Chapter 33 Power Off

"I can't just go there figure," Shai explained

"There isn't a choice Shai. If you don't help to stop the AI, your assignment here will be lost." The figure told her

Shai huffed thinking of a way to stop the AI from here but it all came to no,

"Shai I have a way for you to go to the AI, however, I can't tell you with them here, " The figure said

Shai glanced at Eurus and Claire and then looked back at the figure,

"If that is how it has to go Figure, "

"Good why don't we... "

"I want the other figure to watch over them for me," Shai interrupted him

The figure stares at her dumbfounded. Why would she ask him to watch over the human and AI robot, both Eurus and Claire looked at her stunned with Claire trying to get up saying, "We will be fine the house will protect u... "

"No, it won't if Herman gets to you, Claire," Shai interrupted her,

"But you have erased him from my grid," Claire remarked

"Yes, I have but he can get back in there quick Claire. That's why I'm inquiring about protection from another figure," Shai explained

"Yes by why his protection?"

Shai stares back at the figure with confusion until a grin starts to break out on her face.

"Because you're going to be busy helping me find the AI. Right?"

The figure thought about this, "She isn't wrong. They will need protection from this AI and Shai will need a guild. I would rather it not be the deity's. Not yet,"

"Fine I will get him to do that," The figure agreed

Shai smiled before she felt a hand grab her arm, She looked at Eurus with a dubious stare.

"Shai are you sure about this?" Eurus asked

"I'm certain Eurus. Now figure let's get going," Shai told him,

Shai walked up to the figure who held out his hand for her, she grabbed and he turned to the wall, he walked through it with Shai having a blue glow to him, Claire watched them disappear with Eurus,

"What do we do now, "

Eurus turned to Claire who was in deep thought but said, "Now we have to wait,"

"Or we can play some card games,"

They turned to see the other figure flipping some cards in the air,

"They got you here real quick,"

"Figure? Is this how you move from place to place?" Shai asked looking

Shai walks behind the figure in a glowing investment, flowing long swirled beside them with Shai's voice echoing through the place, the figure glanced at her, before looking in front of them,

"Sort of yes. It has been recently more active," The figure answered

"Is it because of the AI?"

"Not necessarily Shai,"

They walked past a small portal glaring a bright white, Shai looked at her showing a familiarity with the portal that took her.

She moved last it with a voice coming from it,

"It's too cold here,"

"Shai we must stay on the path, come on,"

The figure pulled her away with the portal disappearing from them, Shai let out a breath, and in her mind, the thoughts wandered,

"How would I fix what has happened here? All I have done was fight the AI once and now I have to find a way to stop it,"


"Why is it on me? the figure could have chosen to pick someone else but it was me... Maybe I will have to find it out on my own,"


Shai looked at the figure and saw that they were at the library again, the figure let her go and turned it to her, his red eyes seemed to have a new shine in them.

"The reason I had to pick you was that no other would take as well as you have, Shai. Yes, you have every right to be angry with me and my coworker," The figure told her,

"I called you to help the realm after being in it for some time and you agreed, that why I am tasked to help you,"

"You have more willing than the other before you. For that, I'm internally great full," The figure said

Shai stood there dumbfounded. She didn't know that it meant that much to him. For some time she felt as if she had no choice in the matter, letting the wind take her wherever it wanted... More like the figures but still,

"Figure, what needs to be done will be done. I'm only here to help the realm right?" Shai questioned

"Yes, that is why you are here," The figure replied

"Then show me the way,"

The figure moves away from her toward the Greek history book, he knocks on the cover declaring

"The time of her training is now Zeus,"

The book opened with a string coming out of it, it twirled in the shape of a door with the Greek word Elpis. The figure went to the door knocked once and spoke,


The door opened with Zeus standing in the doorway, he saw the future and stared at him perplexed before he looked over at Shai, She waved at him with the figure greeting him,

"Zeus it has happened,"

"You mean the intelligence did something to the timeline? Or have your people done something?" Zeus asked

"The first one, Shai will need to learn how to use her lightning," The figure said

Shai listened to them with weight on her chest, she touched her neck and then something came to her mind, "If I were to control that... Is that what your planning figure,"


Shai looked up at Zeus, he became her forward to the door and told her, "We must be quick Shai,"

"Alrighty, Figure I have one thing to ask of you again unless you already thought about it," Shai said

"You want me to go to Judy?" The figure inquired

"You read my mind... Did you do that?" Shai questioned

The figure was about to respond but Zeus went to Shai lightly grabbing her arm,

"There isn't much time to teach you Shai. We must go,"

He pushed her through the door and Shai let out a grunt falling onto the floor, She looked at the floor finding it to be marble, it had a gold shine to it with a white iridescent mixed with it. She stood up looked around the room and saw that it looked like some of the implications of the painting but also different, it was a bit more colorful.

The walls are the same as the ground but have paintings on them, placed with weapons as well, Shai heard Zeus talk with the figure,

"Be careful with her I will try and stop it as much as I can Zeus,"

"I will do what I can Figure... Trust me on this I won't harm her but she will have to lead fast,"

Zeus walked through the door and closed it, the door disappeared but the word stayed. Zeus looked down at her with a small grin,

"This Shai is Olympics,"

Shai looked around still admiring the enclosure,

"Yeah, I thought it was. It's quite a lot to take in," Shai said

"If you think this is a lot, then you haven't seen anything yet," Zeus chuckled

Zeus walked over to a large window with Shai following him, Shai watched as Zeus pulled the fabric away from it making the light shine in, Shai had to cover her eyes but Zeus had a fond smile on his face,

"This Shai is where I will help,"

Shai moves her hand and blinks, a training ground grounded by clouds, and has two people she has seen before. The woman with a helmet and the man with wings on his head are talking, Zeus notices how shaken Shai is and places a hand on her shoulder,

"This must be a lot for you. If you want I can ask them to leave," Zeus said

The woman heard Zeus and turned her head to them, she noticed her father but someone she had seen before had opened the book,

"What are you looking at Athena?"

The man turned to look as well seeing what Athena saw, he smiled at this.

"It's the kid. What would she be dining her for?"

Shai glanced at Zeus saying, "It's fine if they stay,"

"As long it's not the man I tricked, then we will be fine," Shai thought

"Then let's get down there,"

A cloud appeared under them with the window opening, Shai held onto Zeus as the started to fly to the training grounds, Shai saw that the woman was still there but the man wasn't there.

"You are very easy to sneak up on,"

Shai heard that from next to her head, she glanced beside her and saw the man next to her, He waved at her and said,

"It's nice to see you again kid,"