art turned to Leif,

"She wants to know," Leif muttered

"Are you sure she can withstand it?" Art inquired

He glanced back at Sonya and saw that she was listening to them, but tried to make herself look busy, She touched the carved Greek word while trying to remember what it meant.

"I remember taking Greek but... I don't remember what it means," Sonya thought

"I believe that she can," Leif told her,

"Then I will get the books. You will have to give me some time," Art said

Leif was about to walk over to Sonya but Art stopped him by saying,

"Tell her what that word means,"

He tried to look at her but she was gone, Leif let out a huff before walking over to Sonya,

She was moving through her thoughts,

"I know it means something close to Believe or... "

"It means Faith," Leif said

She looked over her shoulder and saw him leaning over it, Leif smiled at her before saying again, " It means Faith. That's what you were wondering right?"

"Yes, I was, how would you know that?" Sonya asked

"I didn't know when I first went into the library and Art gave me a challenge,"

Leif walked around the desk,

"If I could figure out what that meant by the end of the month, I would be able to come in when I want." Leif said

"It seems like you didn't make it," Sonya said

Leif chuckled,

"It appears that way,"