Chapter 30 An Apology


She heard someone yell behind her, She heard someone stop from beside her holding onto her arm, breathing deeply, 

"I need to check something with you," 

Judy's eyes widened slightly, it was the senator that lied about her and doubted her in the Senate. She has lied to her on national news, dragging her name in the mud. 

"And that would be?" Judy inquired 

"I want to know what you think of these developments," She answered 

"Of what? the AI having..."

"Sort of yes," She cut off Judy,

Judy stares at her unsure of her words. But if she is looking for something that would help smear her, there would be another thing coming for the Senator of Virginia.

"Then let's take this to my office, it's only a little away," Judy told her 

She nodded at Judy and walked beside her, Judy noticed that she was tense and nervous, Judy looked ahead while a stillness went over, the Senator from Virginia was in deep thought on Judy and her speech in the Senate. She was able to get Max Klaus to be questioned next week, however, Miss Diamond still has work here to do for the comity of investigation for Mister Klaus. 

"We are here,"

Judy opened the door having the Senator stared at her dazed before saying, "Yes thanks,"

She entered the room, looking around, and saw Judy's law degree along with an old photo of the first time she was a senator, Judy closed the door behind them making the senator jump a bit, and looked back at her,

"I want to start by saying. I'm sorry for what I have done, and I want to start a new with you, Miss Diamond,"

Judy stares at her waiting for something to show. a sign of will. Whether this woman was telling her the truth or was trying to blind Judy with a false apology, has yet to be seen. She held out her hand,

"My name is Lee William from Virginia," Lee said

Judy shakes her hand,

"Call me Judy,"

Judy let go and offered her a seat, Lee took it, surprised that Judy would be this kind to her. Judy sat in her chair looking over a Lee,

"So, you want to talk about the AI,"

"Yes, I... gave the document a look thought,"

Lee took a moment to think of what she had to say, Lee read through them with the encouragement of her colleagues and was shocked, to say the least. Judy has been right the whole time. with Lee doubting this until she made her point to the senate about the AI when Yuval was attacked. 

"And you were right the whole time Judy, I thought all of this was a lie,"

Lee was looking at her hands before staring up at Judy who was listening to her, not glaring at her but waiting.

"I apologize and would like to see more of this," Lee finished

Judy looked in wonder.

"Lee… I accepted your apology and I will send what I can to you, but I need to know something," Judy said

Lee told her to go ahead and Judy asked, "With what you have seen from the documents you've seen, what will you do now?"

"I want to look into this myself and if it helps you in the end, then that's fine… I've been blind but not by anyone. But myself."

"Then I will look forward to seeing you in the meeting, we have tomorrow," Judy said

"We?" Lee asked

"Yes, I thought you got the call. they had to call a meeting with the comity of investigation and I'm a part of it along with Alex," Judy told her

Lee took a moment, "I haven't gotten anything from that comity nor the Senate Judy..."

Her phone rang. Lee looked down at her purse and then at Judy, She then picked up the purser to answer the call while Judy sighed. Knowing what will follow would be a struggle.

"Hello? Yes, this is Miss William,"

Judy turned her computer and went to check her email while Lee talked, Claire sent Judy a hologram message with a text, "Shai has woken up and the figure was in the house, talking with her,"

Judy reads it one more time before making the hologram download to her phone, Lee was still talking on the phone with Judy listening to her,

"Im aware of what it would do to my reputation. and I will go with it,"

"I have been asked to go to this meeting for the AI corrected and what makes you think that I won't attend it? For what backlash from the Senate, who don't agree with what I have seen and know?" Lee said

Lee heard them that she should be there early to catch up on what they had found, Lee smiled and said, "I will be there, yep bye,"

Lee put her phone away, Judy looked back at her,

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Judy,"

"It's fine. is there anything else that you wanted to say?" Judy asked

"For now... no I will be going," Lee answered

Lee walked to the door, not before looking back at Judy and saw her working on her computer that had the next bill next to it,

"I will see you at the meeting,"

"I suppose you will," Lee closed the door,

Judy got up from her chair and locked the door. She turned to the computer and found the hologram in front of her with Claire looking stoic.

"Proceed to listen?"

"Yes," Judy answered

"Judy, Shai has just woken up from fainting and the weirdest thing has happened, the figure appeared again and told her to watch the Senate," 

Claire looked behind her and thought that she heard something, it was Shai and Eurus talking in the kitchen, Claire looked back at her,

"I think something big is going to happen, mistress, I just wanted to warn you,"

The hologram ended leaving Judy standing there having more questions than answers,

"The figure?" Judy let out

"You mean to tell me that you found it out at the last minute?"

Sonya was sitting on the desk listening to Leif, He sighed remembering how Art was after he told her that last hour, He knocked on the door frantically while Art was starting to lock up, she opened the door and saw a younger Leif, he looked drained. taking care of Shia on his own after his wife died, is admirable to her.

 "So do you have the answer," Leif mimicked Art,

"Yes, I do it means Faith,"

He remembered holding Shai...

"It means Faith,"

Art looked at him with no emotion before a small smile broke out on her face, She held open the door breaking him in,

"You are right Leif, Faith is what it means,"

Leif smiled at this memory and remembered how long he stayed that night looking through the book, finding things he never thought were true, Sonya was looking at him before a light shined where Art went,

"What could that be?" Sonya thought

"I was in that Library almost all night, the book it has was unbelievable," Leif continued

Sonya moved off the desk, glancing back at Leif going through some books on the shelve giving the woman options for books,

"This book was one of Shai's favorites when she was younger, and this one was one of mine... I used to read that a lot because no one else made a book like that," Leif


She walked past the desk behind him near the entrance to the hallway, Leif placed both books on the table beside him and Sonya saw the name of one of the books, waiting for an adventure, it must be Leif's book. She walked down the hallway with Lief still taking in the background, She went through bookshelves until she came across a sitting lounge with two chairs and a couch. Sonya went towards the chairs and saw another book placed on the seat The History of Archery, Sonya was looking at it before a bright light came from further into the library, 

Sonya placed the book down and left the lounge area to the next hallway, She saw the bookshelves getting longer almost unimaginable ways.

"How could this be possible?"

She saw the books open when she was closer to the light and saw a door that had the same markings as the desk, She walked closer to it with the pages of the books flying around her and a voice calling out to someone else,

"I know this might not be what is needed, however, there is no choice anymore figure. There will need to be answers for this realm just like the other one,"

Sonya knew that voice was Art, but a new voice talked with Art.

"I know that Leif would look for Shai, and he knows what the legend was told. Does he not?"

"He knew of the myths, but nothing like this figure. He didn't think it would be his daughter."

"It would him what the woman would be... it could have been anyone, but it is Shai,"

"How do you know that it is her?"

"The signs I have seen from Shai are why I believe it is her. the lightning coming from her with the gold coursing through her veins."