Chapter 68 Odd illness

"The figure you seen around the building is like them," 

Judy explain now having a chair of her own, they have been in there for more then an hour talking about the figures, they're intreged by what they telled them so far, entitiys network hijacks the governments across the galaxy, sounds like a over dreamed about novel, Judy sighed, ahe wished shes home reading a good book with a cup pf tea in her hands, maybe with Claire or Eurus with her watchimg anime or for Claire scaning over the internet looking somthing for her, our somthing she like along with Shai, mythology.

"You know these beings Judy for two years,"


"Yes, i have, and they have only gotten mush closer to me and Eurus. There, like old friends that bother to call once a year," 

Lee chuckled at how she explained it, like an old friend was putting it well, John still under the belief that what Judy told him was untrue, how could this be real, human figure walking around for centuries hiding the middle until they had to change the flow of its world, when he saw the videos and photos, it starts to become clear to him only a little he still have some awnsers, 

"Do they want to kill us?" 

Lee asked her and Judy stopped sinking into her chair sitting up staring into her blue ones, Lee was fright by the idea of them wanting to kill them like Herman, look what that did to them hiding for years behind them in the dark. Judy know what Eurus told her it would if they get there way kill them, the odds of that with them actively working against them it wouldn't work, she hoped. 

"Not at first, no,"

"They could kill us?" John asked

"At first no, but after they find out who know about them, yeah, they'll come after us," 

 "Does the rest of the senate know," Alex inquired 

"They have no clue. The only ones who know are us and my family, then my guest," 

"But they still know of the sitting," 

"Yes, just not what I've told you, they have no idea of my relations it the other figure or what they are here for and how long, they see them as odd beings on a video screen, like we have on media," 

"It's unbelievable. Why would they listen to this,"

"Im not sure of that," 

Alex interrupted, sitting in his chair, and his gaze stared at them, his intense gaze told them all they needed, he's concerned but determined. 

"Have you thought about bringing this up with Frankie?" 

They looked at Judy, stunned, and let out, "I haven't thought of it yet, but to get her aware of this would help," 

"You should tell her, then we can go through there," 

"That wouldn't be a bad idea, and then if the word goes through there,"

"I just tell her what I've told you,"

"Yes, as you do that, we gather more of these figures," 

Alex told her, standing up from his chair. He looked to be thinking deeply while staring at her, Judy knowing what he was thinking, and he said it for him, 

"You want me to bring the figures here," 

John stared at them conflicted they want those beings here, Lees stunned at what they suggested bit thought about it, its not a bad idea only if Judy could convince them that is, Judy stood there questioning in her mind how to get the figures to agree with her and then go here, 

"Alex, you know this can be a risk,"

"I recognize that, but if you could get them here if they don't believe you, that would be the last option," 

Judy went to say but stopped, he's right they didn't believe her before until it stood in front of them, even at that it had to shut down the contrary before they got serious, She heard one of them clear there throat, Judy looked to John who looked at her and said, 

"We still have other things to descuse," 

"Right ith all this, i forgot what it was about," 

"Over spending," 

"That makes sense," 

"Why would they want the people to know this," 

"Because it's their money," 

"That's what the people believe not who runs it," 

Judy listened to them talking about the money ithue but her mind rested on the figure, how would they react to this, would the agree with her or they wouldn't excepted it, she couldn't go to Shai the way she is, for now wait until she went home, it won't be until thuersday night. at that she wouldn't know if it would happen if it would work, it would be up to Shai then. 

A shiver went down Shais spine, someone talking about her or thinking of her. She placed down her cup, staring at the wall in front of her, towards a certain direction. She went to sit up, but Eurus, next to her, stopped her. He glanced at her from his phone, asking, 

"What the matter?" 

"I have an off feeling,"


"Someone talking about me or at least thinking of me," 

"That's weird some kind of second sense," 

"I guess," 

Shai laid back down, letting out a quick sigh, Eurus pulled her blanket around her and then looked back at his phone, seeing a text from his aunt. She needed something? Eurus pressed on the message, accidentally making it appear as a hologram in front of Shai. Eurus shocked, tired to turn it off, but Shai saw it, reading it, 

"Eurus, something happened at work won't be there until Thursday, but I have to talk with you and Shai when I get there,"

Shai looked at Eurus, and he's just as confused as her. They stared at each other bewildered, Eurus took down the hologram muttering under his breath, 

"It could be anything from the government collapsing or there aliens, pick one," 

"I would go with aliens, but the government collapsing doesn't sound good either," 

A voice from behind Shai said, they turned to him and saw that Hermes behind her holding a sandwich in his hand offering it to Shai, she stared between the to cautiously, Hermes has a calm smile saying. 

"You can have it. i didn't want it anyways," 

Shai grabbed it, taking it from him, Hermes looked at Eurus his eyes held something mischievous in them, Eurus held back a shiver as Hermes flew to him and said,

"Eurus, you seem to be taking care of her. Did something happen?" 

Hermes stopped next to him, staring down at him, he's worried, but he was more curious, she fine when talking to them before, but after, she looked like she got sick. That didn't happen normally, but it's not the first time a human has been there. Eurus glanced at Shai a bit frightened by his appearance, but he noticed how tired she looked and knew he had to deal with Hermes for a while. 

"It did. She got through the portal fine, but after she started to get cold, her shivering none stop until she fainted," 

Hermes tried to hide how aghast he was, but Eurus noticed his eye twitch only slightly. He knew why it happened to Shai. Eurus stared Hermes in the eyes about to ask when Shai interrupted him, 

"Hermes, why are you here? How did you get here?"

Hermes smiles at her and drifts to her leaning on the bedboard staring down at her amused, 

"They didn't call me a messenger for no reason, Shai," 

Shai let out an exasperated sigh and said,

"That didn't answer my question," 

"It wasn't supposed to," 

"Then it should. Is it your shoes that brought you here?" 

"They are a part of it but not the reason," 

"You got here through what coming through the world until you made it here?" 

"Kind of it was both me and the shoes as you can see,"

Hermes pulled off his helmet having leaves and some sticks come out of it, Shai let out a bundle of laughs catching some of it, Eurus watched them from behind Hermes saw it fall out of his hair, he was acting odd. last time, he knew what he was doing. This time, he was uncertain. 

"You're hiding something, aren't you,"

Hermes turned to him confused, 

"What do you mean?" 

"When you asked me if Shais alright, you tried to hide something," 

Hermes stared at him bewildered and glanced at Shai. She stared back at him, interested in what Eurus was saying. This was going to be harder than he thought. Hermes turned to him, letting out a huff, 

"You caught on to that quick Eurus, I would be impressed if I hadn't seen it before," 

Hermes strolled around the room nonchalantly when he found a chair. He pulled out, sitting on it backward. He stared at Shai and said 

"Shai, you getting sick was unpredictable," 

"It was?"

"No human except you has been through the portal system, it affected you this time, but last time it wasn't, i believe it's your weapon,"