Chapter 56 Explaine

"They will make anger in our society and blame it on us," Judy let out,

"That is in their deck of card, but it's unlikely." The figure answered 

The figure sat beside Eurus talking with the senators about the higher ups, more of the woman who has had a grip on that company since its creation. The figure knew of their tactics and warned them of it, causing them to question him on their agenda for the worlds, some would say relams. That went against their goal.

"That can be one of stunts they might pull. that seems to be the better one out of it for us,"

Judy stared at the phone perplexed, this wasn't the first time she had dealt with this kind of people. She turned to Alex and Lee saw their expressions, Alex was stunned at first but thought on a it, Judy noticed a shine in his eyes, resolve. He's been in this fight before with her, Lee took it like they have but with better determination. She has been helping them with the trials of Max's Klaus and Yuval Bates. She has seen what they have done, the thing they have dont in the dark, its as if they are back in the chambers again. they've seen what layed behind the curtain and it sounds just like this. Lee looked at the phone and asked, 

"These are the same undermined tactics that the open for the world found have done." 

"I wouldn't be shocked. There of the same cloth. This heads have been here for a long time watching the brightest and darkest of humanity from the shadows, waiting for one of their workers to finish their job, deciding what to do with that world after some talking,"

"That means there deciding what to do with ours," 

"Yes, but they seem to be stopped by Shai, this is our time to think of a way to stop them,"

Judy glanced at them, the shared the same sentimental stare they had before walking into the chamber that day the AI was defeated. It was one of the major concerns. Not just for them but the world as a whole, 

"Do you have any ideas?"

"I do. The people who help Shai with her weapon could help in this endeavor," 

Judy didnt know who helped her, she heard of the battle from Herman not who helped her.

"Who helped Shai?" 

"They're in you mythology books, you should know them as deities but wity my job i know them as acquaintances," 

"You mean they stories that we know in mythology are your coworkers?" 

Eurus and the figure looked at each other the figure pointed at the phone, Eurus shrugged and told him, 

"Say what want to say, figure," 

The figure looked back at the phone, if there where to know then maybe they can stop them from growing closer to power. The figuer hummed and then said,

"They are in some way. However, there are more of contracted coworkers," 

Judy remembered the book Shai was reading a few months back, the greek deities were the ones helping her with that gun? This is strange and so trying for Shai, that is weight on her that she didnt deserve to have. But that dodnt matter. Shai How could you hold so much weight in her hands and not falter. Alex let out a huff and placed his hand on his head, this is weird for them and they work in a peculiar job already.

"You're not joking, are you?" 

"I'm very serious about this senator Sherman," 

Alex froze in his seat and moved his hand away, he stared at the phone unsettled, but he's intrigued. He must know more then them. Alex held his hand out for the phone and Judy hands it over to him,

"You know a lot about this world, dont you?" 

"I do. I'm the one who has watched over it for centenaries," 

"Then you believe that she can fix this?" 

The figure didn't expected that. He felt pull in his chest. He knew that she would change it the moment he saw her picture when they handed it to him, but he didn't think it would be this broad. He didn't know how they would react to her victory, but she had done it, and no one can change that. 

"I believe she will be the one of them, That will help this world," 


"Do you think Gorge Washington was the only one in the revolutionary war?" 

They got quite so much they can only hear there breathing, It was over whelming hear that. Alex looked at Judy and Lee shocked, Lee felt stunned at what he said it's deafening. Judy felt her stunned, that is slmthing they dont hear much about anymore. Its sad. How could he compare those two situations, the figure waited for them but felt Eurus nudg his side, the figure lookes at Eurus and he pointed at the hallway, The figure looked and saw Shai staring at them with uncertainty. The figure pointed at the phone and Shai walked to them with her weapon on her side shaking. 

"I'm not like that figure," 

The figure stared at her stoftly and tells her,

"No, you are not him. But the spirit of what was is still around, is it not?" 

"What do you mean?" 

The figure cleared his throat and said, 

"The ideals of one generation stays and but hide to watch, when the time is right it appears again, and i believe for this world it has appeared again. You are a part of it, Shai, just like Judy, Alex, and Lee," 

"How can you be so sure of this?" Alex asked 

The figure looked at them and saw how they stared at him, they are curious. That is not what he expected,

"Because i have seen it before," 

"They will retaliate. You must be cautious Judy, I'm not sure what they will do," 

"We will figuer, but I'm not sure how this will go, think you can watched over them for me. Thank you,"

"I would have done,"

The figure stopped hearing the call end upruptedly. The figure gave the phone to Eurus and turned to Shai, she stood beside him and noticed that the figuer is worried.

"This is only the beginning, Shai," 

"I know," 

"Then you must heal and then get the deities," 

"Sounds like a plan figuer,"

Shai pats her weapon and It reacted, shaking at her touch, and the figuer stared at it realizing what it could mean, saying, 

"It's not warning you of anything, right?" 

Shai looked down at it, it wasn't glowing. Shai has a confused look on her face and stared back at him,

"No, it's not a warning. It's a message," 

"What message?" Eurus asked 

Shai didnt know. She held the weapon for four weeks it wasn't enough to know what its trying say, but she had a feeling, an instinct that's telling her this and she went with it. The weapon kept shaking, trying to tell her somthing. But it stopped abruptly. The figure stared at it intreged.

"I want to talk to them first," 

The figure puts his hand on her shoulder and continued,

"But if that doesn't work you will have to talk to them, I'm sure Ares will join along with Athena, but Zeus and Hermes is a whole diferent thing in its self," 

The figuer stopped and Shai placed her hand on his, taking his hands off her shoulder, he looked at her and she noticed how serious his expression is. She knew the pressure of seeing them . Shai thought on how to get them on board,but she didnt notice the weapon glowing on her side, but Eurus did observing it glow, He grew cautious of it and told her,

"Shai, your weapon is glowing," 

Shai looked at it seeing that it wasn't glowing. She glanced at Eurus who told her again it was gloing, he looked genuine about the weapon. Eurus stares at the weapon bewildered. He pointed at it

"It was glowing." 

"I think you're right, Eurus. You wouldn't lie about this," Shai said 

The figure looked at them, noticed it glowing again. Eurus is right, that meant the weapon has already warned them, that quite odd. Convenient but odd, the figure looked back at the weapon, 

"The weapon already warned them of our problem," the figure let out

"It could do that?" Eurus asked 

"It's the only thing that i could think of the weapon glowing for," the figure responded 

"This might be something else?" 

"It might. This weapon has not been seen for centuries. The last user is long dead. no one knows of them ether,"

Shai stared at the weapon, it had a light shine before disappearing from her side, She muttered under her breath catching the attention of the figure and Eurus, they noticed that it was gone, Eurus stood up looking at Shai's side. 

"It decided to disappear?" 

"Yes, it does that, but it will show up when needed," Shai let out, 

The figuer want to say something but a knock interpreted him, it came from one of the door in the hallway, The figuer, Shai and Eurus looked down the hallway, The figure walked past Shai moving her behind him and took a step towards the door, he glanced at her, saying, 

"If this is them, i want you to leave,"

Another knock came from the door, The figure walked to the door with Shai and Eurus close behind him, the figure stopped at the door looking behind him seeing that they both didn't listen to him. He let out a frustrated sigh and opened the door, 

"You took your sweet time getting to that door,"