"That's why you came here?"
Shai sat up from her bed with Eurus next to her, helping her up, Hermes watched them see how weaken Shai was. It must have been from the journey back. He glanced at her side, thinking that it would be there, it wasnt but Shai practically glowed in his eyes.
"Yeah, i thought something was wrong after you left, and im right,"
He stopped floating, planting his feet on the ground, Hermes walked to the bed, but seeing Eurus glare at him was amusing. He glanced at her, noticing how pale shes gotten how she trembled trying to stay up, Hermes softened at Shais state standing next to her,
"You're taking so much stress. It's going to wear you down,"
Hermes covered her in the blankte, glancing at her waist, nothing. It's still affecting her.
"It's the weapon you said?"
"Its apart of it, not the whole reason,"
"Then why do i feel so weak?"
"What have you been thought, Shai?"
Shai opened her mouth to say that it was nothing. What she did would have been done done other way, but that isn't true. Hermes smiled down at her with a little chuckle and said,
"What you did is particular, Shai. i dont think it will be repeated,"
"I dont know, avout that there could be someone else like me,"
"Maybe in another time, Shai, but this is unmatched,"
Shai glared at Hermes bashfuly with her huffung turing away from him, Hermes stiffled a laugh when Eurus asked him,
"How long do you think this will affect her?"
Hermes peered at him but set his gaze back to Shai. He saw her breathing softly with her snugling into her blanket, trying to stay warm,
"More than a week, even at that im not sure,"
"Have you seen this before Hermes?"
"I have seen the sick, but this is different, so no,"
"Do i just treat her like i have, rest eat and not worry?"
"There isnt anothor choise is there?"
Hermes asked him, he moved uis head giveing a grin to him,
"Youer just have to keep an eye on her,"
"And what will you be doing?"
Hermes eyes draken, glancing at the young man again.
"Getting ready for the raid, i do have some time to he help you with her thoughts,"
Eurus stared at him scepticly while Hermes gave him a seemingly sweet smile,
"If you ask nicely,"
Hermes mockingly said, lifting up his hand in a peace sign, Eurus doubting his being genuine, and Hermes hummed, saying,
"Well, do you want my help?"
Eurus stared at him thinking, if he could help Shai, then why wouldn't he ask? Eurus went to plead with him but stopped hearing a soft voice coming from the bed,
"You two work together. That a hazard waiting to happen,"
They turned to her, glared at her, and at the same time asked her, "What dose that mean,"
They looked at each other Eurus infuriated, and Hermes sort of amused but bothered by it, Shai sighed, looked at them over the blanket,
"Already working with the same mind,"
"That's not helping, Shai,"
Shai laughed, holding onto the blanket, Eurus scowled at her, crossing his arm and mumbling under his earth about not being like him. He's not anything. Hermes glanced at him but smiled nonetheless, just hearing her laugh in the state she in warmed his golden heart, that blood that went thought his heart agreed, helping her is needed before shes ready to help them.
"Are you thirsty?"
Hermes peered at Eurus and saw that his blue eyes are on him already, they had the same thought in mind help her, these two are caught up in each other's thoughts to hear Claire came in, she opened the door holding a glass of electro light water, she looked at Eurus first then at Hermes, she froze when there eyes land to each other, this is what it feels like to be to stunned to move. Eurus turned to where Hermes is looking and saw Claire frozen staring at them cautiously,
"Claire, he's a friend… I guess,"
Claire peered at Eurus if he said it might not be too terrible. Claire looked back at Hermes when information on him started to pop up around him, articles and her AI system, she read through a small bit, Hermes glanced and found him following Claire's gaze, she must have been reading about him, how splendid must be an AI of sorts. Hermes waved his hand to get her attention, Claire didn't look at him reading what popped up, Hermes glanced at Eurus, asking,
"Does she do this often,"
"Not recently,"
Eurus walked to her and asked her, "What's wrong?"
"You're aware that a deity is in Shais room?
"Yes i am,"
"He's not threat,"
"Hes not,"
"I could be,"
Eurus glared at him before turning back to her, Hermes gave him a sly grin and then glanced at Claire. She must have read about him. He let out a chuckle. He is pretty popular. Eurus could see the pride coming off him. Eurus scoffed as Claire asked something from behind him,
"You were the ones they went to talk with?"
"I'm one of them, yeah,"
"Did you agree,"
"We came with a deal,"
Hermes glanced at Shai, finding her asleep, laying on her back with her hand clenched on her chest, her feathers softening with her eyes twitching ever so softly, Hermes muttered to them,
"Be cautious of how load you get she's resting,"
They looked to the side, seeing what Hermes did. She's resting now, good. She must have gotten tired of their endless bickering. Claire walked past Eurus and stood next to Hermes staring at him,
"You are going to help her?"
"I will,"
"Take her home. That is what she wants. Would you help her with that after what she will do for you,"
Hermes stared down at her sort of shocked, she went for it, without hesitant with who shes asking.
"Straight for the throat not a good choice when talking with me, much less someone who can make you gone,"
Eurus froze at his words, staring between the two, Hermes scowled down at her looming over her. Claire smiled at him brightly and saw how's his trying to intimate her. It wouldn't work. Claire had more to care about than pissing off a dittie,
"You won't because I'm with her and she with me, you wouldn't want to anger Shai, would you?"
They stared at each other when Hermes laughed nodding at her, Claire smiled at this moving past him setting the watter on the bedside table, she looked at Shais sleeping form, shes fine, heart rate, breathing, its normal. Claire hummed, turning away from her to Hermes and Eurus looking at her,
"Do you have anything to help her?" Hermes asked
Claire confused, let out, "What do you mean,"
"She's sick, isn't she? Had you gotten anything from a herbalist,
"No, we have something different,"
"How different,"
"Hospitals are where you go when you're sick, but she's not that far off. A pharmacy could help up with medication, but you could also get a doctor over the phone,"
Hermes flabbergasted looked at Claire with his head tilted,
"I have no clue what you're talking about, but if that place the..."
"Pharmacy," Eurus interrupted
"Yes, thank you. It seems that you were that dull,"
Eurus headshot to him, annoyed. He's dull. At least he knew what Claire's talking about, this time. Eurus huffed, looking away from Hermes with his nose scrunched, Hermes giggled, hearing what Claire said next,
"She hasn't gotten any medications. We dont know what she has,"
"She's shivering. Does she have a fever?"
Claire placed her wrist over Shai's four head. She's warm but not terrible. He might be right. She has to have some medication to help her get rid of this,
"Eurus, get them,"
"I have to get it?"
"It's for Shai. If you dont, i will tell her how you watched over her with a love..."
"Fine, im going,"
Eurus hurriedly say rushing to the door Hermes could almost burst into laughter but Claire stopped,
"Can watch her while i get get the air conditioning to start,"
"Hermes blink blankly at her and then let out, "Sure, i could do that,"
Hermes flew to the chair sitting on it leaning it on his back with his feet on the bed, Claire peered at him worried that he would wake Shai, but she move to her side still alseep, Claire pulled the house in a holograp tapping on the room with the sybols of what in it, she turned it on just as Eurus walked into the room with some of the medicathon,
"I got something for her fever, her shiveing i got a heated blanket if it happens again,"
Hereas open his eyes staring at him, why dose he have to interrupt my wish time to fake slumber, he stopped, somthings off. Hermes glanced at Shais hip, seeing the fade from the weapon,