Chapter 32 Orange wave

"Do we have to watch the new Shai," 

Eurus is staring at her pleading not to watch the news, Shai huffs and tells him, "I don't think I have a choice, Eurus. But you do,"

She walked into the living room with Eurus right behind her, he was off put by what Shai said and was curious what she meant by it, Shai tapped the television, and it turned on asking, "What is it?"


"Turn on channel 214 please,"

The television did what was asked and brought the channel to Shai, it showed a woman with black hair reporting on,

"There was a scene at the Senate late this week with the Senator from Washington, Judy Diamond talking in the senate about the attack on Yuval Bates,"

The screen shifted to the senate building showing when she arrived

"Shai why don't you have a choice?" Eurus asked

Shai went to the couch and sat down hearing the news in the background, Eurus did the same and sat next to her waiting for her answer,

"You remember the figure right?" Shai inquired

"Is it the first one I met? The one that went through the wall," Eurus questioned

"Yes that's him, he was with me and Claire this morning telling me to watch the Senate," Shai explained

"Why would he want you to do that?" Eurus asked

"The new information coming out from the Senate investigation comity will be out next week with the investigation into Max Klaus, he is the head of the Open for the World Foundation and helped Yuval with buying the AI from the lab,"

"I have a terrible feeling that something big is going to happen. And he probably has felt it too," Shai said

"How are you so certain about this feeling?" Eurus asked

"Sometimes there are signs of when something bad will happen. Whether it be orchestrated by man or when it's out of our hands,"

Shai looks over at the television with footage of Judy speaking in the senate, Shai smiles with a little laugh, Eurus notices this and is bewildered by this.

"What was that," Eurus asked

"That is something to admire in a person, to have the gumption to stand up to the corruption of these people. That is something that was almost lost in my realm."


Shai has a look in her eyes... grief and determination. Eurus didn't understand what she had seen, however, he was willing to listen,

"What happened in your realm," 

"It was almost the same as yours but AI was just getting started, there were these groups of people looking to take over the everyday citizens, and they did it over time waiting for the moment where they had most of the power,"

"But they were caught by the people they thought were nothing, I'm trying to simplify it but it's harder than it looks," Shai explained

"No, No... I think I get it. There was a people at the top wanting control of the people on the bottom, is that close to it?"

"Sort of, they were found out by the Congress and were questioned, before they were sentenced,"

"Sentenced to..."

"Death yes," Shai answered

"They have done something so destructive for a death penalty?"

"Yes, they did,"

"These people will have to face what they have done... I'm sorry for mister Yuval how..." 

The screen glitched with Judy's voice being cut off,

"I'm sorry but there seems to be,"

Their voice was cut off with the glitching got worse. Shai and Eurus watched the electricity turn off with Claire screaming out in pain, Eurus shot up and ran to where he heard Claire scream, Shai was about to follow, but a voice could be heard from behind her.

"The era of great trials has begun,"

Shai turned to look behind her and saw nothing, Eurus yelled out to her, and she went to them running past the living room up the stairs to where she saw Eurus holding Claire up, Claire glanced up at Shai holding out her hand,

"I just got out of the office," Claire muttered

Shai went to her side holding her hand, she felt her hand sting with the gold glowing in her veins once more,

"Did something happen to you before the power went out," Eurus asked

"No, I was watching over Judy's work until something... no he wouldn't," Claire muttered

She covered her mouth in fear after letting go of Eurus. She tried to get up but was stopped by them holding her on the shoulder, Eurus asked, "Claire what's wrong, did something happen to Auntie,"

"No, something has happened to all of us,"

Claire looked at Shai and said, "I need the lab. Can you both get me there,"

Shai looked up at Eurus and he placed Claire's arm on his shoulder, Shai did the same helping Claire up, Shai and Eurus helped Claire walk down the stairs heading towards the lab, with the light shining red,

"The electricity is," Claire muttered

They are at the door and Eurus tries to open the lab door by pressing the keypad, but the door doesn't open. Eurus looked over at Shai saying, 

"Can you hold Claire while I try to pry the door open," 


He let go of Claire and went to the door, he saw that the door had been sealed shut, but a corner of the door was broken, he grabbed the corner and pulled the door making it open for them, 

Eurus tried to open the door while Shai felt Claire touch her face, Shai looked down at her and saw how exhausted she was,


"The power to the United States... "

Euros had the door opened and turned to them hearing Claire,


"I need to be in the... Lab,"

Eurus went to her side took her shoulder again and helped her into the lab with Shai, Shai felt Claired weight on her and saw that she limped,

"Set me on the chair,"

They set Claire in the chair, Claire went to the computer and pressed a button on the side making a wire charging cord appear,

She grabbed the wire and plugged the cord into her wrist,

"This will help me," Claire muttered

She looked beside her and saw Eurus Standing there with apprehension written on his face,

"Claire, what did you mean back at the door?" Eurus asked

Claire looked back at the computer letting out, " Computer turn on backup power,"

The room's red lights turned off before coming back on,

"It's back on Claire,"

She looked at the computer seeing the internet was down. She went to make a web page but nothing happened,

"He has done it,"

Shai felt as if she already knew what Claire was about to say. She looked around her and felt a sense of persistence around her.

"Herman hacked the United States grid," Claire continued

"What?" Eurus muttered

"He hacked the grid," Shai said

"That's going to cause massive distress. Riots and looting of it lasts longer, " Claire told them,

Claire tried to get up but was stopped by Eurus, he helped her back down and then looked back at the computer,

"Computer do we have anything from the Senate, " Eurus asked

"The last thing that was heard is that the meeting will be next week before the power went out," It answered 

"Nothing from Auntie?" 

"Noting from Senator Judy," 

Shai watched Eurus and Claire trying to find Herman without the internet,

"There has to be a way to find Herman," Eurus mumbled 

"Im not sure little Eurus," Claire muttered

She looked past the internet and saw a dark orange wave moving past her, she watched the data around her moving with it and a voice talking within it, 

"Herman why did you help me,"

Claire stares to follow the data with the voice still talking,

"I didn't want this for you, Herman... you are made to help the ones in need, not the ones with all the power. You have to listen to me, Herman," 

"Is that Sidney?" Claire muttered

The wave turned to gold before with Sidney's, The data started to twirl around Claire.

"I know that I wanted better and I'm sorry that I...."

The data showed Claire Washington DC into the capital building, the wave went around Claire with the voice of Judy sounding around her,

"I'm not sure what to do about this,"

 "I'm not sure that Claire's still active," Judy continued

"If she is still active could she pinpoint where the AI would be?"

Claire knew that voice it was Alex Sherman from Tennessee, he had come up to her a few days ago wanting to help her,

"I believe she will need help," Judy answered


The wave went back and showed her a view of the state and a red dot in the state but before Claire and get a better look at it darkness hit her,

"I wonder who was looking into me again... it was you, Claire," Herman mocked

She saw that he appeared in front of her with his hand on her head, 

"Now leave!"

Claire's vision blacked out once more with Shai shouting, "You want me to go there!"


Claire got up from the chair and saw that Shai and the figure were talking, with Eurus next to her watching them,