Chapter 41 We have the envelops

"Did the president get the note?"

Alex stood in front of the chairwoman, she was tapping her fingers while looking at all the notes Judy had given them... All in the matter of night. She had it all here.

"I haven't heard anything from them,"

She picked up a document and read the first part,

"I've been trapped here for an hour writing this so they would know what has happened here. Not what the people that would want this cover-up would say,"

"They didn't say when they would come back, but I will ask someone to watch out for them," Alex told her,

"That will be needed..."

Alex wished her goodbye and started to leave, but she stopped him.

"Alex do think this will work?"

He turned to her and was not sure of what to say, but he did.

"If it all goes well. the AI will be taken care of but I don't see it leaving without a struggle,"

She took that to heart and gave him a nod, Alex left the room, not knowing what had happened.

"We have the notes, " a voice yelled

A man with two envelopes ran to the capital steps with no one but himself, he ran to the door and looked behind them, seeming to be in fright.

"It should open,"

He shook the door trying to open it. He's lucky someone is at the door, it opened causing the man to trip but someone caught him,

"Senator Dimond?"

Judy helped him up and asked, "What is the matter? What happens to the security?"

He leans on the wall beside them having his hand on the wall, he shows the envelopes to Judy and explains.

"It's from the congress and the president sighing off on the plan,"

He placed it in her hands. Judy felt how bad he was shaking. He stares at the envelopes and just notices that he is fidgeting,

"Where is the security?" Judy asked

He didn't say anything just looked at her. Judy helps him to stand up. He stopped taking it and now stares at her,

"The AI is still around... It was waiting for us."

He saw it all again.

"it waited for us to leave before taking the security. He took them by their phones,"

"He killed in front of us. before he tried to come after us... all of them ran to the white house while I ran here," He explained

He touches the envelope, while a voice calls out from behind him.

"He's here,"

They saw his state and yelled out for a medic while he told Judy.

"Give this to Chairwoman Frankie. Judy," He said

The medic came in and went to him while Judy got out of their way, she looked down at the envelope and knew that she needed to go to Frankie urgently,

"He will be alright with you?" Judy asked

The medic looked back, "Yes, Senator he will,"

Judy walked away from them, to the next hallway in thought,

"This is the signed agreement from the president and Congress... Good this will be the start to the end. I hope,"

She bumped into Alex who caught her before she fell. She started at him before saying,

"Alex? Why were you running?"

"I heard all the yelling and decided to check it," Alex answered

He let go of her and Judy held the package in her hand.

"I need to get this to The Chair, willing to follow me?"

"I will follow you,"

Judy and Alex walked down towards Frankie's office, while hearing the thick silence in the hall, Judy felt a chill down her spine and looked around her. Alex noticed and then decided to ask,

"Judy, what's wrong?"

"There are still phones in this capital building, right?" Judy said

"Yes, there is. Do you know something, " Alex inquired of

"The Messenger warned me when I let him in,"

They were almost at the office with Alex looking around them finding no one in the hall with them, it was odd. They walked past one of the doors hearing a large bang come from it, They stopped looking at the door, Alex looked through the window and saw nothing in there.

"Odd, there's nothing," Alex muttered

Judy scanned the window finding nothing and then turned to Alex,

"Your right," Judy muttered

"We should get to her office," Alex said

Alex walked ahead of her with Judy following him but she noticed something. In the corner of her eyes, a figure stood in the room they were staring into. It seemed to have been there longer than she had thought.


She glared at it wondering if it was the figure that Eurus told her about, or if it was the AI through the phones.

"Judy we need to... "

Something shined from it making her turn to it, it faltered only a little before disappearing. Judy stayed there in suspicion, as a hand laid on her shoulder,

"Judy, what has gotten you so frightened?"

Her gaze went to Alex, who seemed concerned,

"Judy, what have you been staring at?" Alex asked

Judy glanced at the window and then answered him,

"I saw something but it was just my mind,"

"I hope it was just my mind," Judy thought

She took Alex's hand off her and walked towards the door, with him pursuing after her,

"Are you sure? you seemed to be starting at something from that room?"Alex asked

He caught up with her, and as she had her hand on the doorknob to Frankie's office, she glanced at him,

"I will be fine Alex. There is a more important matter to attend to,"

Judy opened the door to the room, envelope in the other hand while Alex stood by her. Frankie looked up and saw that it was them,

"Judy, Alex what brings you here?" The Chairwoman asked

"The envelope from Congress and the president,"

Judy gave the note to her and Frankie opened it and found the president's signature on one of them, Frankie glanced up at them,

"Close the door,"

Alex closed the door while Judy went up to her desk, Frankie opened the note and read,

"I have seen your note and what has happened in the Senate, I would say this might be the only option, Chairwoman Frankie Charles, to keep the country together and not pulled apart I will sign off on this but I want to know what happens after,"

Signed by the President of the United States Don J.

Frankie looked at Alex and told him, "You have the yes from the president. Now let's see about Congress,"

Alex nodded while Judy listened to them, Frankie opened the other letter and it said.

"I have seen and have read your note. I agree with this plan. Something must be done quickly with the AI and Congress has no plan on the matter. I have trust in you to have this done Frankie we in Congress will help you if needed,"

It sighed by the speaker of the house. Frederick A.

Frankie had a small smile, before looking at Alex,

"Get the Emp ready Alex, we will see it off in an hour," Frankie told him,

"Yes, Frankie," Alex said

Alex glanced at Judy before leaving, Frankie looked over what she had read, and her gaze went to Judy, who stared off into the window where the sun was rising.

"Judy," Frankie said

Judy didn't move her gaze, but kept it on the window with a shine in them,

"Judy what would you think of this," Franke inquired

"Think of what madam chair?" Judy answered

"Of this time in history... It would be like he said. Would we let this country fall," Frankie said

"You mean the ones who built this land right?" Judy said

"Yes them... What would they think if they saw this?" Frankie spoke

"You want my honest opinion?"

"Of course I do,"

"They knew something like this in a weird way would happen again. That is why we have those documents to uphold... That's why I stayed,"

"You thought of leaving?"

"Once... Once I have yes, but I knew I couldn't, something had to be done about this evil truly," Judy said

"You stayed because of what you have found,"

"That and I would never forgive myself if I left for the next generation to deal with. It would be a shame upon me,"

Frankie saw Judy smile at the window, and asked again,

"Then what you they saw about this situation we find ourselves in?"

"They would first, I would think cuss us out but that is just my mind. Take that with a grain of salt, "

Judy chuckled which didn't amuse Frankie,

"But this is our choice now... We either let the sun fall on a once great and prosperous nation. or when the sun rises it will shine app on the nation once again standing on laws and individual independence. It is up to us and the people to pick which one,"