Chapter 57 Situation

"You decided to let yourself in?" 

The other figure leans on the door frame, looking at his hands, while the figure is trying to talk to him. The other figure stood up and said,

"Look, figure, I just wanted to check on the two of you,"

"You couldn't go through the front door or the way I appear, through the portal system,"

"Well, there, buddy, there's a problem with that..."

"What could that be?"

"Figuer, there watching the system now."

The figure stood there stunned, they'd gotten to the portals. That means they might know of their whereabouts. The figure moved closer to him, asking,

"How long have they been watching?"

"Six hours, they have you being watched, but me on the other hand, they don't, so I decided to tell you before you make a portal," 

The figure placed his hand under his chin, If this didn't happen, they had known he lied to them before leaving. The other figure doing this helped him greatly. He guessed that he would have to thank him. No, not here.

"You don't have to thank me, I only want to see if Shai doing better,"

The other figure tried to move around the figure, but stopped when he heard the figure mutter under his breath, The other figure smiled a bit and patted his shoulder,

"Don't worry about it, but it's faltering that you would do that for me,"

The other figure grins at him walking away. The figure huffed, glared at his form, and then drifted his thoughts to the situation they had; Shai and Eurus stood there watching their back-and-forth bickering. Shai saw the other figure walk to her with his arms open, wanting a hug from her,

"Shai sweetheart, how are you?"

The figure waited for Shai to hug him and waited some more; he opened his eyes and saw that Shai was there glaring at him. OK, she didn't want a hu.

"I'm better figure," 

She hugged him wrapping her arms around him. The other figure smiled at this, wrapping his arms around her, with his head on hers, Shai smiled into his chest tightened her grip on him and he noticed that,

"You meet the lady in charge?"

"She seems like a fine antagonist." Shai scoffed 

The other figher chuckled at her quick remark. He laid his cheek on her head, glancing at Eurus, he stared at Eurus and wounder, he's been helping her right?

"He's been watching over ya?" 

"Eurus has been looking after me. Worried about something?" 

The other figure noticed that Eurus is listening to them and glared at him, ge looked back at Shai, 

"No, i just wanted to make sure you are ok," 

The other figeur pulled away but still held onto her arms, and said, 

"I know he helped you thought it, Shai, but i also know that you have been healing. How has it been going?"

Shai pulled away from him, and the other figuer noticed that the scars she got from the artificial intelligence, were gone. She healed quite fast for a human. But the meaning of the scares runs deep might be true still. The other figure smiled at Eurus behind her,

"Nice to see you again buddy, how have you been?"

Eurus stared at him, unimpressed. The other figuer waves at him, Eurus kept staring at him still, questioning what he what he might know. The figure glanced at Shai, she glanced at the two exacerbated. The other figuer muttered to her,

"Did I offend him?"

"You did talk about him while he was behind me. Yeah, you did," Shai said

The other figure turned back to him and walked up to him, he let out a shameless chuckle and smiles at him,

"I didn't mean anything by it, Eurus, but I want to know from her that she's protected,"

The other figure held out his hand for him to shake, Eurus looked at him the same and thought,

"If that's all he wanted, it wouldn't be a shame to shake his hand. But did he came here to check on her. He has more to tell us?"

Eurus took his hand and shook the figuers hand the other figure let out a breath of relief. He didnt have to send him to anothor dimensions. Eurus pulled the other figure close to him and let out,

"There's more to this then what you have already said, isn't it?"

The other figuer stared at the young man impressed by how aware he was. There was a reason he worked with him... other than stopping the artificial intelligence, but that was then. You know, a couple of weeks ago.

"You have a good intuition, Eurus."

The other figure let go of Eurus and looked over his shoulder, sencing an agitated presence behind him. He the figure behind him, the figure looked at him knowing what have been in placed. The other figure has a sheepish smile,

"You have been thinking of what they have done?"

"You have warned us before they can close off this world portal,"

The room got quiet, the figure staring at his co... no friend. He couldn't believe they would act this harshly. They haven't acted like this before, the other figure went to the couch taking a seat,

"You will all need to sit down for this,"

The figuer followed sitting in front of him with an overwhelming sense of conviction, Shai observed them felt a new feeling in her chest. As if its a weight. She felt breathless and wanted to say but is cut off,

"That bad?"

The other figure gaze went to Eurus, his eyes told Eurus all he needed to know. He sat down, Shai huffed and went to the coach taking a seat next to the figuer,

"They have closed off the portal until further notice. That was a direct order from the ceo, i was lucky enough to leave before it happened,"

"They have them locking it down and watched the system to see if any of their workers leave?" Shai asked

"That is what they have placed so far. There was another meeting about this and also you, Shai,"

"Cause i told her to fuck off?"

"Yeah, she wasn't happy about that, but no, They fear what you hold more than your words. She was still steaming about it thought," the other figure explained

"That is why you came through that room. Before they sent them to turn off the portal, you made the last effort not to be seen by them. You went manual," the figure spoke

"Once again you are right figuer ten points," the other figure joked

 The figure glared at him, making the other figuer stopped, he looked at him and got serious very qwickly, Shai felt a shiver go down her spine. She has only seen him like that once, and that was at the table with Zeus.

"It went as well as i thought, only a couple of cuts, but they are watching over this world, not even the contacted can make one."

The figuers eyes widden, they told the deities to stay put and they listened? The figure knew how stubborn they are when they got orders from her, Zeus appeared in a meeting just to talk to her. He remembers how pissed she was after that. The figure let out a chuckle and the other figure caught it,

"You remembering the interruption to aren't you?"

The figure nods. He didn't care for her harsh words, only her actions that stuck to him. The figure saw the curious stares of Shai and Eurus,

"It has happened before, one of their leaders had visited the woman figuer during a meeting. As you can believe, she wasn't thrilled about that," the figure explained

The other figure was laughing under his breath with the woman figuers expression in his mind, Shai stared at the two and thought,

"When did they have to listen to them? Isn't written in there contract,"

Shai stoped hearing the other figure clear his thoat, he is looked at her like he read her thoughts. He had a soft smile on his face under his cloak,

"The deities don't like listening to her so much," the figure said

"They didn't like her to begin with, but if they wanted to, they could ignore the details," the other figure told them

Shai stared at him confused. If they could ignore what they have aggreed apoun, they should be able to help come up with her. Maybe they have already.

"We still have no way to reach them, even if they turn on the portal again, they could watch us in live time."

"If we had a someone hack into them, would that work?" Eurus asked

The figure stared at him intrigue. That could be possible, but there system is far more superior than the systems here. That wouldn't work they would know.

"There system are far superior, your system won't be able to get throught, might even destroy your computers,"

Eurus huffed and glanced at Shai. She stared at het hand with her eyes looking off.But he noticed the weapon at her side.


Shai looked up at him along with the figuers. He pointed at her side and said,

"Why not the weapon?"