Chapter 42 It's at Hand

"I have it, Alex,"

One of his staffers got the emp, it was locked in his office until they had the signatures from the Congress and the president. Alex went to them and looked at the emp,

"I believe it should still have enough to work," Alex muttered

He checked the screen seeing that was functional. He looked over at the staffer and told them, "Get this to the Senate chamber,"

They took the emp out of his office towards the Senate chambers, Alex watched them leave before heading to his desk and writing down what he had done.

"We have gotten the approval of the Executive branch and the rest of the Legislative branch. We have it and within the hour, the AI emp will go off. I hope it will work on Herman, I will see to it,"

Sighed Alex Sherman Senator from Tennessee.

He set the note down and leaned back into his chair before a knock came on his door.

"Senator Sherman you will be needed in the chamber,"

Alex got up from his chair taking his bag with him. He opens the door answering "Yes I know I will come with you,"

He smiled walking down the hallway to the Senate chamber, he could hear voices raving back and forth,

"When will we get this over with?"

"You make it sound so lightly? You know this is something no on head to face before,"

"This is a problem that will be solved no matter what happens,"

"No, you are taking the AI as a fool. I suggest that you take this with caution,"

Alex opened the door seeing the Senators stop and stare at him, Alex saw that the EMP was in the process of being set off.

"Nice to see that the arguing stopped," Alex let out,

"Yeah it only took you walking through the door," Lee commented

"How long have they been yelling?" Alex asked

There were still a few talking with each other, some from the same political line but there were a few that talked with each other. Lee noticed that Alex was starting at then and asked.

"They are communicating more than they have before," Lee said

"That they are... It's nice to see it even under what circumstances we have. But,"

Lee stared at him and saw that he turned to his staffer who stopped beside him.

"The Emp is ready,"

"Thank you, Miss Liberta," Alex said

Before he could walk to the middle of the chamber, Frankie walked through the door with Judy behind her. Frankie smiled at the senate and gave them a warm welcome,

"Hello everyone, I apologize for the wait,"

She went to her chair while Judy's gaze scanned the room and walked over to Alex and Lee,

"Lee, Alex, " Judy said

"Judy, how was talking with the Chairwoman?" Lee asked

"It's fine other than some questions," Judy responded

"Good, it's weird it being so calm all of a sudden," Alex spoke

"You're not wrong but let's not get our hopes up. The AI is still around here," Judy said

They turned their gaze to Judy, both having different reactions,

"It's not in one place. Wouldn't the grid being out stop him from moving?" Lee asked

"Was that what you were worried about?" Alex inquire

Judy looked around the room to see if anyone was listening to them, but no one was so she told them.

"The messenger that you same with,"

She pointed at Alex and so Lee understood what she meant,

"He was shaken and he took a while to explain but the AI was in the phones of the security, "

Judy remembered the look in his eyes as he described it to her, as Alex and Lee witnessed in her eyes. They see compassion in them.

"It killed the security in front of him and the other staffers, the staffers went to the white for cover while he ran here," Judy said

Lee frowned thinking of what AI had done to her co-workers while Alex was stoic but still hid his emotion well.

"That is what I know so far," Judy said

"Does Frankie know about this?" Alex asked

Judy saw that one of Frankie's staff was beside her whispering and by the look on her face, the poor guy told them.

"I Believe she knows now," Judy told them.

Frankie looked over the Senate and saw the three of them talking, she hummed before saying, "Let's get this plan away Alex,"

Alex agreed and looked over at the two beside him, Lee gave him thumps while Judy watched him walk to the EMP, Alex pulled a note out of his bag,

"This will be where we take the AI out of the occasion, then take the people who made this happen to pay for their crimes," Alex spoke

Alex looked over the Senate and looked down at his note, before folding it and placing it in his right chest pocket.

"We have been lied to and by that have the people been lied to not by just us in the Senate but in the Congress and the presidential branches. We have had outside organizations infiltrate the branches it will end here. This is where we start standing for what we as individuals know is true."

Alex flipped a switch turning the screen on, it showed a logo before it laid out the Senate building and expanded, and now it showed Virginia, Alex took one last look at the Senate. He saw some uneasy but there was a fire light in some eyes... One that hasn't been seen since twenty, twenty four. Then again that fire took longer than the seventeen seventy six...

"It seen that spirit has found us again," Alex said

He hears a sound coming from the emp. Alex stares down at it and sees that there is a glowing blue dot, it is near the building.

Alex's eyes widened as the dot changed.

"Do you think I wouldn't do anything?"

Herman smiled at Alex while walking around the building. Herman glared at it and scoffed,

"You are lucky I can't get in... Just like the white house," Herman commented

Alex had his hand on the button while starting over at Judy. She started back at him and caught something off in his gaze.

"Something off," Judy muttered

Lee heard her and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Look at Alex,"

Alex was fighting and looked around until he noticed them talking, he muttered something to them,

"I didn't get it," Lee said

"No, but... "

Alex did it again and Judy knew what he meant. Judy touched Lee's shoulder whispering,

"The AI knows. tell Frankie,"

Lee stared at Judy shocked but got up and went to Frankie, Judy slowly got up watching Alex talk with Herman,

"You aren't able to come in here Herman, this will be the last of you," Alex said

"That's what you think, didn't Judy say anything to you?" Herman questioned

Alex stared down at him while Herman's gaze burned at him, it had something dark in it nothing like the creator of Herman wanted.

"She did didn't she?" Herman poked at him,

"She didn't say anything your immoral gigabyte," Alex said

"You can deny it all you want senator. This end me," Herman states

"Alex the button,"

He heard Frankie yell at him and he looked down at the screen seeing another dot shifting in and out. But the button was pressed sending the impact straight to AI and the other dot.

"You don't think that going to work?" Herman mocked

Herman could see a wave of blue coming at him, he could feel himself getting weak but stood there glaring up at Alex,

"You think in that simple mind of yours that I never thought that this might happen?" He questioned

The rules got closer to him only two feet away. Herman glared at him and let out,

"When I get out of this, I will finish my purpose in this life of mine,"

Herman stood watching the pulse go through him. He felt how powerless the pulse made him. He despised it. He felt his vision get blurry as the wave got past him, Herman saw that his legs were torn and it went up to his torso, his upper body was glitching but he stayed. He still lived.

"Do you see now!"

Herman looked up at the screen where Alex still watched him but he had Judy now beside him, her blue eyes glared down at him.

"I wonder if I can break through that screen and slaughter you all?" Herman suggested

He held his leg and felt his body glitch again, he felt himself starting to rebuild. He looked up at them with an irritated stare.

"I will get you all... "

"Good luck with that," Judy told him

"I have it all in my hands you damn human," Herman seethed

Herman looked himself over, it seemed as if nothing had happened to him.

"You don't have much to live do you?" Herman said

Herman raised his hand and the screen glitched, Alex moved away while Judy stood there waiting for what he had planned but a bright light came from the emp,

Herman looked at the bright shine and saw a portal opening,

"You can make a portal go into the web?" Shai mumbled

She walked onto a floor of some sort with the voice calling out from behind her,

"Your calling is now at hand. Now it's time to see if you can take it."